Empathy, is a multi-faceted construct that relies on a variety of processes and is variably defined (Decety
2011). One definition: to understand other people’s emotional states, as well as to experience them vicariously (Baron-Cohen and Wheelwright
2004), covers processes which include emotional contagion, whereby the expression of emotion by one individual is experienced by another (Hatfield et al.
1993), the conscious awareness of this experience (de Vignemont and Singer
2006) and mentalizing; a cognitive mechanism whereby mental states are inferred through the observation of behaviour (Brass et al.
In recent years, evidence has been accumulating for a “motor cognition” model of empathy (Decety and Meyer
2008; Jackson and Decety
2004); the fundamental unit of this paradigm being action, defined as “movements produced to satisfy an intention towards a specific goal, or in reaction to a meaningful event in the physical and social environments”. Motor cognition includes the processes involved in the perception, recognition and interpretation of action as well as the processes concerned with action preparation and production. Motor cognition theory argues that both emotional contagion and mentalizing rely on the neural mechanisms dedicated to the perception and enactment of actions. This model is particularly suited to understanding the basis for processing the social information that constitutes emotional communication, as well as the first person experience of those emotions. A motor cognitive model of empathy suggests that empathy relies on a “simulation” theory of mind (Gordon
1996), whereby an observer re-creates the mental states generating emotionally communicative actions in someone else, by observing those actions, and enacting them in the imagination. Firstly, perceived actions elicit neural activity in the observer in those brain areas that would serve the first person sensation of the stimuli which lead to those same behaviours. For example, observing pain being inflicted on others elicits activity in somatosensory cortex serving pain perception, and consequently, the vicarious experience of pain (Avenanti et al.
2005; Lamm et al.
2011; Singer et al.
2004). Similarly, observing the expression of disgust by others elicits activity in the insula, an area that serves the first person experience of disgust (Keysers and Gazzola
Empathic function may be considered to operate in a hierarchical fashion. In Decety and Mayer’s (2008), motor cognition model of empathy, motoric and affective (non-reflexive, automatic and unconscious) resonance mechanisms at the bottom, are subject to top-down control by metacognitive, conscious and intentional control mechanisms at a higher level. Kilner et al. (
2007) suggest that goal-directed actions exist within hierarchies (each goal is part of a larger goal) and predictive-coding models for actions also function within hierarchies with lower levels being controlled by higher levels. Therefore, the degree to which another person’s action is perceived empathically (and consciously), will depend firstly on vicarious experience, but then secondly, on modulatory mechanisms that serve to encode goal-directed actions at an abstract level, such as where the goal is inferred from social context. Vicarious responses to others’ displays of emotion may reflect emotional contagion, but not necessarily with awareness, and are likely to be subject to control by sensori-motor feedback and control mechanisms (Hatfield et al.
2014; Lee et al.
2013). Hess and Fischer (
2013) argue that social communication develops through the mimicry of contextualised emotion signals (empathy) rather than direct copying, and is therefore in keeping with the Decety and Meyer (
2008) model whereby the learning of emotionally communicative signals is developed under top-down control.
Autism is partly defined by impairments in socially communicative and reciprocal social behaviours, and so impaired empathy is a central feature. However, this does not mean that all aspects of empathy are affected. Impairments in the development of hierarchical control of predictive coding mechanisms, may result in impairments of goal-inference. This could result in enhanced emotional contagion at lower levels, but impaired understanding (Gu et al.
2015). Whilst some earlier studies argued for impaired emotional contagion for smiling (McIntosh et al.
2006; Oberman et al.
2009), yawning (Senju et al.
2007) and pain perception (Minio-Paluello et al.
2009) in autism, more recent studies find it to be intact or even enhanced (Fan et al.
2014; Gu et al.
2015; Hadjikhani et al.
2014; Rogers et al.
2007; Senju et al.
2009). Similarly, emotion recognition is only weakly affected in autism (Law Smith et al.
2010), though larger group differences may emerge when facial expression stimuli are dynamic rather than static (Sato et al.
