Our decisions about a current stimulus are influenced by previously encountered events, resulting in a reliable yet biased estimation known as “serial dependence” or “sequential dependence” (Cicchini et al.,
2023; Fischer & Whitney,
2014; Glasauer & Shi,
2022; Pascucci et al.,
2023). Extensive research has demonstrated the widespread phenomenon of serial dependence using visual features (Bae & Luck,
2020; Barbosa & Compte,
2020; Fischer & Whitney,
2014). Such history dependence and trial-to-trial influences have also been observed in time perception (Glasauer & Shi,
2022; Shi et al.,
2013; Togoli et al.,
2021; Wehrman et al.,
2023). For instance, subjective duration can be biased by recent history (Burr et al.,
2009; Jazayeri & Shadlen,
2010; Nakajima et al.,
1992), leading to the central tendency effect – underestimating long durations and overestimating short ones (Glasauer & Shi,
2021; Hollingworth,
1910). Unlike the central tendency effect, sequential dependence specifically refers to the influence of recent trials on the current trial (Glasauer & Shi,
2022; Wehrman et al.,
2023; Wiener et al.,
2014). Although serial dependence is generally acknowledged, the processing levels at which it emerges remain unclear. Additionally, research on how different task measurements affect sequential dependencies is limited.
There are two main perspectives: the perceptual account and the post-perceptual account. The perceptual account suggests that sequential dependence promotes perceptual stability and temporal continuity by integrating past and current information to filter out abrupt noises, functioning mainly as a perceptual rather than decision-making mechanism (Cicchini et al.,
2017; Fornaciai & Park,
2018a; Glasauer & Shi,
2022; Liberman et al.,
2016). For instance, research has identified behavioral or neural signatures of serial dependence that occur independently of any response requirement (Czoschke et al.,
2019; Fornaciai et al.,
2023; Fornaciai & Park,
2018a; Pascucci et al.,
2024). Generally, these studies involve experiments where participants focus on a single type of stimulus and often just report one feature, while not always needing to respond (Czoschke et al.,
2019; Fischer & Whitney,
2014). However, focusing on a single feature might blur the lines between perceiving and reporting it, and the frequent need to report a target feature might prime participants toward preparing responses even when none are needed, potentially impacting the logic of the interpretation.
Conversely, an alternative perspective attributes sequential effects to decision-related post-perceptual factors (Bae & Luck,
2020; Ceylan et al.,
2021; Ceylan & Pascucci,
2023; Fritsche & de Lange,
2019; Pascucci et al.,
2019; Ranieri et al.,
2022; Suárez-Pinilla et al.,
2018). This perspective gains support from studies investigating how task-relevant responses might influence serial dependence when responses involve multiple target feature dimensions (Bae & Luck,
2020; Fischer et al.,
2020; Houborg et al.,
2023; Suárez-Pinilla et al.,
2018; Togoli et al.,
2021). This approach reflects real-world scenarios where individuals typically encounter and remember various features of objects simultaneously. For example, as you wait at a crossroad for the traffic light to turn green, you monitor not just its color but also how long it remains on each signal. In such contexts, judging color and judging duration impact consequent estimations of each differently. A recent study explored this by having participants engage with two features: duration and motion direction, and perform either duration or motion adjustment tasks according to cues presented either before or after the target stimuli were shown (Cheng et al.,
2024). Their findings indicated that sequential dependence in timing tasks was mainly evident when consecutive tasks involved the same duration tasks but diminished when the task types varied, even when participants attentively encoded both features in a post-cue setup.
