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03-11-2016 | Empirical Research

The Role of Perceived Stress and Self-Efficacy in Young People’s Life Satisfaction: A Longitudinal Study

Auteurs: Kaspar Burger, Robin Samuel

Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Youth and Adolescence | Uitgave 1/2017

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Life satisfaction is an important indicator of successful development. However, adolescents’ life satisfaction tends to be relatively unsteady, and environmental influences play a critical role in shaping life satisfaction among adolescents in the transition to young adulthood. Given the paramount importance that education plays in adolescents’ lives, adolescents’ life satisfaction may vary as a function of school-related stress experience. At the same time, coping resources may help reduce adverse effects of stress on life satisfaction. With this in mind, we examined whether, and to what extent, perceived stress in education and general self-efficacy (a resource that facilitates coping) affect the life satisfaction of adolescents in transition to young adulthood. We distinguished between baseline levels of stress and self-efficacy and within-person change in stress and self-efficacy to determine whether life satisfaction is sensitive to fluctuations in stress and self-efficacy when person-specific levels of stress and self-efficacy are taken into account. Estimating growth curve models on data from a panel study on the life trajectories of compulsory-school leavers (n = 5126, 55.3 % female), we found that baseline levels of stress and self-efficacy, as well as within-person change in stress and self-efficacy, affected adolescents’ life satisfaction. Moreover, our results showed that baseline self-efficacy mitigated the negative effect of baseline stress on life satisfaction. These findings improve our understanding of two major psychological determinants of adolescents’ life satisfaction and extend our knowledge of life satisfaction trajectories during the transition to young adulthood.
On the distinction between social resources (including social support and networks) and personal resources (including mental health, skills and personal traits), see, for instance, Hobfoll (2002).
The Swiss youth panel study “TREE” has been running since 2000 and is mainly funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (distribution: Data service, FORS, Lausanne).
Theoretically, the correlation between perceived stress and self-efficacy could constitute a multicollinearity problem in multivariate analyses with life satisfaction as the outcome variable. However, we calculated variance inflation factor (VIF) scores for baseline stress, baseline self-efficacy, change in stress, and change in self-efficacy, which turned out to be 1.24, 1.20, 1.03, and 1.04. By even the most conservative standards, this does not indicate a problem, even more so as we ran our analyses on a comparably large sample. Even if there were a problem with multicollinearity, it would be associated with inflated standard errors and erroneous p-values, which would lead us to mistakenly not reject the null-hypothesis on the related coefficients. In other words, we would run the risk of not detecting statistically significant effects.
The sample mean of baseline self-efficacy is 2.99 points. A baseline self-efficacy level of 3.53 points deviates from the sample mean by 0.54 points. Given that 0.442 points correspond to 1 standard deviation, 0.54 points equal a 1.22 standard deviation.
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The Role of Perceived Stress and Self-Efficacy in Young People’s Life Satisfaction: A Longitudinal Study
Kaspar Burger
Robin Samuel
Springer US
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Journal of Youth and Adolescence / Uitgave 1/2017
Print ISSN: 0047-2891
Elektronisch ISSN: 1573-6601

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