Individuals with high-functioning forms of autism spectrum disorders (HFA) tend to have a self-centric approach to dialogue and poor pragmatic skills.
1 Thus, they often do not have language impairments per se but do have impairments in pragmatic aspects of language use, as well as atypical prosody (for reviews see, McCann and Peppe
2003; Paul et al.
2005; Tager-Flusberg et al.
2005). In past research (e.g. Lake et al.
2011), it has been argued that if certain types of disfluency are solely (or primarily) for the benefit of the listener or listener-oriented (i.e., in some way helpful to communicative goals), then these disfluencies should be absent in HFA. A classic example of
listener-oriented disfluency is filled pauses, such as
um and
uh, which have been argued to fulfil a variety of discourse-related functions (e.g. holding the floor between turn taking) (Shriberg
1994). In contrast, disfluencies that are
speaker-oriented are assumed to be due to a variety of speaker-internal factors related to difficulties in language production (e.g. word retrieval difficulty). Returning to the issue of disfluency production in HFA, the key theoretical issue is to determine which types of disfluency are listener-oriented and which are speaker-oriented. In this case, a clinical population has been used to argue a basic theoretical question in psycholinguistics related to speech disfluencies. In the current study, we investigated speech disfluencies in a sample of individuals with HFA and two samples of control participants. The main goal of the current study was to re-examine some of the mixed findings in the existing literature concerning the patterns of disfluency in HFA. In addressing this goal, we note several limitations of prior work that, we argue, has made it difficult to conclude whether people with HFA have different patterns of disfluency compared to their typically-developing peers. Our results also have implications for the clinical literature concerning atypical speech in HFA.
Types of Disfluency
The main types of disfluency that have been investigated are pauses, repetitions, and repairs (Arnold et al.
2004; Barr
2001; Bortfeld et al.
2001; Deese
1984; Engelhardt et al.
2011; Fox Tree and Clark
1997; Maclay and Osgood
1959; Nooteboom
1980; O’Connell and Kowal
2005; Shriberg
1996). As mentioned previously, most often investigated in the context of “listener-oriented” disfluency are filled pauses, such as
uh and
um. Clark and Fox Tree (
2002) argued that filled pauses are produced by speakers as a collateral signal of an imminent delay in speech (see also, Brennan and Williams
1995). According to Clark and Fox Tree,
uh is a signal of an upcoming short delay and
um is a signal of an upcoming long delay. The second main type of disfluency is repetitions. These occur when the speaker stops speaking and immediately repeats something s/he just said. The literature is not entirely clear whether repetitions are speaker- or listener-oriented. Clark and Wasow (
1998) argued for a
continuity hypothesis, which assumes that speakers repeat material in order to restore continuity to an interrupted constituent, that is, it is easier for the speaker to produce a full constituent rather than a partial phrase or fragment. Repairs also referred to as false starts or revisions occur when the speaker suspends articulation and corrects (or otherwise restarts) with a new word or phrase. Finally, silent or unfilled pauses may be interpreted as disfluencies, although they may also serve rhetorical or other purposes in fluent speech (see Ferreira
2007; Fox Tree
1995, for discussion).
Disfluency in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
One impetus for the current study came from a series of papers that investigated disfluency production in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (Engelhardt et al.
2012; Zentall
1988). In particular, these papers focused on the role of inhibitory control in sentence production because many of the prominent theories of ADHD focus on deficiencies in behavioural-response inhibition (e.g. Barkley
1997; Barkley and Murphy
2006; Martel et al.
2007; Nigg
2001; Nigg et al.
2007; Pennington and Ozonoff
1996; Schachar et al.
1995; Tannock and Schachar
1996). In the Engelhardt et al. studies, participants saw two pictures and a verb and they had to produce a grammatical sentence. The most robust finding with respect to inhibitory control and disfluent speech was the number of repair disfluencies. Individuals diagnosed with the most severe form of ADHD (i.e. those presenting symptoms of both inattention and hyperactivity–impulsivity—the combined subtype) produced more repairs compared to typically-developing controls (Engelhardt et al.
2012). Approximately two-thirds of the repairs were cases in which participants made a structural revision, that is, they switched from active to passive voice (e.g.
the girl … the bicycle was ridden by the girl), and approximately one-third showed clear evidence of a production error (e.g.
the boy … girl had ridden the bicycle). The latter type is consistent with lexical selection difficulty (Berg and Schade
1992; Shao et al.
