Appendix A

1 Descriptive Statistics

1.1 Gender

1 = male, 2 = female

##  1  2 
## 30 73

1.2 Age


## [1] 40.45631


## [1] 11.405


## [1] 20


## [1] 63

1.3 Table of means

##   Questionnaire Time   N         M        SD        SE        CI
## 1           CES   T1 103  28.94175  4.618431 0.4550675 0.8919324
## 2           CES   T2 103  25.60194  6.337470 0.6244495 1.2239210
## 5          PTCI   T1 103 149.18447 34.315362 3.3811931 6.6271385
## 6          PTCI   T2 103 114.89320 45.660493 4.4990621 8.8181617
## 3           DTS   T1 103  83.31068 22.127540 2.1802913 4.2733709
## 4           DTS   T2 103  61.59223 29.271694 2.8842258 5.6530825

1.4 Normal Distribution

##  One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
## data:  data$CES_T1
## D = 0.099263, p-value = 0.2621
## alternative hypothesis: two-sided
##  One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
## data:  data$CES_T2
## D = 0.1464, p-value = 0.02418
## alternative hypothesis: two-sided
##  One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
## data:  data$PTCI_T1
## D = 0.10196, p-value = 0.2346
## alternative hypothesis: two-sided
##  One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
## data:  data$PTCI_T2
## D = 0.07468, p-value = 0.6139
## alternative hypothesis: two-sided
##  One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
## data:  data$DTS_T1
## D = 0.050097, p-value = 0.9583
## alternative hypothesis: two-sided
##  One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
## data:  data$DTS_T2
## D = 0.075085, p-value = 0.607
## alternative hypothesis: two-sided

1.5 Reliabilies

1.5.1 CES

## Reliability analysis   
## Call: alpha(x = data[c("CES1_T1", "CES2_T1", "CES3_T1", "CES4_T1", 
##     "CES5_T1", "CES6_T1", "CES7_T1")])
##   raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N   ase mean   sd median_r
##       0.78       0.8     0.8      0.36   4 0.033  4.1 0.66     0.35
##  lower alpha upper     95% confidence boundaries
## 0.72 0.78 0.85 
##  Reliability if an item is dropped:
##         raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N alpha se  var.r med.r
## CES1_T1      0.78      0.79    0.79      0.39 3.9    0.034 0.0090  0.39
## CES2_T1      0.76      0.78    0.76      0.37 3.5    0.037 0.0093  0.37
## CES3_T1      0.75      0.77    0.77      0.36 3.3    0.039 0.0131  0.33
## CES4_T1      0.74      0.76    0.74      0.34 3.1    0.040 0.0086  0.34
## CES5_T1      0.74      0.76    0.75      0.35 3.2    0.039 0.0089  0.33
## CES6_T1      0.77      0.78    0.78      0.38 3.7    0.036 0.0103  0.36
## CES7_T1      0.75      0.77    0.75      0.36 3.3    0.038 0.0083  0.35
##  Item statistics 
##           n raw.r std.r r.cor r.drop mean   sd
## CES1_T1 103  0.61  0.58  0.47   0.41  3.9 1.15
## CES2_T1 103  0.68  0.65  0.58   0.50  3.7 1.19
## CES3_T1 103  0.67  0.69  0.61   0.55  4.3 0.85
## CES4_T1 103  0.72  0.74  0.71   0.62  4.3 0.79
## CES5_T1 103  0.69  0.72  0.68   0.58  4.5 0.80
## CES6_T1 103  0.65  0.62  0.53   0.46  4.0 1.17
## CES7_T1 103  0.68  0.70  0.64   0.54  4.3 0.96
## Non missing response frequency for each item
##            1    2    3    4    5 miss
## CES1_T1 0.04 0.11 0.17 0.30 0.39    0
## CES2_T1 0.08 0.05 0.25 0.29 0.33    0
## CES3_T1 0.01 0.01 0.17 0.31 0.50    0
## CES4_T1 0.00 0.03 0.12 0.39 0.47    0
## CES5_T1 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.25 0.63    0
## CES6_T1 0.04 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.47    0
## CES7_T1 0.00 0.06 0.18 0.20 0.55    0
## Reliability analysis   
## Call: alpha(x = data[c("CES1_T2", "CES2_T2", "CES3_T2", "CES4_T2", 
##     "CES5_T2", "CES6_T2", "CES7_T2")])
##   raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N   ase mean   sd median_r
##       0.88      0.88    0.88      0.51 7.4 0.018  3.7 0.91     0.52
##  lower alpha upper     95% confidence boundaries
## 0.84 0.88 0.91 
##  Reliability if an item is dropped:
##         raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N alpha se  var.r med.r
## CES1_T2      0.89      0.89    0.88      0.57 8.0    0.018 0.0068  0.55
## CES2_T2      0.85      0.86    0.85      0.50 5.9    0.022 0.0198  0.52
## CES3_T2      0.85      0.85    0.84      0.48 5.6    0.023 0.0165  0.50
## CES4_T2      0.85      0.85    0.84      0.49 5.7    0.023 0.0161  0.51
## CES5_T2      0.85      0.85    0.85      0.49 5.8    0.023 0.0173  0.50
## CES6_T2      0.87      0.87    0.86      0.54 7.0    0.019 0.0150  0.54
## CES7_T2      0.87      0.87    0.86      0.52 6.6    0.020 0.0209  0.52
##  Item statistics 
##           n raw.r std.r r.cor r.drop mean  sd
## CES1_T2 103  0.59  0.60  0.50   0.45  3.7 1.1
## CES2_T2 103  0.80  0.81  0.77   0.72  3.4 1.2
## CES3_T2 103  0.85  0.85  0.83   0.78  3.7 1.2
## CES4_T2 103  0.83  0.84  0.82   0.76  3.8 1.1
## CES5_T2 103  0.82  0.82  0.80   0.75  3.9 1.2
## CES6_T2 103  0.71  0.70  0.62   0.58  3.3 1.3
## CES7_T2 103  0.74  0.73  0.66   0.63  3.8 1.3
## Non missing response frequency for each item
##            1    2    3    4    5 miss
## CES1_T2 0.06 0.05 0.29 0.31 0.29    0
## CES2_T2 0.08 0.14 0.31 0.26 0.21    0
## CES3_T2 0.06 0.11 0.22 0.34 0.27    0
## CES4_T2 0.04 0.10 0.21 0.37 0.28    0
## CES5_T2 0.05 0.09 0.16 0.30 0.41    0
## CES6_T2 0.15 0.10 0.27 0.29 0.19    0
## CES7_T2 0.08 0.10 0.17 0.21 0.44    0

