Nevertheless, the literature about the transdiagnostic nature of IU is mainly based on studies conducted in adult samples. Insufficient attention has been paid to the role of IU in youth (Osmanağaoğlu et al.,
2018; Shihata et al.,
2016), although most psychological disorders have their onset in adolescence (e.g., Polanczyk et al.,
2015; Sanchez et al.,
2017). This gap in the literature is questionable given that adolescents face novel, changeable, and uncontrollable events, scattered by lots of uncertainties in different areas (e.g., sexuality, education, identity, interpersonal relationships, relative independence from parents) (Casey et al.,
2010). Moreover, adolescence is a stage of brain development characterized by the maturation of the neural pathways associated with inhibitory control (i.e., regulation of emotion and behavior) and cognitive beliefs about the future, uncertainty, and threat (Read et al.,
2013). Therefore, exploring IU in adolescence is crucial since it may help increase knowledge about the developmental trajectories of psychopathologies that have their onset in this period of life, such as anxiety disorders, substance use disorders, and eating disorders (De Girolamo et al.,
Measurement invariance of the IUS-R
The bifactor model was the baseline model in multigroup analyses (MGCFA) aimed at testing the measurement invariance of the IUS-R. Fit indices and hypothesis testing are reported in Table 3.
Table 3
Tests of Measurement Invariance by age and sex groups
| Configural Invariance | Metric Invariance | Scalar Invariance1 | Configural Invariance | Metric Invariance | Scalar Invariance2 |
χ2(df) | 187.14***(126) | 249.01***(174) | 297.2***(195) | 137.32***(84) | 146.26***(108) | 196.86***(116) |
CFI | 0.98 | 0.97 | 0.97 | 0.98 | 0.99 | 0.98 |
TLI | 0.96 | 0.97 | 0.97 | 0.97 | 0.98 | 0.97 |
RMSEA | 0.04 | 0.04 | 0.04 | 0.04 | 0.03 | 0.04 |
95%CI | 0.03 − 0.06 | 0.03 − 0.05 | 0.03 − 0.05 | 0.03 − 0.05 | 0.02 − 0.04 | 0.03 − 0.05 |
p-close | 0.896 | 0.969 | 0.925 | 0.966 | 0.999 | 0.992 |
SRMR | 0.03 | 0.05 | 0.06 | 0.03 | 0.04 | 0.05 |
∆χ2(df) | --- | 62.12†(48) | 47.82***(21) | | 14.08(24) | 38.00***(8) |
∆CFI | --- | − 0.01 | − 0.01 | | 0.00 | − 0.01 |
∆RMSEA | --- | − 0.00 | 0.00 | | − 0.01 | 0.01 |
∆SRMR | --- | 0.02 | 0.01 | | 0.01 | 0.01 |
Note. † p < 0.10, * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001. χ2 = scaled chi square; df = degrees of freedom; ∆χ2 = scaled chi square difference test; CFI = Comparative Fit Index; TLI = Tucker-Lewis Index; RMSEA = Root Mean Square Error of Approximation; 95%CI = 95% confidence interval for Root Mean Square Error of Approximation; p-close = RMSEA close fit test; SRMR = Standardized Root Mean Square Residual; χ2 = chi square; ∆χ2(df) = chi square difference test; ∆CFI = change in Comparative Fit Index; ∆RMSEA = change in Root Mean Square Error of Approximation; ∆SRMR = change in Standardized Root Mean Square Residual. 1 Item intercepts were freed for items #2, #5 and #12 in the early adolescent group 2 Item intercepts were freed for items #1, #7, #8, and #12 |
The configural and metric invariance models were excellent in MGCFA analyses by sex and age. The chi-square difference test between models was only marginally significant (
p < 0.10) in the analysis by age, and the differences in other fit indices were below the thresholds for concluding no substantial loss of fit (Chen,
2007). In the analysis by sex, the chi-square difference test was not statistically significant. These results supported the metric invariance hypothesis. In contrast, the scalar invariance hypothesis was rejected because models that imposed the equality of item intercepts significantly lost fit compared to metric invariance models. Latent mean comparisons become equivocal when scalar invariance fails. A difference in the latent means could be due to a difference in the item intercepts rather than to a difference in the IU construct.