2013). These findings were later extended to individual differences in a typically-developing sample. Engelhardt et al. (
2013) showed that performance on the Stroop task (Golden
1978; Stroop
1935) and stop-signal reaction time (Logan
1994), both primarily inhibition tasks, accounted for nearly one-third of the variance in repair disfluency production and this finding held even when individual differences in intelligence and set shifting were controlled for. Set shifting refers to the ability to shift back and forth between multiple tasks, operations, or mental sets (Monsell
These results are relevant to the current study in two ways. The first is that a clinical population was used to examine a basic theoretical question concerning the role of executive functioning in the fluency of speech outputs. The second is that these studies identified a robust relationship between inhibitory control and repairs. One issue that we note in the ASD-disfluency literature is that many of the existing studies did not take into account differences in (verbal) intelligence and executive function (Hill
2004), and thus, these studies overlooked a critical factor that has been previously shown to influence the fluency of language outputs.
Disfluency in Autism Spectrum Disorder
As mentioned above, there has been growing interest in the types and rates of disfluency production in individuals with HFA (Scott
2015). Several studies have reported differences between HFA and typically-developing controls (Shriberg et al.
2001; Suh et al.
2014; Tager-Flusberg et al.
2005; Thurber and Tager-Flusberg
1993). Table
1 contains a summary of the published studies broken down by disfluency and task type.
2 The summary in Table
1 shows that results have been mixed. In the remainder of this section, we review these results with a particular focus on the conflicting data and identifying limitations in prior work. A key study, which motivated the current one, was conducted by Lake et al. (
2011). Those researchers investigated
speaker-oriented versus
listener-oriented disfluency, and the rationale behind the study focused on the fact that individuals with HFA tend to operate more self-centrically in dialogue and have difficulty with social interactions. Thus, Lake et al. hypothesized that individuals with HFA should produce fewer
listener-oriented (or helpful) disfluencies, and in cases where individuals with HFA produce fewer disfluencies than typically-developing controls, those types of disfluency were assumed to be listener oriented. Conversely, in cases where individuals with HFA produce more disfluency, those disfluencies were assumed to be speaker oriented (i.e. related to speaker-internal factors).
Table 1
Summary of disfluency production comparing individuals with ASD to typically-developing controls
| (ASD = 24, TD = 16) | ASD < TDa
| Monologue (painting descriptions) |
| (ASD = 13, TD = 13) | ASD < TD | ASD > TD | ASD > TD | ASD < TD | Dialogue (question answering) |
| (ASD = 30, TD = 53) |
| ASD > TD | ASD > TD | ASD > TD | Dialogue (ADOS interview) |
| (ASD = 15, TD = 15) |
| ASD > TD | ASD > TD | Monologue (story telling) |
Thurber and Tager-Flusberg ( 1993) | (ASD = 10, TD = 10) |
| ASD < TDb
| Monologue (story re-telling) |
In the Lake et al. (
2011) study, data consisted of 5–10 min conversations in which a trained experimenter asked participants questions about their hobbies and interests. Lake et al. found that individuals with HFA produced fewer filled pauses and repairs, and more unfilled pauses and repetitions compared to controls (see Table
1). On the basis of those results, Lake et al. concluded both filled pauses and repairs are types of listener-oriented disfluency and that the speech of individuals with HFA is less “listener-oriented”. Also, because individuals with HFA produced more repetitions, Lake et al. argued that repetitions are not a listener-oriented attempt to restore fluency, but instead, are an automatic outcome of detecting and correcting problems in one’s own speech. However, there were several weaknesses in this study. First, individuals with HFA had a tendency to produce one word answers and often needed prompting (i.e., re-asking or re-phrasing of questions in order to elicit sufficient responses). Second, the groups were matched on age and gender, but not on intelligence or education. The absence of intelligence measures, and in particular verbal intelligence, is problematic given the strength of the relationship between verbal intelligence and repetitions that has been noted in previous work. Third, there were differences in mean length of utterance. Individuals with HFA produced fewer words overall compared to controls. We return to this issue below when we discuss differences between controlled and naturalistic production tasks. A similar study, which also utilized interactive dialogue, was conducted by Shriberg et al. (
2001). Their results for unfilled pauses and repetitions were consistent with Lake et al., but repairs showed the opposite pattern (ASD > TD). However, the Shriberg et al. study suffers from many of the same problems, in that participant groups were not well matched. In Shriberg et al., participants were only matched on age.