1.5.2 PTCI

## Reliability analysis   
## Call: alpha(x = data[c("PTCI1_T1", "PTCI2_T1", "PTCI3_T1", "PTCI4_T1", 
##     "PTCI5_T1", "PTCI6_T1", "PTCI7_T1", "PTCI8_T1", "PTCI9_T1", 
##     "PTCI10_T1", "PTCI11_T1", "PTCI12_T1", "PTCI13_T1", "PTCI14_T1", 
##     "PTCI15_T1", "PTCI16_T1", "PTCI17_T1", "PTCI18_T1", "PTCI19_T1", 
##     "PTCI20_T1", "PTCI21_T1", "PTCI22_T1", "PTCI23_T1", "PTCI24_T1", 
##     "PTCI25_T1", "PTCI26_T1", "PTCI27_T1", "PTCI28_T1", "PTCI29_T1", 
##     "PTCI30_T1", "PTCI31_T1", "PTCI32_T1", "PTCI33_T1")])
##   raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N    ase mean sd median_r
##       0.94      0.94    0.97      0.34  17 0.0082  4.5  1     0.35
##  lower alpha upper     95% confidence boundaries
## 0.93 0.94 0.96 
##  Reliability if an item is dropped:
##           raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N alpha se var.r med.r
## PTCI1_T1       0.94      0.94    0.97      0.34  16   0.0085 0.023  0.34
## PTCI2_T1       0.94      0.95    0.97      0.35  18   0.0078 0.020  0.36
## PTCI3_T1       0.94      0.94    0.97      0.34  16   0.0086 0.023  0.34
## PTCI4_T1       0.94      0.94    0.97      0.34  16   0.0084 0.022  0.35
## PTCI5_T1       0.94      0.94    0.97      0.33  16   0.0087 0.022  0.34
## PTCI6_T1       0.94      0.94    0.97      0.34  17   0.0083 0.023  0.35
## PTCI7_T1       0.94      0.94    0.97      0.34  17   0.0082 0.022  0.36
## PTCI8_T1       0.94      0.94    0.97      0.34  17   0.0083 0.023  0.35
## PTCI9_T1       0.94      0.94    0.97      0.34  16   0.0085 0.023  0.34
## PTCI10_T1      0.94      0.94    0.97      0.34  16   0.0085 0.023  0.35
## PTCI11_T1      0.94      0.94    0.97      0.34  16   0.0084 0.023  0.35
## PTCI12_T1      0.94      0.94    0.97      0.34  16   0.0085 0.023  0.35
## PTCI13_T1      0.94      0.94    0.97      0.34  17   0.0082 0.023  0.35
## PTCI14_T1      0.94      0.94    0.97      0.34  16   0.0084 0.023  0.34
## PTCI15_T1      0.94      0.94    0.97      0.34  16   0.0084 0.023  0.35
## PTCI16_T1      0.94      0.94    0.97      0.34  17   0.0083 0.023  0.35
## PTCI17_T1      0.94      0.94    0.97      0.34  17   0.0083 0.023  0.35
## PTCI18_T1      0.94      0.94    0.97      0.34  16   0.0085 0.023  0.34
## PTCI19_T1      0.94      0.94    0.97      0.34  16   0.0085 0.023  0.35
## PTCI20_T1      0.94      0.94    0.97      0.33  16   0.0085 0.022  0.34
## PTCI21_T1      0.94      0.94    0.97      0.33  16   0.0086 0.023  0.34
## PTCI22_T1      0.94      0.94    0.97      0.33  16   0.0086 0.023  0.34
## PTCI23_T1      0.94      0.94    0.97      0.34  17   0.0083 0.022  0.35
## PTCI24_T1      0.94      0.94    0.97      0.34  16   0.0085 0.023  0.34
## PTCI25_T1      0.94      0.94    0.97      0.33  16   0.0086 0.022  0.34
## PTCI26_T1      0.94      0.94    0.97      0.34  17   0.0083 0.023  0.35
## PTCI27_T1      0.94      0.94    0.97      0.33  16   0.0086 0.023  0.34
## PTCI28_T1      0.94      0.94    0.97      0.34  16   0.0085 0.023  0.34
## PTCI29_T1      0.94      0.94    0.97      0.33  16   0.0086 0.023  0.34
## PTCI30_T1      0.94      0.94    0.97      0.34  16   0.0085 0.023  0.35
## PTCI31_T1      0.94      0.95    0.97      0.35  17   0.0080 0.020  0.36
## PTCI32_T1      0.94      0.94    0.97      0.34  17   0.0083 0.023  0.35
## PTCI33_T1      0.94      0.94    0.97      0.35  17   0.0081 0.022  0.36
##  Item statistics 
##             n raw.r std.r r.cor r.drop mean  sd
## PTCI1_T1  103  0.69  0.68  0.67   0.66  4.1 1.7
## PTCI2_T1  103  0.23  0.21  0.18   0.17  3.9 2.1
## PTCI3_T1  103  0.70  0.69  0.69   0.67  4.0 1.9
## PTCI4_T1  103  0.60  0.62  0.61   0.57  5.5 1.4
## PTCI5_T1  103  0.77  0.77  0.77   0.75  3.8 1.9
## PTCI6_T1  103  0.49  0.48  0.47   0.45  2.7 1.8
## PTCI7_T1  103  0.48  0.46  0.45   0.43  4.2 2.1
## PTCI8_T1  103  0.51  0.52  0.51   0.47  5.3 1.6
## PTCI9_T1  103  0.66  0.67  0.66   0.64  4.9 1.7
## PTCI10_T1 103  0.65  0.65  0.64   0.62  5.1 1.6
## PTCI11_T1 103  0.62  0.63  0.63   0.59  5.1 1.6
## PTCI12_T1 103  0.64  0.64  0.63   0.61  5.4 1.6
## PTCI13_T1 103  0.49  0.47  0.45   0.44  3.6 2.0
## PTCI14_T1 103  0.62  0.63  0.62   0.59  4.2 1.6
## PTCI15_T1 103  0.60  0.60  0.58   0.57  4.3 1.8
## PTCI16_T1 103  0.52  0.54  0.53   0.49  5.1 1.3
## PTCI17_T1 103  0.54  0.54  0.52   0.50  4.4 1.8
## PTCI18_T1 103  0.65  0.66  0.65   0.62  5.2 1.6
## PTCI19_T1 103  0.65  0.65  0.64   0.62  4.3 1.7
## PTCI20_T1 103  0.70  0.72  0.72   0.67  5.1 1.6
## PTCI21_T1 103  0.71  0.71  0.70   0.68  4.7 1.8
## PTCI22_T1 103  0.73  0.72  0.72   0.70  4.2 1.7
## PTCI23_T1 103  0.48  0.50  0.49   0.45  5.4 1.4
## PTCI24_T1 103  0.69  0.69  0.69   0.66  5.0 1.6
## PTCI25_T1 103  