The inspection of the model modification indices revealed that the source of the misfit in the analysis by age was due to the non-invariance of a few item intercepts (i.e., #2, #5, and #12) between the preadolescent group and the two adolescent groups. Likewise, noninvariant item intercepts (i.e., #1, #7, #8, and #12) produced misfit in the analysis by sex. Allowing those intercepts to be freely estimated for the preadolescent and female groups supported the partial scalar invariance by age and sex (i.e., ∆CFI ≤ 0.010, ∆RMSEA and ∆SRMR ≤ 0.015).
Partial scalar invariance is deemed insufficient for interpreting latent mean differences without ambiguity (e.g., De Beuckelaer & Swinnen,
2018; Kuha & Moustaki,
2015). Nevertheless, because the intercepts of early and middle adolescents were invariant, we investigated how these age groups differed in the General IU factor to aid the interpretation of ANOVA results previously reported. A derivative of the partial scalar invariance model was tested, freeing the latent means of the preadolescent and early adolescent groups. Thus, the standardized parameter for each group is expressed as a Standardized Mean Difference from the middle adolescent group that serves as reference group. The derivative model fitted the data significantly better than the partial invariance model (
2 = 10.31;
df = 2;
p < 0.001), but the latent mean of the early adolescent group did not differ from the reference group (
SMD = − 0.14;
z = -1.59;
p = 0.112).
The transdiagnostic nature of IU and its role in the onset of psychological disorders are well-established in adulthood (e.g., McEvoy et al.,
2019a). In contrast, the IU construct has received insufficient attention during adolescence, although this period of life is fraught with uncertainty, and vulnerability to psychopathology is high (e.g., Bottesi,
in press); unsolved issues about IU measurement also plague IU research in teenagers (Cornacchio et al.,
2018; Shihata et al.,
2016). Bearing all this in mind, the present study aimed to investigate the factorial structure and psychometric properties of the gold standard tool for measuring IU – namely, the IUS-R – in a sample of Italian youth. The study’s main findings confirmed the hypotheses and added to our understanding of the characteristics and evaluation of IU in adolescence as follows.
The correlated two-factor model showed acceptable fit indices. Nevertheless, the Prospective and Inhibitory IU factors were highly correlated, thus suggesting empirical overlap. The bifactor model significantly improved the fit, demonstrating that the IUS-R items are influenced by a broad general factor and two narrow group factors reflecting Prospective and Inhibitory IU. This broad factor accounted for 75% of the common variance, an amount consistent with previous studies conducted with adult samples, in which it ranged from 75 to 87% (Bottesi et al.,
2019b; Hale et al.,
2016; Huntley et al.,
2020; Lauriola et al.,
2016; Shihata et al.,
2018; Wilson et al.,
2020; Yao et al.,
Recent studies have questioned the bifactor model’s validity in youth, recommending instead using the unidimensional model after the atheoretical removal of one item (Osmanağaoğlu et al.,
2021), or the two-factor model, which performed better in concurrent validity analyses (Cornacchio et al.,
2018). Nonetheless, since these studies used a different IUS scale (i.e., the IUSC), it is unclear whether negative findings regarding the bifactor model are due to that specific scale or whether the general factor is problematic to be found and measured at this age. Our results are consistent with the first interpretation, given that the bifactor model outperformed the competing models of the IUS-R without removing any items, and partly agreed with Osmanağaoğlu et al. (
2021) regarding the use of the total score as a reliable assessment of the IU construct in adolescence.
Item loadings on the General factor are in line with findings obtained in nonclinical adult samples, being moderately high and statistically significant (Bottesi et al.,
2019b; Hale et al.,
2016; Huntley et al.,
2020; Lauriola et al.,
2016; Shihata et al.,
2018). A notable exception was the factor loading of item #3, which was barely acceptable in magnitude, consistently with previous studies in Italian adult samples (Bottesi et al.,
2019b; Lauriola et al.,
2016). Our result may thereby constitute additional evidence of the occurrence of cross-cultural differences in interpreting uncertainty. Such an issue is still unexplored by the extant literature. However, it has been speculated that differences in how the cultures engage with uncertainty at the level of IU core beliefs may occur (Bottesi et al.,
2019b; Lauriola et al.,
2018) and that culturally different attitudes to metacognition may intervene in the interpretation of uncertainty (Bottesi et al.,
2016). Studies in the field of economics and business sciences listed Italy among the “strong uncertainty avoidance cultures”, thus suggesting that Italians are more likely to react negatively to unfamiliar situations than individuals with a different cultural background (e.g., Stremersch & Tellis,
2004). Therefore, a cultural variation in response to items assessing coping with uncertainty through deliberative processes may reflect the role played by cultural values in defining the way individuals interpret and express their emotions.