2012; Yoshimura et al.
One possible way that empathy may be disrupted in autism is through its dependence on motor cognition and arguments have been made that impaired motor cognition underlies ASD (e.g. Rogers and Pennington
1991; Williams et al.
2001; Williams
2008). Impaired motor cognition may also result in other features of autism that rely on hierarchical control of feedback-dependent, sensorimotor learning. These include: sensory symptoms (Pellicano and Burr
2012), poor imitation skills (Edwards
2014), poor learning of gesture and a reduced range of facial expressions (Williams et al.
2001; Williams
2008). Many of the diagnostic features of autism reflect impaired use of action in social communication and reciprocity. Items reflecting gesture and facial expression make up a substantial proportion of the algorithmic items in diagnostic instruments such as the autism diagnostic observation schedule (ADOS; Lord et al.
2000) and autism diagnostic interview-revised (ADI-R; Lord et al.
2000; Rutter et al.
2000). The association between deficits in use of communicative actions and empathic impairments occurring closely together in autism raises the possibility of a causal relationship between the two systems.
Assessment of non-verbal communication skills and motor cognition is therefore an important aspect of autism assessment as well as a variety of other mental health problems. The importance of non-verbal communication has been recognised in its making up of two constructs within the research domain criteria (RDoC) strategy (Morris and Cuthbert
2012); Nevertheless, paradigms for its research remain at early stages of development, perhaps because of the complex challenges concerned with the measurement of behaviours which have multiple degrees of freedom. As a starting point, Williams et al. (
2015) developed a self-report measure of reliance on gesture and action imagery in social communication and daily life (The Actions & Feeling Questionnaire—AFQ), designed to assess individual differences in motor cognition. The questionnaire showed strong internal consistency, good test–retest reliability, a plausible two-factor structure (production and perception) and demonstrated convergent validity with the brief version of the empathic quotient (EQ); a self-report measure of empathic traits (Muncer and Ling
2006). The authors suggested that because the AFQ was self-reported, it reflected a self-awareness of action. This was supported by a finding that AFQ score correlated with activity in somatosensory cortex during imitation (because other evidence suggests that that activity in somatosensory cortex during action-observation occurs when attention is paid towards actions, and levels of action-awareness are increased). They suggest that much of the individual variability in empathic traits is shared by variability in action-awareness. However, it was also the case that a significant proportion of the items refer to experiencing feelings when they are expressed as actions by others, and it is argued that somatosensory cortex is employed when perceiving both one’s own and other’s feelings (Damasio and Carvalho
This initial study suggested that the AFQ might be a potent discriminator for differentiation between populations with and without an autism spectrum condition (ASC). As such it could be a useful screening tool in adult and adolescent populations. It may also prove informative in dissecting different aspects of empathic impairment, though a complementary question that remains to be answered is whether it taps into a different construct to the EQ or the same one. Our initial study was based on a modest sample (n = 256). The purpose of the current study was to assess the psychometric properties in a new and larger sample that included participants with and without an ASC.
We found the actions and feelings questionnaire to correlate highly with the empathy quotient and to perform similarly to it in differentiating between sexes. In differentiating between populations of adults with and without autism, the total AFQ score also showed a similar effect size of ASC status to EQ (Cohen’s d: total AFQ = 0.65; EQ = 0.68).
The relationship can be better understood through examination of the factor analysis. We found that a three factor model provided the best fit for our data. The first factor contained those items which asked about the sensitivity to other people’s emotions through the observation of their non-verbal behaviour, as well as links between one’s own feelings from own actions. This feelings subscale provided a strong indicator of autism status (effect sizes [η2]: Feelings subscale = 0.527; EQ = 0.477). With respect to classification accuracy, the feelings subscale score showed properties similar to the EQ with sensitivity of 86% at specificity of 87%. A possibility that may limit the value of the measure as an indicator of diagnostic status, is that scores are affected by level of education. Table
1 shows a breakdown of AFQ total scores by ASD status. This shows small but significant effects educational level, in those without ASC. However, AFQ total scores were similar for those for whom English is their first language or not, and also for college and university students and graduates. Therefore, the limited demographic data does not suggest that English language ability or educational level influences scores. Table
1 also shows associations between AFQ scores and ASC status, with main activity. Participants with an ASC reported lower levels of employment (62.2 vs. 45.4%), corresponding to reports showing reduced employment among those with autism (e.g. Hedley et al.
