Criteria for Inclusion
Eligible designs
Types of participants
Types of programs
Types of outcomes
Search Strategy
Electronic searches
Data Collection and Analysis
Selection of studies
Data extraction
Quality appraisal of included studies
Analysis and synthesis
Description of Included Studies
ID number Available FAME data | Quality Rating | Author Country, setting | Study design Data collection points Target population (participants recruited (R), included in analysis (A), attrition (%)) | Parenting program |
1 AME | High | Eddy et al. (2013) USA, Prison | RCT Pre and post intervention Mothers and fathers (R = 359, A = 255, 29%) | Parenting Inside Out (PIO) |
2 E | High | Loper and Tuerk (2011) USA, Prison | RCT Pre and post intervention Mothers (R = 176, A = 90, 49%) | Parenting From Inside: Making The Mother–Child Connection |
3 AE | High | Menting et al. (2014) the Netherlands, Prison and post-release | Non-equivalent control group design Pre intervention, post intervention, home visit, and follow up Mothers (R = 113, A = 91, 19%) | Incredible Years |
4 FAME | High | Miller et al. (2014)USA, Prison | Mixed-methods, cohort study Pre and post intervention Mothers (R = 45, A = 22, 42%) | Parenting While Incarcerated |
5 AE | High | Shortt et al. (2014) USA, Prison and post-release | Matched control group design Pre and post intervention, follow up (R = 47, A = 47 post-test; 38 follow up, 19%) | Parenting Inside Out and Emotions: Taking Care of Yourself and Your Child When you go Home |
6 FME | High | Skar et al. (2014)Norway, Prison | Mixed-methods, non-equivalent control group design Pre and post intervention Fathers (R = 129, A = 61, 53%) | International Child Development Program |
7 FAME | Moderate | Block et al. (2014) USA, Prison | Mixed-methods, non-equivalent control group design Pre and post intervention Fathers (R = 309a, A = 413, 17%) | Inside Out Dad |
8 E | Moderate | Frye and Dawe (2008) Australia, Community | Single-group design Pre and post intervention, follow up Mothers (R = 12, A = 8, 33%) | Parenting Under Pressure (PUP) |
9 FE | Moderate | Harris and Landreth (1997) USA, Prison | Non-equivalent control group design Pre and post intervention Mothers (R = 51, A = 22, 57%) | Filial Therapy |
10 FE | Moderate | Kennon et al. (2009) USA, Prison | Mixed-methods, single-group design Pre and post intervention, follow up Mothers (R = 66, A = 57, 14%) | No formal title |
11 FE | Moderate | Landreth and Lobaugh (1998) USA, Prison | Matched control group design Pre and post intervention Fathers (R = 32, A = not specified, unable to calculate attrition) | Filial Therapy |
12 E | Moderate | Robbers (2005) USA, Prison | Non-equivalent control group design Pre and post intervention Fathers (R = 122, A = 87, 29%) | FairFax Fatherhood Program |
13 FE | Moderate | Sandifer (2008) USA, Prison | Non-equivalent control group design Pre and post intervention Mothers (R = 161, A = 91, 43%) | Rebonding and Rebuilding: A Parenting Curriculum |
14 FME | Moderate | Scudder et al. (2014) USA, Prison | RCT (I: PCIT, C: Existing Program) Pre and post intervention Mothers (R = 82, A = 69, 16%) | Parent–Child Interaction Therapy |
15 E | Moderate | Surratt (2003) USA, Substance abuse treatment facility | Matched control group design Pre and post intervention Mothers (R = 59, A = 46, 22%) | Key Village Parenting Class |
16 E | Moderate | Wilczak and Markstrom (1999) USA, Prison | Non-equivalent control group design Pre and post intervention Mothers (R = not specified, A = 42, unable to calculate attrition) | Systemic Training for Effective Parenting |
17 E | Moderate | Wilson et al. (2010)USA, Prison | Single-group design Pre and post intervention Mothers and Fathers (R = 184, A = 150, 18%) | Parenting From Prison |
18 E | Low | Bushfield (2004) USA, Custodial bootcamp | Mixed-methods, single group design Pre and post intervention Fathers (R = not specified, A = 32, unable to calculate attrition) | North Idaho Corrections Institute |
19 AE | Low | Cornille et al. (2005) USA, Custodial bootcamp | Mixed-methods, single group design Pre and post intervention Fathers (R = not specified, A = 63, unable to calculate attrition) | Dads Actively Developing Stable Families Family Project |
20 E | Low | Gonzalez et al. (2007) USA, Prison | Single-group design Pre and post intervention Mothers (R = 219, A = 191, 13%) | Parenting in Prison |
21 E | Low | Harrison (1997) USA, Prison | Matched control group design Pre and post intervention Fathers (R = not specified, A = 30, unable to calculate attrition) | No formal title |
22 AME | Low | LaRosa and Rank (2001) USA, Prison | Mixed-methods, single-group design Pre and post intervention Fathers (R = 26, A = 23, 12%) | Real life Parenting Skills Program |
23 FAME | Low | McCrudden et al. (2014) UK, Prison | Mixed-methods, single-group design Pre and post intervention Fathers (R = 24, A = 18, 25%) | Being a Dad Program |
24 M | Low | Meek (2007) UK, Prison | Qualitative, retrospective evaluation study Post intervention Fathers (R = not specified, A = 75, unable to calculate attrition) | No formal title |
25 FE | Low | Moore and Clement (1998) USA, Prison | Mixed-methods, non-equivalent control group design Pre and post intervention Mothers (R = not specified, A = 40, unable to calculate attrition) | Mothers Inside Loving Kids |
26 E | Low | Palusci et al. (2008) USA, Multiple | Non-equivalent control group design Pre and post intervention Mothers and Fathers (R = unclear, A = unclear, unable to calculate attrition) | Helping Your Child Succeed |
27 FM | Low | Rossiter et al. (2015) USA, Prison | Mixed-methods, retrospective evaluation study Post intervention Mothers (R = not specified, A = 32, unable to calculate) | Mothering at a Distance Program |
28 E | Low | Thompson and Harm (2000) USA, Prison | Single-group design Pre and post intervention Mothers (R = not specified, A = 104, unable to calculate attrition) | Parenting from Prison Program |
29 FME | Low | Urban and Burton (2015) USA, Prison | Non-equivalent control group design Pre and post intervention Mothers (R = unclear, A = unclear, unable to calculate attrition) | Parents and Their Children: Turning Points |