Nonetheless, neurocognitive development in adolescence should be considered, too. Indeed, item #3 explicitly refers to the need to plan to avoid future unpleasant events (i.e., “People should always think about what will happen next. This will stop bad things from happening.”), so it seems to imply deliberative processes to cope with uncertainty. Frontal and prefrontal brain areas - responsible for planning complex cognitive behaviors, rational decision-making, and moderation of social conduct - are still underdeveloped during adolescence (Spear,
2000), thus reducing the teenagers’ ability to plan rationally. Therefore, adolescents’ peculiar neuropsychological and cognitive functioning may explain why they did not fully endorse item #3. This is further supported by the results of Osmanağaoğlu et al. (
2021), who found that item #10 of the IUSC-12, concerning the need to look ahead to prevent surprises, was judged difficult to understand by a high proportion of participants, and the model fit was improved by removing it. Consequently, age-related factors may add to linguistic and cultural issues in accounting for the poor performance of items describing coping with uncertainty through deliberative processes. Future studies involving adolescents from different countries may be helpful to better clarify this aspect.
Item loadings on the group factors also align with previous research in adult samples. Our study showed that some IUS-R items failed to load significantly on the Prospective IU factor (i.e., #1, #2, #4, and #6), and the rest had small loadings (i.e., #3, #5). Similarly, all studies using a bifactor model to address the factor structure of the IUS scales in adulthood found that the Prospective IU domain was weak (Bottesi et al.,
2019b; Hale et al.,
2016; Huntley et al.,
2020; Lauriola et al.,
2016; Shihata et al.,
2018; Yao et al.,
2021). However, the only study using the IUS-R (Bottesi et al.,
2019b) reported a slightly stronger Prospective IU factor than the other studies because all factor loadings were statistically significant, though only three items had values greater than 0.30. Therefore, although the IUS-R is intended to be used across the lifespan, our findings suggest that the Prospective IU factor is inconsistent in adolescents, even more so than in adults, at least in the Italian context. Further item refinement is perhaps needed to obtain a more reliable and theoretically sound Prospective IU factor in adults and young people.
The Inhibitory IU factor was robust, with only one item (i.e., #12) failing to yield a statistically significant loading. Nevertheless, in line with previous research, this factor only accounted for a small portion of variance, far less than the General factor (Bottesi et al.,
2019b; Hale et al.,
2016; Lauriola et al.,
2016; Shihata et al.,
2018). Recent studies have also shown that Inhibitory IU is unreliable in nonclinical (Huntley et al.,
2020; Yao et al.,
2021) and GAD (Wilson et al.,
2020) adult samples. Therefore, the Inhibitory IU subscale should be used with caution when assessing IU in the adolescent population. Some of the abovementioned studies also detected item #12 as problematic (Bottesi et al.,
2019b; Hale et al.,
2016; Huntley et al.,
2020; Lauriola et al.,
2016; Shihata et al.,
2018). This item is likely not fully represent the Inhibitory IU domain, neither in adults nor in adolescents. In fact, unlike the other items describing a “behavioral paralysis” in the face of uncertainty (Birrell et al.,
2011), item #12 refers to an active attempt to escape from uncertain situations (“I must get away from all things I am unsure of”). Consequently, to strengthen the Inhibitory IU factor, item #12 should be revised by making its content more consistent with the scale’s overall meaning.
In keeping with the above-discussed findings, our study evidenced high ω reliability coefficients for all factors in the bifactor model. However, while we found a slight difference between the ω and ω
h coefficients for the General factor, the same difference was remarkable for the Inhibitory and Prospective IU factors. These results prove that the two group factors do not contribute considerably to the reliability of the corresponding subscales, which, on the contrary, derive most of their reliable variance from the General factor. This pattern and the common variance accounted for by the general factor recommend using a total score instead of subscale scores (Rodriguez et al.,
2016), a conclusion also reached by several studies on the adult population (Hale et al.,
2016; Huntley et al.,
2020; Shihata et al.,
2018). In sum, group factors are needed to model the IU construct to account for imperfect items or systematic variance in IU side contents; however, they have little relevance for psychological assessment.
