Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a chronic inflammatory arthropathy associated with skin psoriasis and belongs to the spondyloarthropathy family. Several musculoskeletal manifestations can occur during the disease course, and both axial and peripheral joints can be affected. The foot and the ankle are common targets of inflammation and their involvement could be a major manifestation of the disease in terms of frequency and severity [
3]. Foot and ankle problems include dactylitis, enthesitis, synovitis, and tenosynovitis and can lead to foot and/or ankle pain, stiffness, swelling, and deformity [
8]. Consequently, a high proportion of patients could experience moderate to high levels of foot impairment and difficulties with activities of daily living that require good foot function, such as walking [
Pain and physical function are identified among the most important clinical domains to be measured in PsA clinical studies by the Group for Research and Assessment of Psoriasis and Psoriatic arthritis (GRAPPA) [
10]. While patient-reported outcomes are commonly used to assess pain and perceived function, gait analysis could be used to obtain objective measures of physical function [
11] In people with inflammatory joint disease, including rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and PsA, different gait parameters of varying complexity, such as joint kinetics and kinematics, plantar pressure, and spatiotemporal parameters (STPs), have been employed to assess either global function or localized foot function [
14]. Among these parameters, STPs, which typically encompass gait speed, stride length, cadence, double support, and swing time present certain ease of interpretability by both clinicians and patients and have great utility in predicting health outcomes. For example, a reduced gait speed was associated with an increased risk of falling [
15], functional decline [
16] and mortality in older adults [
17]. Gait speed was also designated the 6th vital sign, and precise cut-off values have been used to predict specific outcomes in older adults [
19]. Both the STP mean values and the variation around them, referred to as gait variability, are key metrics in gait evaluation [
20]. Gait variability is used as a clinical index for gait stability [
21] and is associated with an increased risk of falling in older adults [
Importantly, STPs and gait variability can now easily be measured with emerging lightweight, low-cost, and easy-to-use wearable inertial measurement units (IMUs). These latter have shown acceptable accuracy and precision in measuring STPs in people with PsA and axial spondyloarthritis [
Many studies investigated gait STPs in people with RA with foot involvement and showed significant alterations in gait STP which included reduced gait speed, stride length and cadence, and increased double support [
14]. However, there are scarce data on gait STPs in people with spondyloarthritis, including PsA [
25]. For instance, a recent study demonstrated changes in gait STPs including reduced gait speed, stride length, and swing time, and increased double support time, which were associated with self-reported pain in people with axial spondyloarthritis [
26]. Similar changes were reported in a few studies in people with PsA [
28]. For example, Hyslop et al. assessed cadence, gait speed, stride length, and double support time in people with PsA with and without enthesitis and showed that stride length was significantly lower in the PsA group with enthesitis [
27]. A study by Woodburn et al., which was based on the same cohort as Hyslop et al., showed a significant decrease in gait speed in a PsA group with enthesitis compared to healthy controls [
28]. On the other hand, Wilkins et al. investigated cadence, gait speed, and double support time in people with PsA with and without active dactylitis. Their findings showed a decreased gait speed and increased double support in both PsA groups. However, no significant differences were demonstrated compared to the control group. This could be explained by the small sample size, the relatively young mean age of the study participants (36.7 ± 21.5 years) and the short disease duration (4.6 ± 6.7 years), which were previously shown to be correlated with gait parameters in people with RA [
Overall, the above studies demonstrate alterations in gait STPs. However, despite including participants with confirmed foot involvement, it is not clear whether altered gait STPs are associated with self-reported foot pain and disability. On another note, the reported alterations could be indicative of increased gait instability since such changes are characteristics of cautious gait patterns that are typically undertaken by older adults to increase stability [
30]. In fact, a few recent studies demonstrated altered static and dynamic balance [
32] and increased risk of falling in people with PsA [
33]. Fall-related risk factors have not been studied in people with PsA. Nevertheless, research in RA showed that swollen and tender lower extremity joints were among the most significant fall-related risk factors [
34]. Taking all this into account, despite being a relevant and easy-to-measure gait parameter, no previous research has investigated gait variability and its relationship with self-reported foot pain and function in people with PsA.
