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01-12-2014 | Artikel

Stigma bestrijden binnen en vanuit de GGZ (2)

Auteur: Drs. Gerdie Kienhorst

Gepubliceerd in: Psychopraktijk | Uitgave 6/2014

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In het vorige nummer van PsychoPraktijk schonken we aandacht aan de betekenis en gevolgen van stigma en wat daaraan collectief en individueel te doen valt. In dit tweede deel komt aan de orde wat de GGZ hierin kan betekenen.
go back to reference Pinfold V ea (2005) Challenging stigma and discrimination in communities: a focus group study identifying UK mental health service users’ main campaign priorities. International journal of social psychiatry 51: 128–138PubMedCrossRef Pinfold V ea (2005) Challenging stigma and discrimination in communities: a focus group study identifying UK mental health service users’ main campaign priorities. International journal of social psychiatry 51: 128–138PubMedCrossRef
go back to reference Read J ea (2006) Prejudice and schizophrenia: A review of the ‘mental illness is an illness like any other’ approach. Acta psychiatrica scandinavica 114: 303-318; Lincoln TM ea (2008) Can antistigma campaigns be improved? A test of the impact of biogenetic vs psychosocial causal explanations on implicit and explicit attitudes to schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bulletin 34: 984–994 Read J ea (2006) Prejudice and schizophrenia: A review of the ‘mental illness is an illness like any other’ approach. Acta psychiatrica scandinavica 114: 303-318; Lincoln TM ea (2008) Can antistigma campaigns be improved? A test of the impact of biogenetic vs psychosocial causal explanations on implicit and explicit attitudes to schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bulletin 34: 984–994
go back to reference Schomerus G ea (2013) Continuum beliefs and stigmatizing attitudes towards persons withschizofrenia, depression and alcohol dependence. Psychiatry research 209: 665–669PubMedCrossRef Schomerus G ea (2013) Continuum beliefs and stigmatizing attitudes towards persons withschizofrenia, depression and alcohol dependence. Psychiatry research 209: 665–669PubMedCrossRef
go back to reference Lüllmann E & Lincoln TM (2013) The effect of an educating versus normalizing approach on treatment motivation in patients presenting with delusions: An experimental investigation with analogue patients. Schizophrenia research and treatment, 261587 Lüllmann E & Lincoln TM (2013) The effect of an educating versus normalizing approach on treatment motivation in patients presenting with delusions: An experimental investigation with analogue patients. Schizophrenia research and treatment, 261587
go back to reference Kienhorst G, namens Stuurgroep Toolkit voor anti-stigma-interventies (2014) Wegwijzer Stigmabestrijding in de GGZ. Gids naar praktijken die werken. Lessen, praktijken en voorbeelden. Utrecht: Samen Sterk zonder Stigma, GGz Drenthe, Kenniscentrum Phrenos. Te downloaden via: kennisbank Kienhorst G, namens Stuurgroep Toolkit voor anti-stigma-interventies (2014) Wegwijzer Stigmabestrijding in de GGZ. Gids naar praktijken die werken. Lessen, praktijken en voorbeelden. Utrecht: Samen Sterk zonder Stigma, GGz Drenthe, Kenniscentrum Phrenos. Te downloaden via: kennisbank
go back to reference Corrigan PW ea (2008) Principles and practice of psychiatric rehabilitation: An empirical approach. New York, NY: The Guilford Press Corrigan PW ea (2008) Principles and practice of psychiatric rehabilitation: An empirical approach. New York, NY: The Guilford Press
go back to reference Corrigan PW & Rao D (2012) On the selfstigma of mental illness: Stages, disclosure, and strategies for change. Canadian journal of psychiatry 57: 464-469; Evans-Lacko S ea (2012) Association between public views of mental illness and self-stigma among individuals with mental illness in 14 European countries. Psychological medicine 42: 1741–1752CrossRef Corrigan PW & Rao D (2012) On the selfstigma of mental illness: Stages, disclosure, and strategies for change. Canadian journal of psychiatry 57: 464-469; Evans-Lacko S ea (2012) Association between public views of mental illness and self-stigma among individuals with mental illness in 14 European countries. Psychological medicine 42: 1741–1752CrossRef
go back to reference Griffiths KM ea (2004) Effect of web-based depression literacy and cognitive-behavioural therapy interventions on stigmatizing attitudes to depression: randomized controlled trial. British journal of psychiatry 185: 342-349; Clement S ea (2012) Filmed v. live social contact interventions to reduce stigma: randomised controlled trial. British journal of psychiatry 201: 57–64 Griffiths KM ea (2004) Effect of web-based depression literacy and cognitive-behavioural therapy interventions on stigmatizing attitudes to depression: randomized controlled trial. British journal of psychiatry 185: 342-349; Clement S ea (2012) Filmed v. live social contact interventions to reduce stigma: randomised controlled trial. British journal of psychiatry 201: 57–64
go back to reference Plooy A & Weeghel J van (2009) Discriminatie van mensen met de diagnose schizofrenie. Nederlandse bevindingen in een internationale studie. Maandblad geestelijke volksgezondheid 64: 133-147; Stuart HL ea (2012) Paradigms lost: Fighting stigma and the lessons learned. New York: Oxford University Press Plooy A & Weeghel J van (2009) Discriminatie van mensen met de diagnose schizofrenie. Nederlandse bevindingen in een internationale studie. Maandblad geestelijke volksgezondheid 64: 133-147; Stuart HL ea (2012) Paradigms lost: Fighting stigma and the lessons learned. New York: Oxford University Press
go back to reference Slooff CJ & Alphen HAM van (2010) Over de contraproductieve houding van de psychiatrie en de ggz bij stigmatisering. Tijdschrift voor rehabilitatie 19: 6–15 Slooff CJ & Alphen HAM van (2010) Over de contraproductieve houding van de psychiatrie en de ggz bij stigmatisering. Tijdschrift voor rehabilitatie 19: 6–15
go back to reference Clement S ea (2010) Messages to use in population-level campaigns to reduce mental health-related stigma: consensus development study. Epidemiologia e psichiatria sociale 19: 72–79PubMedCrossRef Clement S ea (2010) Messages to use in population-level campaigns to reduce mental health-related stigma: consensus development study. Epidemiologia e psichiatria sociale 19: 72–79PubMedCrossRef
Stigma bestrijden binnen en vanuit de GGZ (2)
Drs. Gerdie Kienhorst
Bohn Stafleu van Loghum
Gepubliceerd in
Psychopraktijk / Uitgave 6/2014
Print ISSN: 1878-4844
Elektronisch ISSN: 2210-7754

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