An application of the IUS-R should be to assess how IU develops from childhood to adulthood. Establishing measurement invariance is crucial for disentangling whether inferences based on the IUS-R scores reflect variability in the IU construct or item responses unrelated to IU. Our study supported the bifactor model’s configural and metric invariance in different age and sex groups. These findings ensure the unbiased comparison of correlations involving the IUS-R and other criteria instruments in preadolescents, early adolescents, middle adolescents, and samples of girls and boys. Unfortunately, the scalar invariance was not fully supported by age and sex. The former result suggests that mean differences in the IUS-R scores are unbiased only from 14 years old and up. The latter means that girls and boys may differ not necessarily in IU, but also in how they respond to specific items. We tested age and sex differences in the IUS-R total score, showing that the preadolescent group was significantly more intolerant of uncertainty than the two adolescent groups. At the same time, girls obtained higher scores than boys. In light of the partial scalar invariance, we cannot be sure that the mean differences between age groups correspond to a higher level of IU in preadolescents. Still, it may also stem from how the youngest participants interpreted items #2, #5, and #12. Likewise, gender differences may arise from different meanings that girls and boys attached to items #1, #7, #8, and #12. While we have already discussed item #12 as problematic from several perspectives, the contents of the remaining items need to be re-evaluated for their use under age 14 or to study sex differences during adolescence.
Some authors have argued that mean differences can be meaningful under partial scalar invariance, if most items in a scale are invariant (Steenkamp & Baumgartner,
1998; Steinmetz,
2013). Our findings suggest that IU may be decreasing from preadolescence to adulthood if these authors are correct. Indeed, preadolescents were significantly more intolerant of uncertainty than adolescents, who, in turn, obtained higher scores on the IUS-R compared to the Italian adult normative sample (see Bottesi et al.,
2019b). In general, younger participants may be high in IU because they frequently cope with many new, changeable, and uncontrollable events, scattered by uncertainty (Casey et al.,
2010; Read et al.,
2013); therefore, IU may be a phase-specific feature of adolescence itself. The relatively high scores we found in preadolescents and adolescents are not frequently observed in normative adult samples, wherein such high scores indicate a risk of developing psychopathological symptoms. However, considering that our data were collected in the school setting, thus with a low prevalence of psychopathology, high scores assume a different meaning. Adolescents may perceive uncertainty and difficulties managing it as more “normal” than adults, thus experiencing emotional, behavioral, and cognitive responses to uncertainty as less negative. Consequently, high IU scores at younger ages may not necessarily reflect an increased risk of developing a mental disorder, further supported by the absence of significant direct associations between IU and general psychological well-being that emerged from correlational analyses. However, future research in clinical samples is needed to shed light on the relationship between IU and the onset of mental disorders in teenagers.
Finally, IU scales are expected to yield moderate-strong correlations with internalizing symptoms (e.g., Boelen et al.,
2010; Bottesi et al.,
2019b; Comer et al.,
2009; Cornacchio et al.,
2018; Osmanağaoğlu et al.,
2021; Wright et al.,
2016). Accordingly, we found moderately high correlations between the IUS-R total score and internalizing dimensions, namely anxiety, depression, social problems, and withdrawal; therefore, our study provides additional support to the well-established association between IU and internalizing problems in adolescents. With specific regard to anxiety-related dimensions, regression analyses showed that the generalized anxiety scale of the SAFA-A accounted for the largest unique amount of IUS-R variance, thus suggesting that IU may be a core feature of GAD in adults and adolescents. Although significant in regression analyses, social and school anxiety scores accounted for a limited amount of the IUS-R variance. This finding suggests that IU may be implicated in symptoms pertaining to all anxiety-based disorders, but not in equal measure in all. The relationship between IU and social, school, and separation anxiety symptoms in teenagers may be moderated by other cognitive, emotional, or social variables. For example, previous studies found that several vulnerability factors (e.g., looming cognitive style, fear of negative evaluation, anxiety sensitivity) are involved in the relationship between IU and anxiety-related problems (including social anxiety) in adults (e.g., Boelen & Reijntjes,
2009; Riskind et al.,
2000). Similarly, together with IU, other factors may have a bearing on the onset and maintenance of social, separation, and school anxiety in adolescence.
Lastly, our findings supported an adequate divergent validity of the IUS-R. Although we expected negative correlations between scales assessing general psychological well-being and the IUS-R, the fact that we ascertained significance only with the P Scale and still modest in magnitude is reasonable. Indeed, the PWB scale does not measure the experience of positive vs. negative mood states, but an existential form of well-being associated with realizing personal potential (i.e., eudaimonic well-being). Accordingly, a recent cluster analysis study showed that hedonic and eudaimonic well-being could be dissociated (Pancheva et al.,
2021). While low hedonic well-being is undoubtedly a feature that might characterize adolescents’ anxious or depressive states (i.e., anhedonia), of which IU might be the foundation, the same cannot be said for low eudemonic well-being. Therefore, the absence of association with the IUS-R may suggest that adolescents might not experience negative emotions towards the low realization of personal potential as adults may do. Furthermore, a small negative correlation between the IUS-R and the P Scale emerged. Again, this is in line with our hypothesis since a positive attitude towards life is rather uncommon in people with high IU, who instead tend to find everyday life uncertain situations as upsetting and undesirable.
