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26-07-2024 | Review

Thinking about numbers in different tongues: An overview of the influences of multilingualism on numerical and mathematical competencies

Auteurs: Christine Schiltz, Rémy Lachelin, Vera Hilger, Mila Marinova

Gepubliceerd in: Psychological Research | Uitgave 8/2024

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In an increasingly multilingual and multicultural world, understanding the interactions between language and mathematics is critical, especially when individuals must acquire and exercise their mathematical competencies in multiple languages. Indeed, research shows that, overall, L2 language learners are at an academic disadvantage compared to their L1 peers. The current article briefly overviews how multilingualism influences basic and advanced mathematical skills and interacts with mathematical learning difficulties. We first outline the traditional cognitive models of number learning and language processing. We then discuss the particularities of multilingualism and how it impacts numerical skills such as counting and building lexical-semantic associations, transcoding and arithmetic, mathematical word problems and mathematical performance tests, and dyscalculia diagnosis. We end this review by outlining challenges, recommendations, and solutions for multilingual educational settings. The article is intended as a guide for numerical cognition researchers who work with diverse populations and for mathematics educators and educational policy-makers facing the challenges of a multilingual classroom.
We use the terms L2-speaker and L2-learner interchangeably to refer to individuals for whom the language of instruction is not their native tongue.
Because of the versatility of the definitions, in the current article, bilingualism and multilingualism are used interchangeably.
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Thinking about numbers in different tongues: An overview of the influences of multilingualism on numerical and mathematical competencies
Christine Schiltz
Rémy Lachelin
Vera Hilger
Mila Marinova
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Gepubliceerd in
Psychological Research / Uitgave 8/2024
Print ISSN: 0340-0727
Elektronisch ISSN: 1430-2772