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Open Access 22-02-2021 | Letter to the Editor

Shop until you drop: alternative interpretations

Auteurs: A. P. M. Gorgels, A. A. Wilde

Gepubliceerd in: Netherlands Heart Journal | Uitgave 3/2021


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Dear editor,
Baris and van den Bos should be commended for describing an interesting arrhythmia [1]. However, we would like to offer alternative explanations.
Their ladder diagram comprises sinus rhythm with 2:1 atrioventricular block and a junctional escape rhythm. Our interpretation is as follows:
Group beating is present; QRS complexes after the longer pause are closely followed by a negative P wave in leads II and III (compare end of QRS complexes with those during sinus rhythm). Clear negative P waves are seen after the QRS complexes with the shorter R‑R intervals. Therefore no sinus rhythm is present, but a junctional escape rhythm (escape interval 1120 ms) with shortly coupled retrograde conduction to the atria. Antegrade conduction to the ventricles leads to a reciprocal beat with a long coupling interval (900 ms). The latter beat also shows retrograde conduction with a longer R‑P interval, due to the shorter preceding R‑R interval, but without antegrade conduction. This leads to the next junctional escape beat (1120 ms), followed by the same sequence of events (Fig. 1).
Another mechanism, but less likely, given the vagal state, could be: sinus arrest with an accelerated junctional rhythm with 3:2 Wenckebach exit block and retrograde conduction with longer R‑P intervals following shorter preceding R‑R intervals (Fig. 2).

Conflict of interest

A.P.M. Gorgels and A.A. Wilde declare that they have no competing interests.
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go back to reference Baris L, van den Bos EJ. Shop till you drop. Neth Heart J. 2020;28:670–1.CrossRef Baris L, van den Bos EJ. Shop till you drop. Neth Heart J. 2020;28:670–1.CrossRef
Shop until you drop: alternative interpretations
A. P. M. Gorgels
A. A. Wilde
Bohn Stafleu van Loghum
Gepubliceerd in
Netherlands Heart Journal / Uitgave 3/2021
Print ISSN: 1568-5888
Elektronisch ISSN: 1876-6250

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