Limitations and future directions
Some limitations characterize the present study. First, our results cannot be fully generalized to the Italian preadolescent and adolescent population despite the relatively large sample size. Indeed, participants were recruited exclusively in northern Italy; future studies may involve youth residing in central and southern regions to maximize the sample’s representativeness. Second, we cannot exclude that the length of the survey may have somewhat interfered with the reliability of the completion. For instance, boredom should be considered, given that adolescents are generally more prone to being bored (e.g., Caldwell et al.,
1999). Then, we did not include a parent-report assessment of IU. We aimed to provide information about the factor structure and psychometric properties of the self-report version of the IUS-R. Still, we acknowledge that availing of a parent-report measure could have further informed our results. Last, our study lacks a clinical sample of adolescents and, consequently, present findings may not generalize to young people with full-blown psychopathologies. Future research examining the measurement invariance of the IUS-R factor model across nonclinical and clinical samples of adolescents is recommended.
Despite its limitations, our study supports using the IUS-R to measure IU across the lifespan. In addition, consistently with the extant literature, our findings pointed out several issues regarding the measurement of Prospective and Inhibitory IU. To note, previous research in adults and adolescents showed that the two IU components have distinct associations with different strategies used to manage uncertain situations, as well as with psychopathological constructs (e.g., Boelen et al.,
2010; Bottesi et al.,
2019a; Hong & Lee,
2015; Wright et al.,
2016). Further revisions of both scales are thereby recommended to clarify the role of the IU components in influencing the performance of particular coping strategies to deal with uncertainty and the development of specific psychological problems. Specifically, aligned with recent recommendations, any future refinement of the IUS-R may be grounded on a theory-driven approach to adequately capture any group factors potentially underlying the general construct (Bottesi et al.,
Several clinical implications can be traced from the current results. A noteworthy aspect brought to light by the present study regards the transdiagnostic nature of IU, which was found to be significantly associated with thought-related issues and externalizing symptomatology (i.e., aggressive behavior and attention problems). In particular, the thought-related problems scale of the YSR encompasses a wide range of symptoms, such as self-harming behaviors, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, psychotic symptoms, and sleep problems. Overall, these results are consistent with the literature; in fact, although IU is notoriously a factor spanning internalizing symptoms (Carleton,
b), recent studies have suggested that IU may contribute to externalizing psychopathology as well (e.g., Bottesi et al.,
2021). Therefore, our findings may indicate that IU may not be only associated with anxiety and other internalizing dimensions, but also with a broad spectrum of psychopathological symptoms and conditions. It is possible that, under certain individual and environmental conditions, IU poses a risk for the development of psychological disorders in teenagers. This issue is vital for future research, which should involve a clinical population to pinpoint any differences vis-à-vis the general adolescent population and clarify the link between IU, psychological well-being, and mental disorders. Moreover, potential protective factors should also be considered to study how they influence the path from IU to the onset of psychological disorders and include them in the implementation of preventive programs aimed at the adolescent population.
In conclusion, because the multidimensionality of the IUS-R does not appear to be substantial in adolescents, the present study recommends researchers to model the factorial structure of the IUS-R according to a bifactor approach and urges clinicians to use the total score instead of subscale scores when assessing adolescents. Since IU can be a defining characteristic of adolescents and simultaneously a transdiagnostic vulnerability factor, it seems crucial to rely on the IUS-R to determine its clinical levels and further investigate IU’s relationships with psychopathological constructs in this age group. In particular, IU is a well-known risk factor for the onset of anxiety disorders, which are the psychological problems with the highest prevalence rate among teenagers (e.g., De Girolamo et al.,
2012). Consequently, it would be beneficial to widen knowledge on the relationship between IU and anxiety-based disorders and include the IUS-R as an outcome measure in treatment programs for adolescent anxiety. Lastly, taking a preventive approach, a thorough study of IU in teenagers would enable the design and development of early interventions to prevent maladaptive outcomes in such a vulnerable population; hence the importance of the IUS-R as a tool capable of reliably measuring IU in adolescents and a range of settings.