Perceived pressure to perform arises from both internal (i.e., heightened levels of state and personal performance expectations) and external factors (i.e., social evaluation and monetary rewards) and can be reliably indicated from the level and direction of anxiety associated with that same performance (e.g., state anxiety) (Gucciardi, Longbottom, Jackson, & Dimmock,
2010). The effect that this pressure has on sensorimotor performance has attracted significant research interest across domains ranging from surgery (e.g. Malhotra, Poolton, Wilson, Ngo, & Masters,
2012) to sport (e.g. Hardy, Beattie, & Woodman,
2007). In sport, the impairment of motor skills under pressure is termed ‘choking’ and defined as suboptimal performance in a situation of personal importance with strong incentives for accomplishment (Baumeister,
1984). However, detailed investigations into exactly which components of motor control are affected by pressure have yet to be fully explored (Lawrence, Khan, & Hardy,
2012b). Thus, the present study investigated how both the planning and control of movement change as a result of performance pressure.
Masters’ (
1992) reinvestment theory, or conscious processing hypothesis (CPH), has gained significant research interest (e.g. Mullen & Hardy,
2000; Mullen, Hardy, & Tattersall,
2005) and states that pressure increases state anxiety and self-awareness about performing the skill successfully. This, in turn, causes performers to ‘reinvest’ (during the motor output) in previously developed rules about performing the skill in an attempt to control the mechanics of the movement (Masters & Maxwell,
2004). Since this is deemed important early in learning (Anderson,
1982; Fitts & Posner,
1967), the additional attention on the mechanics of the movement can lead to an increase in performance. Conversely, in the latter stages of learning, performance is deemed likely to deteriorate under conditions of increased state anxiety because the increase in skill focused attention and subsequent reinvestment leads to the breakdown of
normally automatic processes (Gray,
Alternative explanations for the effects of pressure on performance can be found in distraction theories whereby task-irrelevant cues, such as state anxiety, compete with task-relevant information for limited cognitive resources (Eysenck, Deraksham, Santos, & Calvo,
2007; Wine,
1971). For example, attentional control theory (ACT; Eysenck et al.,
2007) proposes that cognitive anxiety occupies processing and storage space of working memory, leading to a decrease in available task resources and potential decreases in performance. An increase in task effort may maintain or enhance performance, but the extra effort invested results in reduced processing efficiency (i.e., the relationship between performance and the amount of effort invested).
Whilst both ACT and CPH have received significant empirical support (e.g., Baumeister & Showers,
1986; Beilock & Carr,
2001; Gray,
2004; Langer & Imberm,
1979; Lawrence et al.,
2012b; Lewis & Linder,
1997; Masters,
1992; Mullen & Hardy,
2000; Mullen et al.,
2005; Wilson, Smith, & Holmes,
2007), this body of evidence has primarily focused on outcome measures of performance and is therefore limited in its ability to determine what affect pressure has on the underlying pre-planning and online control processes that lead to movement outcome.
Within the field of motor control, the notion that voluntary movement consists of both pre-planning and online control phases dates back to the nineteenth century (Woodworth,
1889) and has become the cornerstone of human target directed motor behaviour (see Elliott, Helsen, & Chua,
2001; Elliott et al.,
2010 for reviews). The planning system has the goal of selecting and initiating a motor program based on the environmental and task demands of the situation, along with the positions of the performer’s body (Glover,
2004), and depends on feedforward processes involving discrepancies between predicted and actual sensory consequences (Desmurget & Grafton,
2000; Wolpert, Miall, & Kawato,
1998). The online control process is responsible for monitoring and adjusting the limb trajectories during the execution of the movement. These adjustments may be needed to reduce spatial errors in the movement execution caused by changes to the target, erroneous planning of the movement, and/or noise in the neuromotor system (Desmurget, Pélisson, Rossetti, & Prablanc,
Planning processes are said to involve a degree of conscious control (Klatzky, McCloskey, Doherty, Pellegrino, & Smith,
1987; Klatzky, Pellegrino, McCloskey, & Doherty,
1989), and are thus open to the influence of cognitive factors (Glover & Dixon,
2002; Glover, Rosenbaum, Graham, & Dixon,
2004). As such, pressure to perform and the processes within ACT could influence preplanning, whereby the cognitive (state) anxiety that arises from perceived pressure occupies a portion of working memory space and thus competes for resources that are needed for offline/pre-planning processes. Because online processes are said to be reflexive and attention-free in nature (Briere & Proteau,
2011; Proteau, Roujoula, & Messier,
2009; Veyrat-Masson, Briere, & Proteau,
2010), they lie outside of working memory and thus are less likely to be disrupted by the processes proposed within ACT. That is, the cognitive resources required for online control are significantly less than those of pre-planning and are therefore not likely to be affected by shifts to worrying thoughts and/or a reduction in one’s ability to inhibit these shifts. Whilst we propose that ACT cannot explain negative impacts to the online control phase of motor control, this is not the case for the CPH. Here, the presence of pressure to perform and the subsequent conscious attention directed to automatic processes (Briere & Proteau,
2011) would lead to a decrement in performance during movement execution.