0.73  0.73  0.72   0.70  3.9 1.9
## PTCI26_T1 103  0.57  0.55  0.54   0.53  4.2 2.2
## PTCI27_T1 103  0.73  0.72  0.72   0.70  4.1 1.9
## PTCI28_T1 103  0.67  0.68  0.68   0.64  4.9 1.6
## PTCI29_T1 103  0.71  0.71  0.71   0.68  4.7 1.7
## PTCI30_T1 103  0.65  0.64  0.64   0.62  4.8 1.7
## PTCI31_T1 103  0.37  0.33  0.32   0.31  3.7 2.2
## PTCI32_T1 103  0.54  0.54  0.53   0.50  4.7 1.8
## PTCI33_T1 103  0.38  0.39  0.37   0.33  4.9 1.7
## Non missing response frequency for each item
##              1    2    3    4    5    6    7 miss
## PTCI1_T1  0.17 0.03 0.09 0.25 0.26 0.16 0.05    0
## PTCI2_T1  0.22 0.08 0.09 0.27 0.07 0.12 0.16    0
## PTCI3_T1  0.20 0.04 0.12 0.10 0.28 0.21 0.05    0
## PTCI4_T1  0.03 0.03 0.01 0.12 0.25 0.33 0.23    0
## PTCI5_T1  0.19 0.09 0.16 0.13 0.23 0.15 0.06    0
## PTCI6_T1  0.42 0.09 0.13 0.17 0.14 0.05 0.02    0
## PTCI7_T1  0.20 0.05 0.10 0.16 0.17 0.17 0.15    0
## PTCI8_T1  0.05 0.03 0.06 0.08 0.24 0.28 0.26    0
## PTCI9_T1  0.10 0.01 0.04 0.18 0.25 0.29 0.13    0
## PTCI10_T1 0.04 0.07 0.06 0.08 0.29 0.31 0.16    0
## PTCI11_T1 0.04 0.07 0.05 0.15 0.23 0.26 0.20    0
## PTCI12_T1 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.26 0.24 0.31    0
## PTCI13_T1 0.23 0.08 0.17 0.19 0.15 0.08 0.11    0
## PTCI14_T1 0.10 0.08 0.11 0.19 0.34 0.13 0.06    0
## PTCI15_T1 0.10 0.08 0.15 0.13 0.28 0.17 0.11    0
## PTCI16_T1 0.01 0.03 0.06 0.19 0.30 0.28 0.13    0
## PTCI17_T1 0.11 0.09 0.12 0.14 0.24 0.20 0.11    0
## PTCI18_T1 0.07 0.01 0.06 0.15 0.17 0.34 0.20    0
## PTCI19_T1 0.11 0.05 0.16 0.17 0.27 0.17 0.08    0
## PTCI20_T1 0.06 0.02 0.11 0.10 0.23 0.29 0.19    0
## PTCI21_T1 0.10 0.06 0.09 0.13 0.21 0.25 0.17    0
## PTCI22_T1 0.14 0.03 0.09 0.30 0.20 0.17 0.08    0
## PTCI23_T1 0.02 0.02 0.07 0.11 0.28 0.24 0.26    0
## PTCI24_T1 0.09 0.02 0.03 0.10 0.34 0.27 0.16    0
## PTCI25_T1 0.17 0.06 0.17 0.20 0.17 0.12 0.11    0
## PTCI26_T1 0.21 0.05 0.08 0.16 0.17 0.14 0.19    0
## PTCI27_T1 0.16 0.04 0.19 0.15 0.22 0.12 0.13    0
## PTCI28_T1 0.03 0.07 0.10 0.15 0.29 0.19 0.17    0
## PTCI29_T1 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.17 0.22 0.27 0.12    0
## PTCI30_T1 0.07 0.03 0.14 0.13 0.27 0.21 0.16    0
## PTCI31_T1 0.29 0.04 0.13 0.15 0.14 0.12 0.15    0
## PTCI32_T1 0.10 0.02 0.10 0.23 0.17 0.22 0.16    0
## PTCI33_T1 0.04 0.08 0.10 0.17 0.20 0.20 0.20    0
## Reliability analysis   
## Call: alpha(x = data[c("PTCI1_T2", "PTCI2_T2", "PTCI3_T2", "PTCI4_T2", 
##     "PTCI5_T2", "PTCI6_T2", "PTCI7_T2", "PTCI8_T2", "PTCI9_T2", 
##     "PTCI10_T2", "PTCI11_T2", "PTCI12_T2", "PTCI13_T2", "PTCI14_T2", 
##     "PTCI15_T2", "PTCI16_T2", "PTCI17_T2", "PTCI18_T2", "PTCI19_T2", 
##     "PTCI20_T2", "PTCI21_T2", "PTCI22_T2", "PTCI23_T2", "PTCI24_T2", 
##     "PTCI25_T2", "PTCI26_T2", "PTCI27_T2", "PTCI28_T2", "PTCI29_T2", 
##     "PTCI30_T2", "PTCI31_T2", "PTCI32_T2", "PTCI33_T2")])
##   raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N    ase mean  sd median_r
##       0.98      0.98    0.99      0.55  41 0.0034  3.5 1.4     0.57
##  lower alpha upper     95% confidence boundaries
## 0.97 0.98 0.98 
##  Reliability if an item is dropped:
##           raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N alpha se var.r med.r
## PTCI1_T2       0.97      0.98    0.99      0.55  39   0.0035 0.018  0.57
## PTCI2_T2       0.98      0.98    0.99      0.56  41   0.0034 0.016  0.59
## PTCI3_T2       0.97      0.97    0.99      0.55  39   0.0036 0.018  0.57
## PTCI4_T2       0.97      0.97    0.99      0.55  39   0.0036 0.018  0.57
## PTCI5_T2       0.97      0.97    0.99      0.55  39   0.0036 0.017  0.57
## PTCI6_T2       0.98      0.98    0.99      0.56  41   0.0034 0.017  0.59
## PTCI7_T2       0.98      0.98    0.99      0.56  41   0.0034 0.016  0.58
## PTCI8_T2       0.97      0.98    0.99      0.55  39   0.0035 0.018  0.57
## PTCI9_T2       0.97      0.98    0.99      0.55  39   0.0036 0.018  0.57
## PTCI10_T2      0.97      0.97    0.99      0.55  39   0.0036 0.017  0.57
## PTCI11_T2      0.97      0.98    0.99      0.55  39   0.0036 0.018  0.57
## PTCI12_T2      0.97      0.97    0.99      0.55  39   0.0036 0.018  0.57
## PTCI13_T2      0.98      0.98    0.99      0.56  40   0.0035 0.018  0.58
## PTCI14_T2      0.97      0.97    0.99      0.55  39   0.0036 0.018  0.57
## PTCI15_T2      0.97      0.98    0.99      0.55  39   0.0036 0.018  0.57
## PTCI16_T2      0.98      0.98    0.99      0.56  40   0.0035 0.018  0.58
## PTCI17_T2      0.97      0.98    0.99      0.55  39   0.0036 0.018  0.57
## PTCI18_T2      0.97      0.98    0.99      0.55  39   0.0036 0.018  0.57
## PTCI19_T2      0.97      0.97    0.99      0.55  39   0.0036 0.017  0.57
## PTCI20_T2      0.97      