Thus, given the limited evidence regarding STPs, gait variability, and their relationship with foot pain and disability in people with PsA, this study aimed 1) to investigate STPs and gait variability in participants with PsA with foot pain and compare them to age- and sex-matched healthy participants using body-worn IMUs, 2) to explore the relationship between STPs, gait variability, and self-reported foot pain and disability, and 3) to investigate the feasibility of using body-worn IMUs to discriminate patient groups based on gait speed-critical values.
The aims of this study were first to assess the differences in gait STPs and gait variability measured with IMUs during a 10-m walk test between participants with PsA and foot pain and age- and sex-matched healthy participants and second to investigate the relationships between gait STPs and variability and clinical outcomes of foot pain and disability.
Spatiotemporal parameters
Our findings showed significant differences in all the STPs between participants with PsA and matched controls. These differences included lower cadence, gait speed, stride length, swing time, and foot strike angle and higher gait cycle duration and double support time in the PsA group than in the healthy controls. However, only cadence, gait speed, and gait cycle duration remained significantly different after adjusting for BMI. Nearly 50% of our PsA sample had a BMI above 30 kg/m
2, which is not surprising because obesity is a common comorbidity of PsA [
52]. Moreover, obesity is known to alter STPs, which has been suggested to be a strategy to lower joint loadings [
53]. Therefore, it is logical that BMI affected the differences in STPs between participants with PsA and controls in our study.
A few previous studies showed some alterations in STPs in people with PsA, but not all of them demonstrated significant differences between PsA participants and healthy controls. It is important to mention that all these studies included participants with a younger mean age compared to that reported in our study. Of note, in a recent systematic review, age was shown to have significant effects on slowing STPs in healthy adults [
30]. Thus, the more significant between-group differences demonstrated in the present study could be attributed to a combined effect of age and disease. Moreover, in the study by Hyslop et al., the participants were matched for BMI, which was normal in PsA and control participants [
27]. The results reported in our study highlighted the effects of BMI on STP. Moreover, the impact of obesity on foot function and structure in older adults has been demonstrated in a previous study [
54]. This suggests that increased BMI could significantly alter foot function and gait in people with PsA which could explain the nonsignificant differences reported in Hyslop. In addition, in this latter study, even though patients with confirmed enthesitis were included, low to moderate levels of foot pain were reported by the authors which can also help explain their findings. In our study, although nearly 90% of the PsA participants were managed on DMARDs/biologicals and most of them had normal CRP levels, a high prevalence of simultaneous forefoot and rearfoot pain and moderate to severe levels of self-reported foot pain and disability were demonstrated. This finding suggests that even though pharmacological treatments might be efficient on systemic inflammation control, significant foot pain and related disability can still be present in people with PsA.
Furthermore, clinically important differences in STPs between PsA and healthy participants and strong correlations between foot pain, foot function, and STPs, especially gait speed, were also demonstrated. Interestingly, these correlations were not affected by the CRP levels, disease duration, or lower limb pain since none of these clinical parameters was significantly correlated with STP. Although direct comparison between pain levels reported in Hyslop et al. and those reported in the present study cannot be made due to the different measurement tools used, our findings suggest that foot pain may play a major role in gait alterations in people with PsA.
Based on gait speed values, it was possible to discriminate between three PsA subgroups. PsA participants who had gait speed values below 1.0 m/s had higher FFI scores than those for whom gait speed was between 1.0 m/s and 1.2 m/s and those with gait speed above 1.2 m/s. There was not enough power to statically test the differences in the FFI scores between these three subgroups. However, knowing that the MCID for the FFI total score is 7 points, the results showed that differences between these gait speed-based subgroups could be clinically significant. This suggests that gait speed may be a relevant metric not only to assess gait alteration in people with PsA but also to have more objective insight into the impact of the disease on self-reported foot pain and disability.
