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10-04-2018 | Original Article

Spatial transformation abilities and their relation to later mathematics performance

Auteur: Andrea Frick

Gepubliceerd in: Psychological Research | Uitgave 7/2019

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Using a longitudinal approach, this study investigated the relational structure of different spatial transformation skills at kindergarten age, and how these spatial skills relate to children’s later mathematics performance. Children were tested at three time points, in kindergarten, first grade, and second grade (N = 119). Exploratory factor analyses revealed two subcomponents of spatial transformation skills: one representing egocentric transformations (mental rotation and spatial scaling), and one representing allocentric transformations (e.g., cross-sectioning, perspective taking). Structural equation modeling suggested that egocentric transformation skills showed their strongest relation to the part of the mathematics test tapping arithmetic operations, whereas allocentric transformations were strongly related to Numeric-Logical and Spatial Functions as well as geometry. The present findings point to a tight connection between early mental transformation skills, particularly the ones requiring a high level of spatial flexibility and a strong sense for spatial magnitudes, and children’s mathematics performance at the beginning of their school career.
Test–retest reliability measures are reported where available; however, for some of the tasks, such measures were unobtainable. Measures based on inter-item correlations are misleading in these tasks, as items differ considerably in difficulty. For example, accuracy on items requiring mental rotation by a large angle is significantly lower than items requiring only a small mental transformation (Frick et al., 2013). Nevertheless, for the sake of completeness, Guttman’s Lambda 2 was calculated in these cases and was as follows: Ghost Rotation, 0.70; Perspective Taking, 0.70; Cross-sectioning, 0.56; Children’s Mental Transformation Task, 0.75; Diagrammatic Representations, 0.69; Spatial Scaling, .70; Proportional Reasoning, 0.88; Number-line Task, 0.87. For span tasks (both working memory tasks) and timed tasks (Card Rotation, Geometry task), inter-item correlations are meaningless as children solved different numbers of items.
In the case of map reading, changes in scale typically go hand in hand with changes in representational format, as maps typically are scaled two-dimensional representations of a three-dimensional space. To disentangle these two transformations, the Spatial Scaling Task used in the present study did not involve any changes in format—conversely, the Diagrammatic Reasoning Task did not involve changes in scale.
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Spatial transformation abilities and their relation to later mathematics performance
Andrea Frick
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Gepubliceerd in
Psychological Research / Uitgave 7/2019
Print ISSN: 0340-0727
Elektronisch ISSN: 1430-2772