0.97    0.99      0.55  38   0.0036 0.017  0.57
## PTCI21_T2      0.97      0.97    0.99      0.55  39   0.0036 0.018  0.57
## PTCI22_T2      0.97      0.97    0.99      0.55  39   0.0036 0.018  0.57
## PTCI23_T2      0.98      0.98    0.99      0.56  40   0.0035 0.018  0.58
## PTCI24_T2      0.97      0.97    0.99      0.55  39   0.0036 0.018  0.57
## PTCI25_T2      0.97      0.97    0.99      0.55  39   0.0036 0.017  0.57
## PTCI26_T2      0.98      0.98    0.99      0.56  40   0.0035 0.018  0.58
## PTCI27_T2      0.97      0.98    0.99      0.55  39   0.0036 0.018  0.57
## PTCI28_T2      0.97      0.98    0.99      0.55  39   0.0035 0.018  0.57
## PTCI29_T2      0.97      0.97    0.99      0.55  39   0.0036 0.018  0.57
## PTCI30_T2      0.97      0.97    0.99      0.55  39   0.0036 0.018  0.57
## PTCI31_T2      0.98      0.98    0.99      0.56  40   0.0034 0.017  0.58
## PTCI32_T2      0.97      0.97    0.99      0.55  39   0.0036 0.017  0.57
## PTCI33_T2      0.98      0.98    0.99      0.56  41   0.0034 0.015  0.59
##  Item statistics 
##             n raw.r std.r r.cor r.drop mean  sd
## PTCI1_T2  103  0.74  0.74  0.73   0.72  2.7 1.8
## PTCI2_T2  103  0.54  0.54  0.52   0.51  3.2 2.1
## PTCI3_T2  103  0.80  0.80  0.79   0.78  3.0 2.0
## PTCI4_T2  103  0.82  0.82  0.81   0.80  4.0 2.0
## PTCI5_T2  103  0.81  0.81  0.81   0.80  2.8 1.8
## PTCI6_T2  103  0.58  0.58  0.57   0.55  2.3 1.6
## PTCI7_T2  103  0.56  0.56  0.55   0.53  3.1 2.0
## PTCI8_T2  103  0.76  0.76  0.76   0.75  4.5 1.8
## PTCI9_T2  103  0.79  0.79  0.78   0.77  3.6 1.9
## PTCI10_T2 103  0.82  0.82  0.82   0.81  3.2 1.7
## PTCI11_T2 103  0.78  0.79  0.78   0.77  4.0 1.8
## PTCI12_T2 103  0.81  0.81  0.80   0.79  3.9 2.0
## PTCI13_T2 103  0.68  0.67  0.66   0.65  3.0 1.9
## PTCI14_T2 103  0.84  0.84  0.84   0.83  3.2 1.8
## PTCI15_T2 103  0.79  0.79  0.79   0.77  2.9 1.8
## PTCI16_T2 103  0.66  0.67  0.66   0.64  4.2 1.7
## PTCI17_T2 103  0.79  0.79  0.79   0.78  3.4 1.8
## PTCI18_T2 103  0.79  0.79  0.79   0.78  3.6 1.9
## PTCI19_T2 103  0.85  0.85  0.85   0.83  3.1 1.8
## PTCI20_T2 103  0.88  0.88  0.88   0.87  3.9 1.9
## PTCI21_T2 103  0.80  0.80  0.80   0.79  3.6 1.9
## PTCI22_T2 103  0.81  0.81  0.81   0.79  3.4 1.7
## PTCI23_T2 103  0.65  0.65  0.65   0.63  4.9 1.7
## PTCI24_T2 103  0.80  0.80  0.80   0.78  3.7 1.9
## PTCI25_T2 103  0.83  0.83  0.83   0.81  2.9 1.8
## PTCI26_T2 103  0.67  0.67  0.66   0.65  3.2 2.0
## PTCI27_T2 103  0.79  0.79  0.78   0.77  2.9 1.8
## PTCI28_T2 103  0.77  0.77  0.77   0.75  4.0 1.8
## PTCI29_T2 103  0.83  0.83  0.83   0.82  3.8 1.7
## PTCI30_T2 103  0.83  0.83  0.83   0.82  3.7 2.0
## PTCI31_T2 103  0.63  0.63  0.62   0.61  3.1 2.0
## PTCI32_T2 103  0.79  0.80  0.79   0.78  3.4 1.9
## PTCI33_T2 103  0.52  0.52  0.51   0.49  4.7 1.8
## Non missing response frequency for each item
##              1    2    3    4    5    6    7 miss
## PTCI1_T2  0.39 0.12 0.20 0.09 0.13 0.03 0.05    0
## PTCI2_T2  0.34 0.14 0.02 0.18 0.18 0.05 0.09    0
## PTCI3_T2  0.39 0.08 0.12 0.15 0.12 0.13 0.03    0
## PTCI4_T2  0.17 0.11 0.15 0.06 0.23 0.22 0.06    0
## PTCI5_T2  0.40 0.05 0.24 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.02    0
## PTCI6_T2  0.46 0.17 0.17 0.07 0.09 0.03 0.02    0
## PTCI7_T2  0.33 0.16 0.11 0.07 0.17 0.13 0.04    0
## PTCI8_T2  0.11 0.08 0.05 0.17 0.24 0.27 0.09    0
## PTCI9_T2  0.23 0.10 0.10 0.24 0.13 0.15 0.06    0
## PTCI10_T2 0.26 0.12 0.21 0.13 0.17 0.10 0.01    0
## PTCI11_T2 0.14 0.12 0.14 0.13 0.26 0.16 0.07    0
## PTCI12_T2 0.18 0.11 0.15 0.10 0.25 0.12 0.10    0
## PTCI13_T2 0.35 0.12 0.13 0.15 0.13 0.11 0.03    0
## PTCI14_T2 0.28 0.09 0.18 0.18 0.15 0.10 0.02    0
## PTCI15_T2 0.36 0.14 0.11 0.10 0.21 0.08 0.01    0
## PTCI16_T2 0.09 0.13 0.11 0.16 0.30 0.19 0.03    0
## PTCI17_T2 0.21 0.17 0.12 0.15 0.19 0.16 0.00    0
## PTCI18_T2 0.24 0.07 0.16 0.14 0.25 0.12 0.03    0
## PTCI19_T2 0.28 0.12 0.19 0.13 0.17 0.10 0.01    0
## PTCI20_T2 0.15 0.16 0.10 0.11 0.31 0.11 0.08    0
## PTCI21_T2 0.20 0.14 0.14 0.17 0.17 0.14 0.05    0
## PTCI22_T2 0.23 0.11 0.13 0.21 0.22 0.10 0.00    0
## PTCI23_T2 0.06 0.06 0.09 0.13 0.24 0.26 0.17    0
## PTCI24_T2 0.21 0.10 0.11 0.13 0.26 0.17 0.03    0
## PTCI25_T2 0.36 0.12 0.18 0.10 0.17 0.05 0.03    0
## PTCI26_T2 0.36 0.07 0.14 0.09 0.20 0.12 0.03    0
## PTCI27_T2 0.34 0.15 0.17 0.11 0.13 0.10 0.01    0
## PTCI28_T2 0.14 0.12 0.13 0.11 0.30 0.17 0.05    0
## PTCI29_T2 0.16 0.09 0.17 0.15 0.26 0.16 0.02    0
## PTCI30_T2 0.24 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.12 0.09    0
## PTCI31_T2 0.35 0.12 0.10 0.11 0.18 0.13 0.02    0
## PTCI32_T2 0.25 0.09 0.17 0.17 0.19 0.07 0.06    0
## PTCI33_T2 0.08 0.10 0.07 0.11 0.23 0.27 0.15    0

