Response times (RTs) for decisions constitute a valuable source of information in psychological research. They occur in simple reaction tasks (e.g., response to the occurence of a stimulus such as a light) and recognition tasks (go/no-go tasks and choice tasks, responding to stimuli with certain characteristics, but not to distractors lacking these characteristics). In the present context, we will focus primarily on data from recognition tasks.
RT distributions are right-skewed by nature, requiring appropriate handling when applying analysis techniques assuming normally distributed data. Because of the technical efforts required to record RT data, we usually use experimental designs to generate response data. These are primarily evaluated with ANOVA-based methods, which do assume normal distributions. As a remedy, several ways of handling the skewed data have been proposed: some argue that the ANOVA
F test is sufficiently robust against non-normality and, therefore, do not correct at all (e.g., Hays,
1994, p. 406). Others apply transformations to approach normal distribution, like the Box–Cox transformation (e.g., Seber & Lee,
2003, ch. 10.3.2), the square root transformation or, more general, the family of power transformations (e.g., Cohen, Cohen, West & Aiken,
2003, p. 233 and p. 245), the logarithmic transformation (Cohen et al.,
2003, p. 245), rank-based normalization (Cohen et al.,
2003, p. 247), the shifted power transformation (e.g., Atkinson,
1985, p. 184), and others (e.g., Gro,
2004, ch. 6). A third line of handling is elimination of the values considered as outliers, i.e., both fast and slow responses (e.g., Voss, Nagler & Lerche,
2016). Fourth, one may as well try to apply other models than the normal one, as did Matzke and Wagenmakers (
2009) by probing the ex-Gaussian and the shifted-Wald distribution, however, with limited success. Although some researchers found parameters of descriptive parameterizations of RT distributions to be useful (e.g., Schmiedek, Oberauer, Wilhelm, Sü & Wittmann,
2007; Spieler, Balota & Faust,
1996), the primary point of criticism concerning shifted Wald and ex-Gaussian parameterization is probably that they are not motivated by a psychological theory. Another shortcoming is that they neglect the information in classification errors. Consequently, they are not suited to cope with speed–accuracy trade-offs.
In contrast, the diffusion model constitutes an entirely different approach by drawing on particle diffusion theory. This approach offers a compelling principle to describe the skewed RT distributions typically resulting from human decision formation. However, due to its complexity (involving seven model parameters, as will be demonstrated below), it is hard to conceive, how the various parameters affect the resulting RT density curves. Therefore, the present article introduces a visualization tool allowing for exactly tracking and scrutinizing the role of each parameter and their interplay in great detail. The text is structured as follows: after a short introduction of the diffusion model (including numerous hints to relevant sources), the visualization tool is presented along with some technical details. Finally, we will discuss useful applications of the visualization program.