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01-10-2010 | Original Paper

Sources of Parental Knowledge as Moderators of the Relation Between Parental Psychological Control and Relational and Physical/Verbal Aggression

Auteurs: Alden E. Gaertner, Jamie L. Rathert, Paula J. Fite, Michael Vitulano, Porché T. Wynn, Jennifer Harber

Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Child and Family Studies | Uitgave 5/2010

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Previous research demonstrates that aspects of parenting interact to influence child adjustment. We aimed to extend this research by examining parenting strategies associated with behavioral control, specifically sources of parental knowledge regarding child behavior (child disclosure, parental solicitation, parental control), as moderators of the relation between psychological control and relational and physical/verbal aggression. Our sample included 89 children (56% male), ages 9–12. Consistent with prior research on child adjustment, low child disclosure was the only source of parental knowledge associated with both relational and physical/verbal aggression. Moreover, parental solicitation moderated the association between psychological control and relational, but not physical, aggression. That is, at high levels of parental solicitation, psychological control and relational aggression were positively related, whereas at low levels of parental solicitation, psychological control and relational aggression were unrelated. Implications and future directions are discussed.
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Sources of Parental Knowledge as Moderators of the Relation Between Parental Psychological Control and Relational and Physical/Verbal Aggression
Alden E. Gaertner
Jamie L. Rathert
Paula J. Fite
Michael Vitulano
Porché T. Wynn
Jennifer Harber
Springer US
Gepubliceerd in
Journal of Child and Family Studies / Uitgave 5/2010
Print ISSN: 1062-1024
Elektronisch ISSN: 1573-2843

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