1.5.3 DTS

## Reliability analysis   
## Call: alpha(x = data[c("DTS1F_T1", "DTS1S_T1", "DTS2F_T1", "DTS2S_T1", 
##     "DTS3F_T1", "DTS3S_T1", "DTS4F_T1", "DTS4S_T1", "DTS5F_T1", 
##     "DTS5S_T1", "DTS6F_T1", "DTS6S_T1", "DTS7F_T1", "DTS7S_T1", 
##     "DTS8F_T1", "DTS8S_T1", "DTS9F_T1", "DTS9S_T1", "DTS10F_T1", 
##     "DTS10S_T1", "DTS11F_T1", "DTS11S_T1", "DTS12F_T1", "DTS12S_T1", 
##     "DTS13F_T1", "DTS13S_T1", "DTS14F_T1", "DTS14S_T1", "DTS15F_T1", 
##     "DTS15S_T1", "DTS16F_T1", "DTS16S_T1", "DTS17F_T1", "DTS17S_T1")])
##   raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N   ase mean   sd median_r
##       0.92      0.92    0.97      0.25  11 0.012  2.5 0.65     0.24
##  lower alpha upper     95% confidence boundaries
## 0.89 0.92 0.94 
##  Reliability if an item is dropped:
##           raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N alpha se var.r med.r
## DTS1F_T1       0.91      0.92    0.97      0.25  11    0.012 0.020  0.24
## DTS1S_T1       0.91      0.92    0.97      0.25  11    0.012 0.020  0.24
## DTS2F_T1       0.91      0.92    0.97      0.25  11    0.013 0.020  0.24
## DTS2S_T1       0.91      0.92    0.97      0.25  11    0.013 0.020  0.24
## DTS3F_T1       0.91      0.92    0.97      0.25  11    0.013 0.020  0.24
## DTS3S_T1       0.91      0.92    0.97      0.25  11    0.012 0.020  0.24
## DTS4F_T1       0.91      0.92    0.97      0.25  11    0.012 0.020  0.24
## DTS4S_T1       0.91      0.92    0.97      0.25  11    0.013 0.020  0.24
## DTS5F_T1       0.91      0.92    0.97      0.25  11    0.012 0.021  0.24
## DTS5S_T1       0.91      0.92    0.97      0.25  11    0.012 0.020  0.23
## DTS6F_T1       0.91      0.92    0.97      0.25  11    0.012 0.020  0.24
## DTS6S_T1       0.91      0.91    0.97      0.25  11    0.013 0.020  0.23
## DTS7F_T1       0.91      0.92    0.97      0.25  11    0.012 0.020  0.24
## DTS7S_T1       0.91      0.92    0.97      0.25  11    0.012 0.020  0.24
## DTS8F_T1       0.92      0.92    0.97      0.26  11    0.012 0.020  0.24
## DTS8S_T1       0.91      0.92    0.97      0.25  11    0.013 0.021  0.23
## DTS9F_T1       0.91      0.92    0.97      0.25  11    0.012 0.020  0.24
## DTS9S_T1       0.91      0.92    0.97      0.25  11    0.012 0.020  0.24
## DTS10F_T1      0.91      0.92    0.97      0.25  11    0.012 0.020  0.24
## DTS10S_T1      0.91      0.92    0.97      0.25  11    0.013 0.020  0.24
## DTS11F_T1      0.91      0.92    0.97      0.25  11    0.012 0.020  0.24
## DTS11S_T1      0.91      0.92    0.97      0.25  11    0.013 0.020  0.24
## DTS12F_T1      0.91      0.92    0.97      0.25  11    0.012 0.020  0.24
## DTS12S_T1      0.91      0.92    0.97      0.25  11    0.012 0.020  0.24
## DTS13F_T1      0.92      0.92    0.97      0.26  11    0.012 0.019  0.24
## DTS13S_T1      0.91      0.92    0.97      0.25  11    0.012 0.020  0.24
## DTS14F_T1      0.91      0.92    0.97      0.25  11    0.012 0.020  0.24
## DTS14S_T1      0.91      0.92    0.97      0.25  11    0.012 0.020  0.24
## DTS15F_T1      0.91      0.92    0.97      0.25  11    0.012 0.020  0.24
## DTS15S_T1      0.91      0.92    0.97      0.25  11    0.012 0.020  0.23
## DTS16F_T1      0.91      0.92    0.97      0.25  11    0.012 0.020  0.24
## DTS16S_T1      0.91      0.92    0.97      0.25  11    0.012 0.021  0.23
## DTS17F_T1      0.91      0.92    0.97      0.25  11    0.012 0.020  0.24
## DTS17S_T1      0.91      0.92    0.97      0.25  11    0.012 0.020  0.24
##  Item statistics 
##             n raw.r std.r r.cor r.drop mean   sd
## DTS1F_T1  103  0.41  0.42  0.41   0.37  2.9 1.01
## DTS1S_T1  103  0.58  0.60  0.59   0.56  2.9 0.89
## DTS2F_T1  103  0.58  0.58  0.58   0.54  1.8 1.31
## DTS2S_T1  103  0.60  0.60  0.60   0.56  2.3 1.47
## DTS3F_T1  103  0.59  0.58  0.57   0.54  1.8 1.33
## DTS3S_T1  103  0.58  0.57  0.57   0.53  2.5 1.45
## DTS4F_T1  103  0.50  0.50  0.49   0.46  2.5 1.17
## DTS4S_T1  103  0.62  0.62  0.62   0.59  2.7 1.07
## DTS5F_T1  103  0.47  0.47  0.47   0.43  2.6 1.07
## DTS5S_T1  103  0.59  0.61  0.60   0.56  2.8 0.92
## DTS6F_T1  103  0.44  0.45  0.43   0.39  2.7 1.34
## DTS6S_T1  103  0.64  0.65  0.64   0.61  2.3 1.04
## DTS7F_T1  103  0.44  0.43  0.42   0.38  2.4 1.45
## DTS7S_T1  103  0.56  0.56  0.55   0.51  2.2 1.29
## DTS8F_T1  103  0.37  0.35  0.33   0.31  1.4 1.58
## DTS8S_T1  103  0.58  0.56  0.55   0.53  1.8 1.46
## DTS9F_T1  103  0.51  0.50  0.49   0.46  2.7 1.34
## DTS9S_T1  103  0.57  0.57  0.56   0.54  2.4 1.20
## DTS10F_T1 103  0.48  0.46  0.46   0.43  2.7 1.33
## DTS10S_T1 103  0.60  