The varying impacts of task types on serial dependence may also depend on the specific tasks used to assess sequential biases. For example, Pascucci et al. (
2023) reviewed recent studies on serial dependence and revealed that the effect depends on whether the task is a reproduction or a forced-choice task. In reproduction tasks, participants replicate the perceived attribute of a stimulus, whereas forced-choice tasks require participants to make binary decisions, judging if the stimulus differs from a standard reference in predefined ways (e.g., shorter vs. longer, larger vs. smaller, etc.). The effects of task-relevant responses on serial dependence are not consistent between these two types of tasks. For example, studies using reproduction tasks have found serial dependence to be influenced by prior choices and post-perceptual decisions (Bae & Luck,
2020; Cheng et al.,
2023). In contrast, other studies using forced-choice tasks show that serial dependence can manifest even without explicit responses (Fornaciai & Park,
This variation in findings could be attributed to how each task type interacts with working memory. Reproduction tasks may demand ongoing comparisons between the stimulus being reproduced and a memorized one, whereas forced-choice tasks typically require a single, direct comparison of sensory input against a reference, minimizing the need for post-stimulus retention. Additionally, the decision strategies employed in these tasks could differ significantly (Gokaydin et al.,
2011; Lages & Treisman,
1998; Sumner & Sumner,
2020); reproduction tasks require a thorough encoding of the entire stimulus before it can be accurately reproduced, whereas forced-choice tasks may allow for quicker decision-making based on a decision threshold without full stimulus encoding. For example, in short/long timing tasks, participants need not encode the entire duration of the stimulus that lasts longer than a midpoint of the short and long references, given that the “long” decision can already be made. Therefore, the choice of “task” is a crucial factor for understanding the role of task-relevant response in sequential effect. Yet, the role of task types in sequential dependence in time perception hasn’t been investigated.
While task types may potentially impact sequential dependence and decision-making, post-decision responses may impact the upcoming judgments directly. Recent studies have shown that responses from previous trials could significantly influence outcomes in subsequent trials (Li et al.,
2023; Wehrman et al.,
2023). For example, the prior judgment of a duration as “Long” (or “Short”) is likely carried over to the next trial, regardless of preceding durations (Wehrman et al.,
2023; Wiener et al.,
2014). This indicates that subjective durations, rather than physical durations, also impact subsequent decision-making (Wehrman et al.,
2023). This response carryover may also reflect the observer’s inclination to maintain a self-consistent interpretation of the world (Luu & Stocker,
2018), operating under the assumption that the state of the world tends to remain constant (similar argument is also in Glasauer & Shi,
2022), which leads to the observed post-decision biases. Given the carryover of post-decision responses is primarily determined by the response state rather than task types or memory processes, the sequential response carryover might be independent of task types, presenting a complex issue that remains unresolved.
On this ground, we designed two experiments to investigate how different task types - specifically, the duration reproduction and bisection tasks, randomly intermixed with non-timing direction tasks - affect sequential effect and decision carryover in duration judgments. Specifically, we employed the random-dot kinematogram (RDK), incorporating two features: motion direction and timing, in a post-cue setup. Participants had to remember its duration and direction during the encoding phase, reporting one according to post cues. In Experiment 1, we randomly intermixed temporal bisection trials with non-timing direction-adjustment trials, while in Experiment 2, we intermixed duration reproduction trials with the direction-adjustment trials. We hypothesized that the extent to which working memory is involved plays a critical role in sequential dependence (Cheng et al.,
2023; Pascucci et al.,
2023). Unlike the forced-choice bisection task (categorizing durations as either “Short” vs. “Long”), the duration reproduction requires reactivation of the encoded duration from working memory (Bae & Luck,
2019; Barbosa & Compte,
2020). Consequently, we expect an enhanced sequential effect if consecutive tasks involve the same duration reproduction, compared to when tasks alternate between timing and non-timing tasks. In contrast, the temporal bisection task requires only maintaining a decisional state (either “Short” or “Long”) that is likely made during the encoding stage, without further resorting to the memory reactivation process. Of note, decisions can be made even before the complete presentation in some long-duration trials during the encoding phase. Therefore, we anticipate that the sequential dependence, if any, may be less affected by task switching or repetition. On the response level, we presume that the reproduced duration in the reproduction task implicitly represents subjective durations. By categorizing these subjective responses into “short” or “long” categories, we expect to observe comparable decision carryover effects across two task types, assuming that decision carryover effects are primarily influenced by response states rather than memory processing.
