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01-12-2011 | Brief Report

The Effect of an Executive Functioning Training Program on Working Memory Capacity and Intrusive Thoughts

Auteurs: Jessica Bomyea, Nader Amir

Gepubliceerd in: Cognitive Therapy and Research | Uitgave 6/2011

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Recurrent intrusive thoughts are apparent across numerous clinical disorders, including depression (i.e., rumination) and anxiety disorders (e.g., worry, obsessions; Brewin et al. 2010). Theoretical accounts of intrusive thoughts suggest that individual differences in executive functioning, specifically poor inhibitory control, may account for the persistence of these thoughts in some individuals (e.g., Anderson and Levy 2009). The present study examined the causal effect of inhibitory control on intrusive thoughts by experimentally manipulating inhibition requirements in a working memory capacity (WMC) task and evaluating the effect of this training on intrusive thoughts during a thought suppression task. Unselected undergraduate participants were randomly assigned to repeatedly practice a task requiring either high inhibitory control (training condition) or low inhibitory control (control condition). Results indicated that individuals in the training condition demonstrated significantly greater WMC performance improvements from pre to post assessment relative to the control group. Moreover, individuals in the training group experienced fewer intrusions during a thought suppression task. These results provide support for theoretical accounts positing a relationship between inhibitory control and intrusive thoughts. Moreover, improving inhibitory control through computerized training programs may have clinical utility in disorders characterized by recurrent intrusive thoughts (e.g., depression, PTSD).
Data for number of intrusions at each time point were positively skewed. Consistent with prior work in this area (e.g., Brewin and Smart 2005), outliers more than 3.3 SDs were adjusted to one value greater than the next highest value, and data were subjected to a square root transformation (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2001). All analyses using the transformed data did not differ. To facilitate interpretability, we report raw data in the body of the manuscript. All statistical tests are reported for unequal variances (Greenhouse-Geisser for ANOVA, equal variances not assumed for t tests).
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The Effect of an Executive Functioning Training Program on Working Memory Capacity and Intrusive Thoughts
Jessica Bomyea
Nader Amir
Springer US
Gepubliceerd in
Cognitive Therapy and Research / Uitgave 6/2011
Print ISSN: 0147-5916
Elektronisch ISSN: 1573-2819