The results from studies addressing gait STPs in patients with RA are coherent with our study. For example, a previous systematic review on gait analysis of the lower limb in patients with RA showed that they tend to walk slower, with a longer gait cycle, a shorter step length, a longer double support time, and a lower cadence compared to healthy subjects [
55]. These findings were confirmed in a recent meta-analysis that reported a significant decrease in gait speed, stride length, and cadence and a significant increase in double support in patients with RA compared to healthy participants. Similar to the present study, this meta-analysis also reported large effect sizes for the differences between RA and healthy participants (effect sizes (95% CI) were 1.55 (0.83 to 2.27); 1.66 (1.49 to 1.84); 0.97 (0.45 to 1.49)) and 1.01 (0.66 to 1.36) for gait speed, stride length, cadence and double support time, respectively [
It appears that walking slower with shorter steps is a common compensatory strategy that people with arthritic foot disease use to reduce loads and pain in the affected joints and to increase stability [
57]. It has been reported that reducing gait speed leads to lower joint flexion and extension moments in hip, knee, and ankle joints [
58] and that reducing step length allows for a decrease in the vertical ground reaction forces [
61]. Moreover, double limb support, in contrast to single limb support and swing (% GCT), is the most stable phase during gait, and all these parameters represent the ability of the patient to transfer their body weight to the affected limb [
62]. Our findings, similar to previous studies in RA patients, showed a significant increase in double support and a reduction in the swing phase [
14]. This suggests that spending more time on both feet could be an adaptive approach to increase stability and reduce pain during gait.
Gait variability
Analysis of gait variability is a clinically relevant parameter in the evaluation of gait and responses to interventions and is a viable option for the quantitative evaluation of gait stability [
21]. To our knowledge, gait variability has never been investigated in people with PsA or other populations with foot involvement associated with arthritic joint disease. In our study, the mean stride time variability was higher in the PsA group (4.49 ± 3.56%) than in the control group (2.32 ± 0.72%) and above the normative values reported for stride time variability (1.1 to 2.6%) [
49], indicating increased gait instability. This is consistent with novel findings from a recent study that reported an increased risk of falling in people with PsA [
33]. Increased gait variability and instability could be ascribed to pain, muscle weakness, restricted range of motion, and a decrease in proprioception caused by inflammation in the foot joints and the surrounding structures [
20]. However, there were no significant correlations between foot pain and stride time variability. Findings from a recent study reporting a significant alteration of static and dynamic balance in people with PsA also showed that there were no correlations between balance parameters, foot pain and foot function [
32]. This suggests that pain may not be a determinant of gait variability and that this metric could be accepted as an independent gait parameter that should be assessed systematically in people with PsA. However, this needs to be confirmed in larger and longitudinal studies. Further studies are also needed to investigate the involvement of muscle weakness, reduced range of motion, and alterations of the proprioceptive system in gait variability in people with PsA.
This study showed that the disease duration and CRP levels were not correlated with self-reported foot pain and function, which is consistent with results from a previous study conducted in people with spondyloarthritis [
63]. On the other hand, gait spatiotemporal parameters, especially gait speed, were strongly correlated with these clinical outcomes. It would be relevant to investigate these associations in larger and longitudinal studies and to link gait parameters to clinically relevant domains in PsA as determined by the GRAPPA [
Body-worn IMUs for gait analysis are more than ever used in clinical assessment and clinical studies in several neurological diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease, stroke, and multiple sclerosis [
67]. These systems are easy to use, time- and cost-effective, do not require special equipment or expertise, and could be used in different settings. In addition, recent evidence suggests that they could accurately and reliably measure STPs in people with axial spondyloarthritis and PsA [
24]. This study suggests that body-worn IMUs could be useful to obtain an objective measure of functional mobility in people with PsA.
There are some limitations to this study. First, given the small sample size and the uneven distribution of males and females in our study sample, the findings cannot be generalized to the population. Second, the patients were included based on their subjective perception of foot involvement. Although from a clinical perspective, the patients’ perception of pain and disability is a vital criterion, adding ultrasonography/MRI data to confirm the presence of enthesopathy, tendinopathy, synovitis, and/or bone erosions would have given more insight into the severity of foot involvement. Third, CRP levels were documented from the participant’s clinical records, which led to missing data and a delay (up to 3 months in a few participants) between CRP level assessment and data collection. Moreover, important clinical domains, including disease activity, skin disease activity, and fatigue, were not assessed which could significantly limit the proper description of the study cohort. Additionally, it is important to mention that gait variability was assessed over a 10-m distance. Ideally, future studies should consider longer distances while assessing this metric. Finally, the presence or absence of foot deformity was recorded in a qualitative manner (presence/absence). Using standardized tools such as the foot posture index [
68] could have been more relevant to ensure comparability between studies.
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