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30-03-2019 | ORIGINAL PAPER

Validation of a Scale for Assessing Social Validity in Mindfulness-Based Educational Programs

Auteurs: Luis López-González, David Herrero-Fernández, Alberto Amutio, Txemi Santamaría, William Van Gordon

Gepubliceerd in: Mindfulness | Uitgave 9/2019

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Social validity (SV) is a concept used in intervention research and is concerned with the overall acceptability, relevance, and utility of an intervention to all intervention stakeholders. SV not only takes into account efficacy in respect of the pre-defined study outcomes, but also participants’ perceptions of the intervention as well as the wider social context in which it will be applied. There are a growing number of mindfulness-based educational programs (MBEPs) being empirically evaluated and implemented in educational settings. However, due to a lack of scientifically validated instruments that can assess SV in MBEPs, a systematic evaluation of SV in such programs has not been undertaken to date. The aim of this study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the Social Validity Scale of Mindfulness-Based Programs for Adolescents (Escala de Validez Social de Programas de Mindfulness para Adolescentes—EVSPM-A), composed of 20 items.


The sample comprised 512 compulsory secondary education and high school students (mean age = 14.5; SD = 1.57) from three Spanish educational centers that had completed an MBEP known as the TREVA Program.


The final version of the scale showed good psychometric properties and factor analyses yielded five factors: global impact-satisfaction, acceptance and viability, individual perceived effectiveness, perceived classroom climate; training feasibility, and applicability of techniques.


The EVSPM-A appears to be a suitable means of assessing SV in MBEPs delivered to adolescents. Using the EVSPM-A to evaluate SV can help improve the implementation and long-term efficacy of MBEPs.
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Validation of a Scale for Assessing Social Validity in Mindfulness-Based Educational Programs
Luis López-González
David Herrero-Fernández
Alberto Amutio
Txemi Santamaría
William Van Gordon
Springer US
Gepubliceerd in
Mindfulness / Uitgave 9/2019
Print ISSN: 1868-8527
Elektronisch ISSN: 1868-8535

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