In a more recent study, Irvine et al. (
2016) used a monologue task in which participants were required to describe 12 different paintings. Each description was approximately 10 s long and a number of the trials required concurrent finger tapping. In this study, the authors focused exclusively on filled pauses to examine a similar research question as Lake et al. (i.e., Do individuals with HFA produce
listener-oriented disfluency?). Their results showed only a difference in the rates of
um production, and importantly, this difference was linked with ASD symptom severity. The Irvine et al. study was methodologically more robust because it also assessed several executive functions, as well as language ability. Their groups did not differ in age, gender, and non-verbal intelligence, but were marginally different in verbal intelligence.
The final two studies (Suh et al.
2014; Thurber and Tager-Flusberg
1993) used a monologue story-telling task. In Suh et al. (
2014), an examiner gave the participant a picture book and started a story, and the participant was asked to finish it. The stories ranged in length from 127 to 576 words, but importantly, there were no significant differences between groups in terms of number of words, number of utterances, or mean length of utterance (MLU). In addition, the groups were not significantly different in age, gender, or verbal intelligence, but non-verbal intelligence was marginally significant (ASD < TD). Suh et al. reported significant group differences for repetitions and repairs, and for both, the group with an ASD produced more disfluencies than the typically-developing group. These finding are consistent with Shriberg et al. (
2001). The final study by Thurber and Tager-Flusberg (
1993) looked at story re-telling, and in this study, there were differences between groups in the length of the narratives produced (differences in MLU and fewer propositions). The fact that the stories differed in length and quality is problematic from an empirical point of view because the cognitive demand of the speaking task is different. Because typically-developing participants produced more complex and intricate stories, the task demands for them were higher, and as such, disfluency rates are expected to be greater irrespective of the needs of listener.
Controlled Versus Naturalistic Production
Tasks used to study language production can be classified into two broad categories: controlled and naturalistic. Controlled production tasks are designed to elicit specific responses, and these tasks tend to be monologue as opposed to dialogue. For example, in sentence production, participants may be primed to produce alternating forms of a sentence, such as
Joe handed the microphone to Bill versus
Joe handed Bill the microphone (Pickering and Branigan
1998). These sentence production tasks typically require participants to either repeat a complex sentence or to produce a grammatical utterance by describing a picture or event (Engelhardt et al.
2009; Myachykov et al.
2012; Oram et al.
1999; Redmond
2004). In contrast, naturalistic tasks typically have participants engage in an activity or conversation, which is recorded, and then the recordings are analyzed for factors, such as number of interruptions, total number of words/utterances produced, grammaticality mistakes, disfluencies, etc. (e.g. Scott and Windsor
2000; Zentall et al.
1983). The advantage of naturalistic tasks is that they more closely mirror everyday language use, especially tasks that involve interactive dialogue. However, a major disadvantage is that they suffer from a lack of control over both the content of speech and other situational factors that could potentially affect what and how things are said, which leads to a range of potential confounds (see Lake et al.
2011; Shriberg et al.
In the current study, our aim was to maintain control over the task demands associated with speaking where possible. For this reason, participants produced the same words and the same syntactic structures, which ensured that task demands were equal for both the group with HFA and typically-developing controls.
Current Study
In much of the past research, the relationship between disfluency production and individual differences variables was negative, that is, lower-ability individuals produce more disfluencies (e.g. Engelhardt et al.
2010). These negative relationships were found both in clinical populations (e.g. Shriberg et al.
2001) and in typically-developing individuals (Engelhardt et al.
