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01-10-2010 | Original Paper

The Effect of Parental Responsiveness on Differences in Psychological Distress and Delinquency between Singleton and Non-Singleton Chinese Adolescents

Auteurs: Ruth X. Liu, Wei Lin, Zeng-yin Chen

Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Child and Family Studies | Uitgave 5/2010

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We assessed the differences in psychological distress and delinquent participation between singleton and non-singleton Chinese adolescents and the extent to which parental responsiveness (mother’s vs. father’s) might account for such differences. Using survey reports of 1,924 7th and 8th graders from three middle schools in the outskirts of Fuzhou, China, we observed small but significant differences between singleton and non-singleton adolescents. Singletons reported lower levels of psychological distress and delinquent participation than non-singleton adolescents. Furthermore, singletons received higher levels of parental responsiveness, which was inversely related to psychological distress and delinquent participation, respectively. The difference in psychological distress between singletons and non-singletons was completely mediated by both maternal and paternal responsiveness. Paternal responsiveness alone fully mediated the difference in delinquent participation between singleton and non-singleton adolescents. We discussed these results in light of both theoretical literature and empirical implications.
We obtained permission to conduct our study from both the local education bureau and school authorities. The school authorities in turn notified the students and their parents of the impending study. The students were given the option to decline participation and not to return the self-administered questionnaires.
We focused on parental responsiveness to children’s good behaviors. This is because in Chinese families, children’s good behaviors tend to be taken for granted while unsatisfactory behaviors are often dealt with harshly (such as through use of shame and guilt) (Mascolo et al. 2003). Chinese culture emphasizes modesty and self-effacement in the socialization and upbringing of children, thus positive responses to children’s good behavior do not come naturally with Chinese parents (Mascolo et al. 2003). Following this rationale, parents of singletons with their undivided attention to their only children, may make greater efforts to grant their children with more positive responses than parents of multiple children who arguably are not as child-centered.
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The Effect of Parental Responsiveness on Differences in Psychological Distress and Delinquency between Singleton and Non-Singleton Chinese Adolescents
Ruth X. Liu
Wei Lin
Zeng-yin Chen
Springer US
Gepubliceerd in
Journal of Child and Family Studies / Uitgave 5/2010
Print ISSN: 1062-1024
Elektronisch ISSN: 1573-2843

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