2016). Of those without an ASC, those reporting themselves to be employed, students or occupied by housework had slightly higher AFQ scores. Whilst this could be due to effects of motor empathy on occupational functioning, it may also be due to differential sampling by age and sex.
The second factor, which we termed “imagery” contained items referring to the imagination of actions (motor imagery), whilst the third factor asked people how animated they tend to be in expressing themselves, whether through gesture in communication or dancing to music. Animation showed moderate associations with EQ and sex and highly significant group effects. Imagery showed a small effect of sex but curiously an association with autism, in the opposite direction expected. Although this was only a small effect, it was still highly significant in view of the large sample size. This may be due to enhanced visuospatial abilities which are well recognized in autism (Shah and Frith
1993), that may be used to compensate for other impairments, as has been suggested with language (Kana et al.
2006). Interestingly, imagery was the subscale that most correlated with age, albeit inversely and weakly. Given that this study was carried out in adults, this finding is hard to interpret, but a hypothesis for future study is that typical motor cognitive development is characterized by a decreasing reliance on lower-level sensorimotor representation, including motor imagery and animation, but that this is delayed in autism.
Our study therefore supports a hypothesis of strong overlap between the empathy construct as measured by the EQ, and motor cognition, but also some clear dissociation. The internal consistency of the AFQ was good (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.84) but the imagery factor correlated poorly with the feelings factor and EQ, and was poor at discriminating between ASC and typical populations. This suggests that motor cognition is not uniformly impaired in autism but rather, particularly when it is appropriated for reading emotion. Notably the item referring to perception of own feelings was also closely associated with the ‘feelings’ factor indicating that it is not just about reading the feelings of others.
Williams et al. (
2015) suggested that AFQ was a measure of action-awareness and emotion-awareness, given the argument that emotions are ‘embodied’ by actions (Niedenthal
2007) and their finding of an association between AFQ score and activity in somatosensory cortex during imitation of emotional expressions. Our findings are therefore consistent with diminished emotion awareness in ASD. Diminished levels of emotional awareness are well recognised in ASD, and it has been associated with high levels of alexithymia, which is a disorder characterised by an impaired ability to recognise and identify emotions in one’s self (Brewer et al.
2015; Cook et al.
2013). Alternatively, the correlation between AFQ score and emotion-awareness could occur through common dependence on an interoceptive function. It is debated whether individual differences in emotion-awareness in autism relate to differences in interoceptive ability (Brewer et al.
2015; Garfinkel et al.
2016; Quattrocki and Friston
2014; Shah et al.
2016), which is hypothesised on the basis of the long-standing premise that emotional states have their origins in bodily states, and reflect cognitive evaluation of physiological changes (Lange and James
1922; Seth
2013). However, the empirical evidence from studies of interoception in autism is inconsistent (DuBois et al.
2016), and it is suggested that separable aspects of interoceptive ability such as subjective awareness and accuracy are differentially affected (DuBois et al.
2016; Garfinkel et al.
A popular distinction often made in the literature is between “cognitive” or “emotional” aspects of empathy, which raises the question as to whether the construct of “motor empathy” which the AFQ aims to measure, fits with respect to this division. Cognitive empathy is generally defined as an ability to “understand” others’ behaviour (e.g. Baron-Cohen and Wheelwright
2004), and is used to refer to seemingly non-emotional, cognitive functions such as perspective taking, metarepresentation, inferential learning and understanding of false belief. It is thought to be served by temporoparietal junction and medial prefrontal cortex (Saxe
2006). In contrast, emotional empathy is concerned with the vicarious experience of emotion and pain, and is thought to be served mainly by somatosensory cortex, anterior cingulate and insula (de Vignemont and Singer
2006). A number of approaches have sought to attribute individual differences in empathic traits to variation in either cognitive or emotional components of empathy. However, questionnaire studies with the EQ have indicated a single factor model best explains its patterns of variance (Allison et al.