0.59  0.59   0.56  2.4 1.21
## DTS11F_T1 103  0.51  0.49  0.49   0.46  1.9 1.54
## DTS11S_T1 103  0.59  0.58  0.58   0.55  2.0 1.45
## DTS12F_T1 103  0.55  0.52  0.52   0.49  2.0 1.60
## DTS12S_T1 103  0.55  0.53  0.53   0.50  2.1 1.51
## DTS13F_T1 103  0.33  0.34  0.33   0.28  3.3 1.14
## DTS13S_T1 103  0.48  0.50  0.49   0.44  3.0 1.12
## DTS14F_T1 103  0.40  0.40  0.39   0.35  1.9 1.36
## DTS14S_T1 103  0.45  0.44  0.44   0.40  2.2 1.35
## DTS15F_T1 103  0.50  0.51  0.50   0.46  3.1 1.12
## DTS15S_T1 103  0.57  0.59  0.59   0.54  2.8 1.05
## DTS16F_T1 103  0.41  0.43  0.42   0.37  3.2 1.02
## DTS16S_T1 103  0.60  0.62  0.61   0.57  2.8 0.93
## DTS17F_T1 103  0.49  0.50  0.49   0.45  2.8 1.27
## DTS17S_T1 103  0.57  0.58  0.58   0.53  2.5 1.21
## Non missing response frequency for each item
##              0    1    2    3    4 miss
## DTS1F_T1  0.01 0.09 0.24 0.31 0.35    0
## DTS1S_T1  0.02 0.05 0.21 0.50 0.22    0
## DTS2F_T1  0.22 0.17 0.28 0.20 0.12    0
## DTS2S_T1  0.23 0.01 0.19 0.31 0.25    0
## DTS3F_T1  0.21 0.23 0.25 0.17 0.14    0
## DTS3S_T1  0.19 0.03 0.13 0.34 0.31    0
## DTS4F_T1  0.09 0.08 0.33 0.29 0.21    0
## DTS4S_T1  0.08 0.05 0.18 0.51 0.17    0
## DTS5F_T1  0.02 0.17 0.28 0.31 0.22    0
## DTS5S_T1  0.02 0.07 0.22 0.48 0.21    0
## DTS6F_T1  0.12 0.04 0.23 0.20 0.41    0
## DTS6S_T1  0.08 0.10 0.36 0.37 0.10    0
## DTS7F_T1  0.16 0.16 0.17 0.22 0.30    0
## DTS7S_T1  0.16 0.17 0.17 0.38 0.13    0
## DTS8F_T1  0.50 0.08 0.14 0.12 0.17    0
## DTS8S_T1  0.32 0.10 0.21 0.23 0.14    0
## DTS9F_T1  0.12 0.06 0.23 0.21 0.38    0
## DTS9S_T1  0.13 0.06 0.27 0.39 0.16    0
## DTS10F_T1 0.11 0.07 0.22 0.22 0.38    0
## DTS10S_T1 0.11 0.09 0.25 0.36 0.19    0
## DTS11F_T1 0.31 0.08 0.22 0.17 0.21    0
## DTS11S_T1 0.25 0.08 0.22 0.26 0.18    0
## DTS12F_T1 0.31 0.08 0.20 0.14 0.27    0
## DTS12S_T1 0.30 0.02 0.18 0.31 0.18    0
## DTS13F_T1 0.06 0.03 0.11 0.18 0.62    0
## DTS13S_T1 0.06 0.04 0.17 0.34 0.40    0
## DTS14F_T1 0.22 0.11 0.34 0.17 0.17    0
## DTS14S_T1 0.18 0.10 0.27 0.26 0.18    0
## DTS15F_T1 0.05 0.03 0.19 0.21 0.51    0
## DTS15S_T1 0.06 0.03 0.20 0.43 0.28    0
## DTS16F_T1 0.04 0.00 0.19 0.23 0.53    0
## DTS16S_T1 0.03 0.03 0.25 0.45 0.24    0
## DTS17F_T1 0.10 0.05 0.22 0.26 0.37    0
## DTS17S_T1 0.10 0.08 0.24 0.35 0.23    0
## Reliability analysis   
## Call: alpha(x = data[c("DTS1F_T2", "DTS1S_T2", "DTS2F_T2", "DTS2S_T2", 
##     "DTS3F_T2", "DTS3S_T2", "DTS4F_T2", "DTS4S_T2", "DTS5F_T2", 
##     "DTS5S_T2", "DTS6F_T2", "DTS6S_T2", "DTS7F_T2", "DTS7S_T2", 
##     "DTS8F_T2", "DTS8S_T2", "DTS9F_T2", "DTS9S_T2", "DTS10F_T2", 
##     "DTS10S_T2", "DTS11F_T2", "DTS11S_T2", "DTS12F_T2", "DTS12S_T2", 
##     "DTS13F_T2", "DTS13S_T2", "DTS14F_T2", "DTS14S_T2", "DTS15F_T2", 
##     "DTS15S_T2", "DTS16F_T2", "DTS16S_T2", "DTS17F_T2", "DTS17S_T2")])
##   raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N   ase mean   sd median_r
##       0.96      0.96    0.99      0.45  27 0.005  1.8 0.86     0.45
##  lower alpha upper     95% confidence boundaries
## 0.95 0.96 0.97 
##  Reliability if an item is dropped:
##           raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N alpha se var.r med.r
## DTS1F_T2       0.96      0.96    0.99      0.45  27   0.0051 0.019  0.45
## DTS1S_T2       0.96      0.96    0.99      0.44  26   0.0053 0.018  0.45
## DTS2F_T2       0.96      0.96    0.99      0.45  27   0.0051 0.018  0.46
## DTS2S_T2       0.96      0.96    0.99      0.45  27   0.0051 0.018  0.45
## DTS3F_T2       0.96      0.96    0.99      0.45  27   0.0052 0.019  0.45
## DTS3S_T2       0.96      0.96    0.99      0.44  26   0.0052 0.018  0.45
## DTS4F_T2       0.96      0.96    0.99      0.44  26   0.0052 0.019  0.45
## DTS4S_T2       0.96      0.96    0.99      0.44  26   0.0052 0.019  0.45
## DTS5F_T2       0.96      0.96    0.99      0.44  26   0.0053 0.019  0.45
## DTS5S_T2       0.96      0.96    0.99      0.44  26   0.0053 0.018  0.45
## DTS6F_T2       0.96      0.96    0.99      0.45  27   0.0052 0.019  0.45
## DTS6S_T2       0.96      0.96    0.99      0.44  26   0.0052 0.019  0.45
## DTS7F_T2       0.96      0.96    0.99      0.45  27   0.0051 0.019  0.46
## DTS7S_T2       0.96      0.96    0.99      0.44  26   0.0052 0.019  0.45
## DTS8F_T2       0.97      0.97    0.99      0.46  28   0.0049 0.015  0.46
## DTS8S_T2       0.96      0.96    0.99      0.45  27   0.0051 0.019  0.45
## DTS9F_T2       0.96      0.96    0.99      0.44  26   0.0052 0.019  0.45
## DTS9S_T2       0.96      0.96    0.99      0.44  26   0.0052 0.019  0.45