2013). (The results from the HFA studies are summarized in Table
1, and the ADHD results are summarized in the supplementary material.) In the current study, we investigated differences in disfluency production between HFA and two groups of typically-developing controls. One group of controls was matched in terms of age and gender, and the second was randomly selected from a larger study that used the same protocols. Like Irvine et al. (
2016), we sought to control for a range of individual differences variables. In cases where we observed significant group differences, we also looked at whether the differences could be explained by any of the individual differences variables in our dataset. Thus, the goals of this study were to provide some clarification on (1) the theoretical question regarding speaker- versus listener-oriented disfluency, (2) the broader literature of atypical speech in HFA, and (3) the role of individual difference variables in disfluency production. As reviewed above, many of the previous HFA studies showed mixed findings. These differences may be in part due to differences in the tasks used, and the fact that control groups were not matched on key variables. We chose a controlled sentence production task in which participants had to memorize and then repeat back a complex sentence. The sentences were recorded and coded for the different types of disfluency (i.e. filled and unfilled pauses, repetitions, and repairs). We expected that individuals with HFA would produce fewer filled pauses and more repetitions. These types of disfluency have been relatively consistent in previous literature (see Table
1). Effects of unfilled pauses and repairs were less consistent in previous research, but given the ADHD work (e.g. Engelhardt et al.
2010), we expected both to be produced more frequently in individuals with HFA.
Previous studies have used individuals with HFA in order to test a hypothesis concerning listener- versus speaker-oriented disfluency. The rationale is that individuals with HFA tend to have poor social interactions and operate self-centrically in conversation, and as a result, they should fail to show types of disfluency that are listener-oriented. In contrast, if individuals with HFA produce more disfluencies of a particular type, then these disfluencies are assumed to be speaker-oriented (i.e. due to speaker-internal factors). According to Lake et al. (
2011), filled pauses and repairs showed a listener-oriented pattern (ASD < TD) and unfilled pauses and repetitions showed a speaker-oriented pattern (ASD > TD). However, there has been a lot of mixed findings in the literature. In the current study, we found significant differences in the number of repairs and unfilled pauses, and the pattern was consistent with the findings of Shriberg et al. (i.e. ASD > TD). We also found several significant (positive) correlations between repairs and AQ scores, which further confirms an association between ASD and the tendency to produce more repair disfluencies. The group effect on repairs was robust even after covarying all significant individual differences variables (i.e. age, similarities, digit span, and backward digit span). To our knowledge, the results concerning the relationship between repairs and working memory is a novel finding, but at this point, we do not know whether this relationship is unique to our task which relied heavily on memory for successful performance. In any event, the difference between individuals with HFA and controls was robust with memory differences controlled, and as, such is not simply explained by individual differences in working memory ability.
We did not observe a significant difference in repetitions. However, like in the ADHD studies (e.g. Engelhardt et al.
2010), we observed significant correlations between repetitions and verbal intelligence. In the “
Results” section, we argued that the Lake et al. and Shriberg et al. findings with respect to repetitions is very likely due to fact that those studies did not assess/control for individual differences in verbal intelligence. We do note however, that the trend in our data and the trend in the Thurber and Tager-Flusberg study are in the same direction as results reported in the three studies that did report significant differences between groups. Thus, for repetitions there is a consistent pattern in which individuals with HFA produce numerically more repetitions. The one study that does not fit our verbal intelligence explanation is Suh et al., they reported that individuals with HFA produced significantly more repetitions. The groups in that study were not significantly different in verbal intelligence but the means were HFA = 102 versus TD = 112. The lack of significant differences is no doubt partially due to the smallish sample sizes in the existing studies, and the large range in verbal intelligence. Unfortunately, Suh et al. did not report the correlations (or partial correlations) concerning the relationship between ASD status, verbal intelligence, and repetitions. We suspect that the group effect on repetitions in Suh et al. would not remain if verbal intelligence was covaried. Thus, it is our conclusion that autism spectrum disorders are not associated with an increased tendency to repeat material when differences in verbal intelligence are taken into account.
