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01-10-2006 | Original Paper

The Moral Judgment of Juvenile Delinquents: A Meta-Analysis

Auteurs: Geert Jan Stams, Daniel Brugman, Maja Deković, Lenny van Rosmalen, Peter van der Laan, John C. Gibbs

Gepubliceerd in: Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology | Uitgave 5/2006

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A meta-analysis of 50 studies was conducted to investigate whether juvenile delinquents use lower levels of moral judgment than their nondelinquent age-mates and, if so, what factors may influence or moderate the developmental delay. The results show a lower stage of moral judgment for juvenile delinquents (d=.76). Effect sizes were large for comparisons involving male offenders, late adolescents, delinquents with low intelligence, and incarcerated delinquents. The largest effect sizes were found for period of incarceration and comparisons involving juvenile delinquents with psychopathic disorder. Production instead of recognition measures, dilemma-free assessment methods, and non-blind scoring procedures yielded relatively large effect sizes, whereas effect sizes were medium for comparisons involving delinquents with average intelligence, non-incarcerated delinquents, female offenders, as well as early and middle adolescents. Psychopathic disorder and institutionalization were identified as unique moderators of the link between moral judgment and juvenile delinquency. It is concluded that developmentally delayed moral judgment is strongly associated with juvenile delinquency, even after controlling for socioeconomic status, gender, age and intelligence.
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The Moral Judgment of Juvenile Delinquents: A Meta-Analysis
Geert Jan Stams
Daniel Brugman
Maja Deković
Lenny van Rosmalen
Peter van der Laan
John C. Gibbs
Gepubliceerd in
Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology / Uitgave 5/2006
Print ISSN: 2730-7166
Elektronisch ISSN: 2730-7174

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