General discussion
The present study explored the impact of task relevance on sequential effects in time perception, using discrimination and reproduction tasks (Fornaciai et al.,
2023; Togoli et al.,
2021; Wehrman et al.,
2023; Wiener et al.,
2014). Across both timing tasks, we observed a consistent assimilation effect: participants perceived current durations as longer following long previous stimuli and shorter following short ones. Interestingly, while the assimilation effect with the discrimination task was unaffected by task relevance, it was more pronounced with the time reproduction task following the same task, highlighting distinct impacts of timing tasks on sequential dependence. Furthermore, we observed significant decisional carry-over effects in both timing tasks, where participants were more likely to repeat their responses, regardless of which timing task being used.
Our results indicated a significant sequential dependence effect in both duration discrimination and reproduction tasks, in line with previous findings in time perception (Glasauer & Shi,
2022; Togoli et al.,
2021; Wehrman et al.,
2023; Wiener et al.,
2014). Recent past time intervals, being more accessible in memory, can influence the perception of current durations. In fact, recent studies argue that by integrating noisy sensory inputs with recent past stimuli (sequential effect) could enhance processing efficiency (Cheng et al.,
2023; Fornaciai et al.,
2023; Tonoyan et al.,
2022), perceptual stability and temporal continuity (Cicchini et al.,
2017; Fornaciai & Park,
2018a; Glasauer & Shi,
2022; Liberman et al.,
2016). However, this also engenders byproducts, such as the central tendency and sequential biases. In this aspect, mechanisms of sequential dependence in time domain are comparable to those measured in non-temporal domains (Barbosa & Compte,
2020; Cicchini et al.,
2014; Fischer & Whitney,
2014; Fornaciai & Park,
2018b; Kristensen et al.,
2021; Manassi et al.,
2018; Suárez-Pinilla et al.,
2018; Turbett et al.,
Interestingly, though, we found the influence of task relevance in the preceding trial on the current estimate showed distinctive patterns with different types of timing tasks. The task-relevant timing task displayed similar sequential effects to the task-irrelevant direction adjustment tasks, while the impact of the preceding timing task on the current duration reproduction was more pronounced compared with the preceding direction task. One plausible explanation lies in the differential memory processes engaged in reproduction and discrimination tasks. In the reproduction task, participants had to reactivate the encoded duration in working memory through the reproduction phase, as it was used as a reference for stopping the reproduction. This active maintenance was missing for the direction adjustment trials, leading to unequal sequential effects between reproduction-reproduction and direction-reproduction trials. The active memory trace of the target duration through the reproduction phase may thus bias the encoding of the subsequent trial. In contrast, the temporal bisection decision could be already made during the encoding phase, as it only requires the comparison of the target duration to the middle reference duration (here 1 s). Therefore, not much reactivation and memory processes are needed after the cue was presented, leading to comparable sequential effects between the preceding timing and non-timing tasks, as the decision could already be made prior the task cue. The enhanced sequential effect with consecutive reproduction tasks observed in the present study is inline with a recent fMRI study (Cheng et al.,
2023), which also showed that consecutive responses enhanced sequential dependence. Their fMRI results revealed that sequential dependence negatively correlated with hippocampal activity in these consecutive response trials (Cheng et al.,
2023), highlighting the crucial role of memory in sequential dependence (Bliss et al.,
2017; de Azevedo Neto & Bartels,
Early decision criterion-setting accounts (see also Pascucci et al.,
2023; Treisman & Williams,
1984) argued that the sequential effect depends on two opposing updating processes involved in setting decision criteria: the tracking and stabilization processes. The tracking process involves tracking recent sensory inputs, which biases decisions toward previous judgments, while the stabilization process reverts decision to a mean criterion set over a long-term process. An attractive sequential effect evolves when the tracking process is dominant. In our Experiment 2, the reproduction task requires more attention in monitoring the passage of time compared to the direction task, which likely strengthens the tracking process rather than the mean-reverted stabilization process for the consecutive reproduction trials. This boosted “internal attention” to the representation of a recently seen stimulus in working memory likely leads to an enhanced sequential effect.