## DTS10F_T2      0.96      0.96    0.99      0.45  27   0.0052 0.019  0.45
## DTS10S_T2      0.96      0.96    0.99      0.45  27   0.0052 0.019  0.45
## DTS11F_T2      0.96      0.96    0.99      0.45  27   0.0050 0.018  0.46
## DTS11S_T2      0.96      0.96    0.99      0.45  27   0.0052 0.019  0.45
## DTS12F_T2      0.96      0.96    0.99      0.45  27   0.0051 0.019  0.45
## DTS12S_T2      0.96      0.96    0.99      0.45  27   0.0051 0.019  0.45
## DTS13F_T2      0.96      0.96    0.99      0.45  27   0.0051 0.019  0.46
## DTS13S_T2      0.96      0.96    0.99      0.45  27   0.0052 0.019  0.45
## DTS14F_T2      0.96      0.96    0.99      0.45  27   0.0051 0.019  0.46
## DTS14S_T2      0.96      0.96    0.99      0.45  27   0.0051 0.019  0.46
## DTS15F_T2      0.96      0.96    0.99      0.44  26   0.0052 0.019  0.45
## DTS15S_T2      0.96      0.96    0.99      0.44  26   0.0052 0.019  0.45
## DTS16F_T2      0.96      0.96    0.99      0.44  26   0.0053 0.018  0.45
## DTS16S_T2      0.96      0.96    0.99      0.44  26   0.0053 0.018  0.45
## DTS17F_T2      0.96      0.96    0.99      0.45  27   0.0052 0.019  0.45
## DTS17S_T2      0.96      0.96    0.99      0.44  26   0.0052 0.019  0.45
##  Item statistics 
##             n raw.r std.r r.cor r.drop mean  sd
## DTS1F_T2  103  0.63  0.63  0.62   0.60 2.57 1.2
## DTS1S_T2  103  0.81  0.81  0.81   0.80 2.17 1.0
## DTS2F_T2  103  0.56  0.56  0.56   0.53 1.34 1.3
## DTS2S_T2  103  0.63  0.63  0.63   0.60 1.46 1.4
## DTS3F_T2  103  0.69  0.69  0.69   0.67 1.43 1.3
## DTS3S_T2  103  0.74  0.74  0.74   0.72 1.84 1.4
## DTS4F_T2  103  0.74  0.74  0.73   0.72 2.12 1.3
## DTS4S_T2  103  0.72  0.73  0.72   0.70 2.04 1.1
## DTS5F_T2  103  0.78  0.78  0.78   0.77 2.04 1.3
## DTS5S_T2  103  0.80  0.80  0.80   0.78 1.98 1.3
## DTS6F_T2  103  0.69  0.68  0.68   0.66 1.55 1.3
## DTS6S_T2  103  0.77  0.77  0.77   0.75 1.49 1.1
## DTS7F_T2  103  0.56  0.56  0.55   0.53 1.37 1.3
## DTS7S_T2  103  0.72  0.72  0.71   0.70 1.44 1.2
## DTS8F_T2  103  0.30  0.31  0.29   0.27 0.88 1.2
## DTS8S_T2  103  0.65  0.65  0.64   0.62 1.13 1.2
## DTS9F_T2  103  0.72  0.71  0.71   0.69 2.10 1.4
## DTS9S_T2  103  0.74  0.73  0.73   0.72 1.89 1.2
## DTS10F_T2 103  0.69  0.68  0.68   0.66 1.69 1.4
## DTS10S_T2 103  0.70  0.70  0.70   0.68 1.72 1.3
## DTS11F_T2 103  0.56  0.56  0.55   0.53 1.40 1.4
## DTS11S_T2 103  0.67  0.67  0.67   0.65 1.54 1.3
## DTS12F_T2 103  0.65  0.65  0.64   0.62 1.35 1.4
## DTS12S_T2 103  0.65  0.65  0.64   0.62 1.50 1.4
## DTS13F_T2 103  0.57  0.57  0.57   0.54 2.60 1.2
## DTS13S_T2 103  0.66  0.67  0.66   0.64 2.25 1.2
## DTS14F_T2 103  0.58  0.58  0.57   0.55 1.73 1.2
## DTS14S_T2 103  0.63  0.64  0.63   0.61 1.93 1.2
## DTS15F_T2 103  0.74  0.74  0.74   0.72 2.71 1.2
## DTS15S_T2 103  0.73  0.73  0.73   0.71 2.31 1.2
## DTS16F_T2 103  0.79  0.79  0.79   0.77 2.16 1.4
## DTS16S_T2 103  0.83  0.83  0.83   0.82 2.06 1.2
## DTS17F_T2 103  0.68  0.68  0.68   0.66 2.03 1.3
## DTS17S_T2 103  0.74  0.75  0.74   0.73 1.79 1.2
## Non missing response frequency for each item
##              0    1    2    3    4 miss
## DTS1F_T2  0.02 0.20 0.28 0.17 0.32    0
## DTS1S_T2  0.06 0.20 0.33 0.32 0.09    0
## DTS2F_T2  0.37 0.17 0.26 0.14 0.06    0
## DTS2S_T2  0.39 0.15 0.17 0.22 0.08    0
## DTS3F_T2  0.32 0.22 0.27 0.08 0.11    0
## DTS3S_T2  0.27 0.15 0.18 0.26 0.14    0
## DTS4F_T2  0.11 0.23 0.29 0.17 0.19    0
## DTS4S_T2  0.11 0.19 0.34 0.27 0.09    0
## DTS5F_T2  0.16 0.17 0.34 0.17 0.17    0
## DTS5S_T2  0.18 0.17 0.22 0.34 0.09    0
## DTS6F_T2  0.31 0.17 0.25 0.17 0.09    0
## DTS6S_T2  0.22 0.29 0.31 0.13 0.05    0
## DTS7F_T2  0.37 0.15 0.30 0.12 0.07    0
## DTS7S_T2  0.28 0.25 0.25 0.17 0.04    0
## DTS8F_T2  0.55 0.16 0.20 0.03 0.06    0
## DTS8S_T2  0.45 0.17 0.20 0.16 0.02    0
## DTS9F_T2  0.20 0.14 0.26 0.16 0.24    0
## DTS9S_T2  0.21 0.10 0.33 0.30 0.06    0
## DTS10F_T2 0.30 0.13 0.30 0.13 0.15    0
## DTS10S_T2 0.29 0.10 0.27 0.28 0.06    0
## DTS11F_T2 0.41 0.12 0.28 0.06 0.14    0
## DTS11S_T2 0.34 0.12 0.25 0.24 0.05    0
## DTS12F_T2 0.40 0.18 0.20 0.10 0.12    0
## DTS12S_T2 0.39 0.08 0.23 0.25 0.05    0
## DTS13F_T2 0.05 0.12 0.30 0.25 0.28    0
## DTS13S_T2 0.10 0.19 0.25 0.27 0.18    0
## DTS14F_T2 0.20 0.19 0.35 0.17 0.08    0
## DTS14S_T2 0.17 0.17 0.30 0.24 0.11    0
## DTS15F_T2 0.05 0.13 0.26 0.19 0.37    0
## DTS15S_T2 0.09 0.16 0.32 0.23 0.20    0
## DTS16F_T2 0.16 0.17 0.27 0.18 0.22    0
## DTS16S_T2 0.17 0.13 0.30 0.30 0.11    0
## DTS17F_T2 0.16 0.17 0.36 0.14 0.18    0
## DTS17S_T2 0.17 0.21 0.32 0.23 0.06    0