2011) and the EQ correlates highly with the Toronto empathy questionnaire (TEQ) which purports to measure “Emotional Empathy” (Spreng et al.
2009). Possibly, sex differences might occur for cognitive but not emotional empathy, as studies of facial mimicry and emotional contagion have found none of the sex differences that are evident when measuring more cognitive empathic traits (Hatfield et al.
2014), which though mixed, suggests a female advantage appears to emerge with age, possibly dependent upon culture and learning (Devine and Hughes
A motor cognition framework offers a slightly different perspective. The cognitive/emotional empathy divide appears to correspond to Decety and Meyer’s (
2008) distinction between “top-down” and “bottom-up” elements in their motor cognitive model of empathy. Emotional empathy is relatively automatic and reactive, whilst cognitive empathy is under more intentional control.
Sensorimotor learning tasks range from being almost purely an exercise in visuospatial calculation with a minimal emotional component (e.g. learning to hit a nail with a hammer), to being highly social-emotional with fewer demands for coordination (e.g. smiling mutually). It seems likely that those tasks which are more socio-emotional require greater executive control (e.g. more inhibition and judgement in timing). It therefore follows that within a hierarchically ordered sensorimotor control network, action planning ranges from being highly subject to emotional modulation and executive control, to being more dependent on visuospatial control and sub-cortical motor planning. This range may reflect developmentally distinct mechanisms with visuospatial tasks requiring a lower level of hierarchical control than that serving more cognitive planning tasks (van Swieten et al.
2010). If socio-emotional learning goes hand-in-hand with development of executive control (Devine et al.
2016), individual differences in empathic function will be determined by the ability to learn hierarchical control in the expression of socially communicative actions. This may, as suggested by Gu et al. (
2015), will reflect sensitivity of one level in the hierarchy to modulation by another level. Therefore, a cognitive/empathic divide may further correspond to differences at a higher or lower level of planning and control.
These points suggest that the marked effects of autism status that we found with respect to those items that ask about the perception of actions in relationship to emotional states, though not in relation to action-imagery, may well reflect a problem in autism, not in encoding actions in themselves, but in representing them at a ‘program’ level in relationship to socio-emotional states, where the highest levels of cognitive control are required. This is consistent with the diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorder, which heavily reflect relative impairment in the awareness and intentional control of actions, especially those embodying socio-emotional states.
A potential objection to our proposal is that our questionnaire simply asks people about their ability to understand feelings. It may be suggested that an item such as “I tend to pick up on people’s body language”, which is the most discriminative item in the questionnaire, simply taps into interpersonal sensitivity. We offer two observations in response to this point. Firstly, we note the high internal consistency of the questionnaire and that many of the items are unlikely to tap into interpersonal sensitivity (e.g. “music that I like makes me want to dance”). Secondly, the feelings subscale of the AFQ on its own confines itself to questions about emotionally-laden actions without asking about social behaviour in general, and yet this scale retains the same capacity as the EQ questionnaire (and arguably improves upon it) of being highly discriminative between groups, whether divided by sex or autism status. This provides further evidence that empathy is closely associated with motor cognition. A third point is that our preliminary study using this questionnaire suggests that it taps into emotional awareness, especially given correlations with activity in somatosensory cortex (Williams et al.
In conclusion, the actions and feelings questionnaire is a brief, self-report questionnaire that was designed to assess motor cognition and which demonstrates marked effects of sex and autism status. This provides further evidence that the empathic problems that occur in autism are closely related to variation in motor cognition, particularly through the awareness and control of higher level actions embodying socio-emotional states, which could underpin a wide range of the symptoms associated with autism spectrum conditions.