However, this decision criterion-setting account, while explaining the influence of the task type on sequential effects, falls short when attempting to explain the comparable central tendency effects we observed. Recent work with an iterative Bayesian updating model (Glasauer & Shi,
2022) suggests that the short-term sequential effects are influenced by individuals’ beliefs in temporal continuity, whereas the long-term central tendency effect relies more on acquired sample distributions. The duration reproduction in our study, which requires ongoing monitoring, likely places more weight on temporal continuity compared to the temporal bisection task. This interpretation also helps to clarify why we observed an enhanced sequential effect in consecutive reproduction trials.
While we found distinct impacts of timing tasks on sequential dependence, strikingly, the decisional carryover effect, when the reproduction response was converted to binary category responses, was comparable between two timing tasks (see Fig.
4E). The decisional carryover effect we observed aligns with previous findings of response assimilation in duration judgments (Brown et al.,
2005; Li et al.,
2023; Wehrman et al.,
2023; Wiener et al.,
2014), particularly under conditions of response uncertainty (Akaishi et al.,
2014; Wiener et al.,
2014). Wehrman et al. (
2023) suggest two potential possible explanations for this response assimilation: One is that response assimilation might actually reflect stimulus assimilation based on subjective rather than objective durations. When participants categorize a prior duration as “Short” or “Long”, they anchor their judgments of the subsequent stimulus accordingly, leading to judgments being assimilated to previous decisions (Urai et al.,
2019; Wehrman et al.,
2023). The second possibility involves the internal pacemaker, described in the classic internal clock model (Gibbon et al.,
1984; Wearden,
1991), and assumes that the pacemaker’s rate fluctuates slowly and ‘sticks’ across multiple trials. This consistency, or ‘stickiness’, could give rise to response assimilation, as trials categorized based on preceding response outcomes (“Short” or “Long”) are likely in the same state of pacemaker rate as the preceding trial. Consequently, response assimilation is primarily driven by the ‘stickiness’ of the fluctuating pacemaker rate, rather than the task type or memory reactivation. While the anchoring account emphasizes that current decision-making is assimilated to an internal reference, the ‘sticky’ pacemaker account offers a mechanistic interpretation that is not limited to the late post-perceptual stage.
Both the anchoring account and the ‘sticky’ pacemaker account align with the concept of decisional inertia, proposed for non-temporal serial dependence (Ceylan et al.,
2021; Pascucci et al.,
2019), although decisional inertia emphasizes serial dependence occurring at the post-perceptual stage. Given that changes in decision states might rather be slow, decisional inertia exerts a stronger influence on decision judgments than the bias from the stimuli. Previous studies have also shown that the impact of decisional inertia can extend across different objects sharing the same decision, such as the orientation task (Ceylan et al.,
2021; Fornaciai & Park,
2019; Huffman et al.,
2018; Tanrikulu et al.,
2023). However, decisional bias seems to operate independently of visual working memory (Pascucci et al.,
2019), as also evidenced by the decisional carryover effect observed in the present study (see Fig.
5B). In this context, although decisional inertia can explain the decisional carryover effect, but the task relevance effect observed here may be more related to memory reactivation.
In conclusion, our findings highlight distinct impacts of timing tasks on sequential effects but reveal comparable patterns of response assimilation across tasks. While the temporal bisection task showed no changes in sequential effect by preceding task relevance, it was notably stronger in the duration reproduction task when it followed the same reproduction task, compared to a timing-irrelevant direction task. This enhanced sequential effect in consecutive reproduction tasks is likely owing to boosted attention and memory reactivation during the reproduction, absent in both the direction and the temporal bisection tasks. We also found comparable response assimilation across different timing tasks, which can be attributed to the influence of the pacemaker’s sticky rate and/or decisional inertia.
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