01-09-2013 | TBV in outline
Was the one single Physician for Work and Health (PWH) dismissed too quickly?
Dr. Alfons Vernooy
Gepubliceerd in:
TBV – Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfs- en Verzekeringsgeneeskunde
Uitgave 7/2013
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The twenty-year-old discussion about the one single physician for work and health (PWH) was revived again in TBV’s anniversary issue. In 1993 the PWH was above all an attempt by occupational health professionals to provide an answer to society’s demand for a change in health care. Government, however, kept the initiative. Now the framework of health care has been defined. The remaining question is whether the concept of the PWH is a positive impulse to the profession itself. Standpoints have been declared, but has there been a comprehensive enough discussion? Might the 2013 conclusions concerning the PWH be premature? …