We also observed differences in terms of unfilled pauses, but the pattern was such that the matched controls and the group with HFA were not significantly different but both were different from the unmatched controls. Two previous studies reported that individuals with HFA produced more unfilled pauses than controls. Again, those two studies are the ones that did not match their groups particularly well (i.e. Lake et al. and Shriberg et al.). Thurber and Tager-Flusberg reported different patterns for what they classified as grammatical versus non-grammatical pauses. ASD participants produced more grammatical pauses but fewer non-grammatical pauses, which does not make sense, especially given the conclusions of Lake et al. and findings from the ADHD literature. One issue with unfilled pauses is that the criteria (or threshold) used for determining unfilled pauses varies between studies. Lake et al. used a particularly long threshold (3 s). In the current study, we found that unfilled pauses were correlated with the digit span subscale. We note that the rate of unfilled pauses in the unmatched sample was approximately one pause in every six sentences, substantially lower than one-in-three observed in the other two groups. Moreover, the unmatched controls had significantly higher memory abilities compared to the group with HFA (see Table
2), but the effect of group on unfilled pauses remained even with digit span covaried. However, despite this, we are still sceptical of findings from unmatched samples (i.e. our differences turned on the matched group).
Several issues are worth raising before we dig into the differences between tasks and the theoretical implications of this research. The first is that we did not observe many filled pauses, and thus, there were not enough for a statistical analysis. This is unfortunate because filled pauses are often claimed to be a listener-oriented type of disfluency (e.g., Clark
1994; Clark and Fox Tree
2002). Thus, the expectation for filled pauses is reversed (i.e. higher functioning individuals should produce more). The second concerns unfilled pauses. As just mentioned, the criteria for unfilled pauses varies between studies, and so, any comparisons between studies requires substantial caution. The third concerns the memorize-and-repeat task we used. We classified errors in the verbal productions that our participants produced as “recall errors”. However, as one reviewer correctly pointed out, the task does not actually distinguish between errors at encoding (i.e. in reading the sentence) and errors in memory recall. This is especially true of recall errors such as
archivist versus
activist. Related to this issue, we did not include a language ability assessment in our test battery, and some studies report that individuals with HFA do have difficulty with some aspects of morphology and syntax (Brynskov et al.
2017; Park et al.
2012). We acknowledge the lack of language ability as a limitation of our study, but at the same time, there are several aspects of our data which we think makes this less of a concern. First, the group with HFA produced fewer recall errors than controls. Second, there were no significant differences in terms of the level of education (see Table
2). Third, there were relatively few differences between groups in terms of verbal intelligence, and verbal intelligence has recently been shown to be a strong predictor of syntactic ambiguity resolution, which is one of the most difficult syntactic processing operations to overcome (Engelhardt et al.
2017; Van Dyke et al.
Controlled Versus Naturalistic Production
Prior studies have used a variety of different speaking tasks: They range from fully interactive dialogue to essentially scripted monologue. In the Introduction, we outlined the pluses and minuses of each type of task. On the one hand, the variability in tasks may seem problematic or a limitation when it comes to between study comparisons. On the other hand, if the results for different types of disfluency are consistent across tasks, then it would support generalizability. We see the variability in the literature as a strength rather than a limitation, and in cases, where results are not consistent, we look to differences in tasks and in task demands to account for conflicting findings. We chose a controlled production task as we were particularly keen to ensure that the task demands were equal between the different groups.
We found that unfilled pauses were not different in our study (matched vs. HFA), and we believe that the unfilled pauses (in our study) are primarily linked with memory retrieval. The two studies reporting significant differences both involved dialogue. However, the more naturalistic and interactive nature of dialogue necessarily means that “causes” or problems in production are more numerous. Thus, it is entirely plausible that the more naturalistic a speaking task becomes the more likely it is for different factors to “cause” problems resulting in delays. In contrast, repetitions are numerically consistent even across variable demand speaking situations, and clearly linked with speaker-internal individual differences (i.e. verbal intelligence). It is clear from the current study and several previous studies that individuals with HFA show more disfluencies in monologue tasks, and thus, their difficulties cannot simply be explained by deficits in social communication situations.
Speaker-Versus Listener-Oriented Disfluency
Recall that Lake et al. (
2011) showed a dissociation in which individuals with HFA produced fewer filled pauses and repairs, and more unfilled pauses and repetitions compared to typically-developing controls. They argued that the former are listener-oriented and the latter are speaker-oriented. The debate between speaker- and listener-oriented disfluency is important from a theoretical point of view because it focuses on what elements of speech are done for the benefit of the listener (i.e. how cooperative individuals are in dialogue). The main issue we have with the speaker versus listener conclusions of Lake et al. concerns repairs. If speakers produce repair disfluencies for the benefit of the listener, then one would expect the relationship between repairs and individual differences to be positive—higher-ability individuals should be more attuned and accommodating to listeners’ needs compared to lower-ability individuals. However, three of the five studies listed in Table B in the supplementary materials reveal the opposite pattern (i.e. ASD > TD). Moreover, the significant findings in previous work also showed negative relationships (see supplementary materials), and similar patterns were observed in the current data. We also note that the correlations between the AQ scores and repairs were mostly significant and positive. The only data point that supports the Lake et al. conclusion concerning a listener-oriented view of repairs is the study by Thurber and Tager-Flusberg, who reported means in the same direction (ASD < TD), although not significantly different (1.1. vs. 1.4).