Recently, Lawrence et al. (
2012b) investigated the relationship between pressure on the online and offline processes movement. Participants performed aiming movements with both distance and direction accuracy requirements. The variability of limb trajectory kinematic profiles was calculated from the within-subject standard deviation at the distance travelled at peak acceleration (p
ka), peak velocity (p
ka), peak negative acceleration (p
kna) and movement end (end) (see Khan et al.,
2006 for a review). The rationale here was that if movements are programmed and not altered online then variability should increase as the movement progresses. This is because errors that occur early in the movement trajectory will be magnified as the movement distance increases. If however, corrections for variations in the movement trajectory are made during movement execution, then variability profiles would deviate from those that describe movement which is programmed in advance and not modulated online (Khan & Lawrence,
2005; Khan, Lawrence, Franks, & Elliott,
2003; Khan et al.,
2003; Lawrence, Khan, Buckolz, & Oldham,
2006; Lawrence, Khan, Mourton, & Bernier,
2011; Lawrence, Gottwald, Khan, & Kramer,
2012a). Based on this analysis, Lawrence et al. (
2012b) provided evidence that the presence of pressure to perform disrupted the use of the online movement adjustments in aiming tasks. Since online adjustments are reported to be reflexive in nature and outside of conscious control, Lawrence et al. (
2012b) concluded that it is the processes proposed within the CPH (rather than ACT) that negatively impacted online correction processes eventually leading to choking in motor tasks.
Although the experiments of Lawrence et al. (
2012b) helped to fill the research lacuna surrounding the effects of pressure on motor programming and control processes, the pressure manipulation was administered after only 90 acquisition trials and thus did not allow investigation into the effects of practice/skill level on this pressure–performance and motor control relationship. As previously stated, self-focus theories suggest the effects of pressure to perform differ depending on the stage of learning. Therefore, the present study aimed to more rigorously test the effect that pressure has on the preplanning and error correction phases of goal-directed movements both early
and late in learning.
To achieve this, participants were asked to perform upper limb aiming movements under normal (low pressure) conditions and were transferred to high pressured conditions after both 30 (early in learning) and 400 (late in learning) practice trials. To investigate the effects of this pressure to perform transfer phases on offline and offline processes, the aforementioned variability methodology was adopted with profiles compared between the low and high pressure phases. It was hypothesised that pressure would affect performance based on a combination of processes underlying both CPH and ACT. Specifically, according to ACT it was expected that changes to preplanning would occur since these processes are dependent on working memory (Glover & Dixon,
2002; Glover et al.,
2004). These effects would be revealed by differences in spatial variability at early kinematic markers when pressure is induced. Because online error-correction process are said to be automatic, attention-free, and lie outside of working memory (Briere & Proteau,
2011; Proteau et al.,
2009; Veyrat-Masson et al.,
2010; Lawrence et al.,
2012b), we hypothesised that ACT cannot account for changes to these processes under pressure situations. However, according to CPH, it was expected that the presence of pressure to perform and the subsequent conscious attention to the automatic, attention-free online control would lead to a decrement in performance.
In specific regards to the early and late transfer to pressure, it was hypothesised that early in learning the introduction of pressure would be beneficial to performance since novices may actually benefit from the increased skill-focused attention caused by perceived pressure to perform. Any performance improvement would be supported by a decrease in spatial variability at later kinematic markers (i.e., increased online control of movement). Counter to this, because the task difficulty is low there may be limited subcomponents of movement execution to which to attend (Hill, Hanton, Mathews, & Flemming,
2010). Therefore, it is possible that performance would be impaired due to the anxiety that arises from pressure occupying working memory resources required for pre-planning (i.e., processes within ACT) leading to an increase in spatial variability at early kinematic markers (i.e., reducing the effectiveness of pre-planning processes). However, in line with CPH, it was hypothesised that late in learning the introduction of pressure would lead to increased spatial variability at later kinematic markers due to the interruption of proceduralised and reflexive online control processes (Lawrence et al.,