Returning to the issue of whether repairs are listener-oriented, there is a body of work showing a lingering effect of a reparandum on comprehension (Bailey and Ferreira
2003; Ferreira and Bailey
2004; Ferreira et al.
2004; Lau and Ferreira
2005; Lowder and Ferreira
2016). That is, listeners seem to retain some representation of linguistic material that should be cancelled or eliminated by the repair. Even intuitively it is hard to imagine how a repair could be beneficial to a listener. The only explanation that makes sense is idea of (self-)correcting versus not (self-)correcting. If a speaker produces the wrong word and then does not correct their mistake, then obviously that would not be communicatively beneficial from the listener’s point of view. However, in unscripted tasks, it is difficult if not impossible to assess “non-corrected” speech errors. Because our study used a controlled speaking situation, we were able to assess what we called “recall errors” in the utterances produced, but the trends in the data were opposite of what would be expected by a self-correcting explanation (i.e. matched and unmatched controls both produced numerically more “recall errors” compared to the group with HFA).
In summary, we believe the use of clinical populations to assess theoretical questions in psycholinguistics is a good research strategy, and again, we are not in a position to make claims about filled pauses (the clearest listener-oriented disfluency) because they were not produced by speakers in our study. However, we think the idea that repairs are listener-oriented is completely unsupported given the overall trends in current data and in past research.
Limitations and Future Directions
The obvious limitations, which affect virtually all ASD studies, are the small and heterogeneous nature of the samples. A second limitation, mentioned previously, is that we did not have an assessment of language (or reading) ability, and thus, we cannot rule out that some portion of the errors in recall performance were due to errors at encoding (i.e. reading ability). Another issue which we have discussed extensively is the controlled nature of the speaking task we used. For the types of disfluency that do not show consistent patterns across studies, these task differences make it difficult to resolve conflicting findings. In our view, it is better to work from more controlled situations and then move onto more naturalistic situations, including interactive dialogue. Perhaps production problems become more severe in cases in which the content of speech is unconstrained. If it turns out that disfluencies arise problematically within the context of unconstrained speech or in social communication, then cognitive models of language alignment become important (e.g. Pickering and Garrod
2004), and linguistic alignment has recently been investigated in autism spectrum disorders (Allen et al.
2011; Slocombe et al.
2012). For example, research is needed to establish the level at which participants with ASD fail to align. Perhaps the ideal solution is to have the same participants engage in both controlled production and naturalistic dialogue, and thus, tasks demands can be assessed within subject.
The aim of this study was to assess disfluency production in HFA with a view toward (1) resolving conflicting reports, (2) contributing to the literature on speaker- and listener-oriented disfluency, and (3) investigating the role of individual difference variables in the production of disfluency. We found that individuals with HFA produced more repair disfluencies and that the tendency to produce repairs is likely speaker-oriented. With respect to repetitions, we did not observe significant differences between groups, and the tendency to repeat oneself was most closely linked with verbal intelligence. Repetitions therefore, seem to be one type of disfluency that is less affected by the demands of the speaking task, but instead on a speaker-oriented individual differences variable (i.e. verbal intelligence). We also observed differences in unfilled pauses, such that the unmatched controls produced fewer unfilled pauses compared to matched controls and HFA. Unfilled pauses are somewhat subjective in nature, leading to different criteria for what actually counts as an unfilled pause between different studies. We speculated that unfilled pauses in our study were primarily due to slow memory retrieval. However, the group effect on unfilled pauses remained after covarying memory ability. It is possible that as task demands increase to be more unconstrained and interactive that individuals with HFA do in fact produce more pauses; from the present evidence, it seems highly unlikely that they produce fewer.