1.5.4 PDS

## Reliability analysis   
## Call: alpha(x = data[c("PDS301_T1", "PDS302_T1", "PDS303_T1", "PDS304_T1", 
##     "PDS305_T1", "PDS306_T1", "PDS307_T1", "PDS308_T1", "PDS309_T1", 
##     "PDS310_T1", "PDS311_T1", "PDS312_T1", "PDS313_T1", "PDS314_T1", 
##     "PDS315_T1", "PDS316_T1", "PDS317_T1")])
##   raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N   ase mean   sd median_r
##       0.76      0.77    0.82      0.17 3.4 0.035  1.9 0.44     0.15
##  lower alpha upper     95% confidence boundaries
## 0.69 0.76 0.82 
##  Reliability if an item is dropped:
##           raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N alpha se var.r med.r
## PDS301_T1      0.74      0.75    0.80      0.16 3.0    0.038 0.017  0.14
## PDS302_T1      0.75      0.76    0.81      0.16 3.2    0.037 0.017  0.15
## PDS303_T1      0.73      0.75    0.80      0.16 3.0    0.039 0.017  0.14
## PDS304_T1      0.74      0.75    0.79      0.16 3.0    0.038 0.015  0.15
## PDS305_T1      0.74      0.75    0.80      0.16 3.0    0.038 0.017  0.15
## PDS306_T1      0.74      0.75    0.80      0.16 3.1    0.038 0.019  0.14
## PDS307_T1      0.75      0.76    0.81      0.17 3.2    0.036 0.020  0.15
## PDS308_T1      0.76      0.77    0.82      0.18 3.4    0.034 0.019  0.15
## PDS309_T1      0.76      0.77    0.82      0.17 3.4    0.035 0.019  0.15
## PDS310_T1      0.73      0.75    0.80      0.16 3.0    0.039 0.019  0.14
## PDS311_T1      0.76      0.77    0.82      0.17 3.4    0.035 0.019  0.15
## PDS312_T1      0.74      0.76    0.81      0.17 3.2    0.037 0.020  0.15
## PDS313_T1      0.74      0.76    0.81      0.17 3.2    0.037 0.020  0.15
## PDS314_T1      0.76      0.78    0.82      0.18 3.5    0.035 0.018  0.15
## PDS315_T1      0.73      0.75    0.80      0.16 3.0    0.038 0.019  0.14
## PDS316_T1      0.74      0.76    0.81      0.16 3.1    0.037 0.019  0.14
## PDS317_T1      0.75      0.76    0.81      0.17 3.2    0.037 0.019  0.15
##  Item statistics 
##             n raw.r std.r r.cor r.drop mean   sd
## PDS301_T1 103  0.51  0.54  0.52   0.43  2.3 0.75
## PDS302_T1 103  0.45  0.46  0.43   0.33  1.6 1.06
## PDS303_T1 103  0.57  0.59  0.58   0.48  1.6 0.98
## PDS304_T1 103  0.53  0.57  0.58   0.45  2.3 0.78
## PDS305_T1 103  0.54  0.57  0.55   0.45  2.0 0.80
## PDS306_T1 103  0.52  0.53  0.50   0.43  2.1 0.89
## PDS307_T1 103  0.44  0.42  0.36   0.31  2.1 1.13
## PDS308_T1 103  0.32  0.31  0.23   0.17  1.3 1.20
## PDS309_T1 103  0.36  0.34  0.26   0.23  1.8 1.12
## PDS310_T1 103  0.61  0.59  0.57   0.51  1.8 1.04
## PDS311_T1 103  0.34  0.32  0.24   0.21  1.6 1.07
## PDS312_T1 103  0.46  0.44  0.38   0.34  1.8 1.09
## PDS313_T1 103  0.44  0.45  0.39   0.34  2.4 0.89
## PDS314_T1 103  0.27  0.25  0.17   0.14  1.5 0.99
## PDS315_T1 103  0.56  0.57  0.54   0.47  2.3 0.85
## PDS316_T1 103  0.49  0.49  0.45   0.39  2.2 0.96
## PDS317_T1 103  0.43  0.42  0.37   0.31  2.0 1.00
## Non missing response frequency for each item
##              0    1    2    3 miss
## PDS301_T1 0.02 0.12 0.40 0.47    0
## PDS302_T1 0.20 0.23 0.33 0.23    0
## PDS303_T1 0.13 0.37 0.27 0.23    0
## PDS304_T1 0.03 0.12 0.40 0.46    0
## PDS305_T1 0.03 0.22 0.46 0.29    0
## PDS306_T1 0.06 0.17 0.37 0.41    0
## PDS307_T1 0.15 0.14 0.15 0.57    0
## PDS308_T1 0.37 0.19 0.20 0.23    0
## PDS309_T1 0.18 0.22 0.24 0.35    0
## PDS310_T1 0.15 0.21 0.33 0.31    0
## PDS311_T1 0.18 0.27 0.28 0.26    0
## PDS312_T1 0.17 0.17 0.31 0.34    0
## PDS313_T1 0.06 0.10 0.23 0.61    0
## PDS314_T1 0.20 0.28 0.36 0.16    0
## PDS315_T1 0.06 0.08 0.39 0.48    0
## PDS316_T1 0.09 0.11 0.28 0.52    0
## PDS317_T1 0.11 0.16 0.33 0.41    0

1.6 Variable Changes

Paired t-tests

##  Paired t-test
## data:  data$CES_T1 and data$CES_T2
## t = 5.7109, df = 102, p-value = 1.115e-07
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  2.179834 4.499778
## sample estimates:
## mean of the differences 
##                3.339806
##  Paired t-test
## data:  data$PTCI_T1 and data$PTCI_T2
## t = 9.4702, df = 102, p-value = 1.212e-15
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  27.10907 41.47346
## sample estimates:
## mean of the differences 
##                34.29126
##  Paired t-test
## data:  data$DTS_T1 and data$DTS_T2
## t = 8.5716, df = 102, p-value = 1.159e-13
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  16.69271 26.74418
## sample estimates:
## mean of the differences 
##                21.71845

1.7 Effect sizes

CES (Event Centrality)

## [1] 0.5627121

PTCI (Posttraumatic Cognitions)

## [1] 0.933123

DTS (PTSD symptomatology)

## [1] 0.8445816

1.8 Correlations

1.8.1 T1

##  Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data:  data$CES_T1 and data$PTCI_T1
## t = 3.8692, df = 101, p-value = 0.0001936
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.1781583 0.5168799
## sample estimates:
##       cor 
## 0.3592952
##  Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data:  data$PTCI_T1 and data$DTS_T1
## t = 4.6726, df = 101, p-value = 9.201e-06
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.2483393 0.5687241
## sample estimates:
##       cor 
## 0.4216018
##  Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data:  data$DTS_T1 and data$CES_T1
## t = 4.8889, df = 101, p-value = 3.83e-06
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.2664803 0.5817236
## sample estimates:
##       cor 
## 0.4374457

1.8.2 T2

##  Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data:  data$CES_T2 and data$PTCI_T2
## t = 8.1926, df = 101, p-value = 8.253e-13
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.4993888 0.7354447
## sample estimates:
##      cor 
## 0.631849
##  Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data:  data$PTCI_T2 and data$DTS_T2
## t = 12.926, df = 101, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.7034120 0.8527139
## sample estimates:
##       cor 
## 0.7894683
##  Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data:  data$DTS_T2 and data$CES_T2
## t = 6.4992, df = 101, p-value = 3.1e-09
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.3905569 0.6665171
## sample estimates:
##       cor 
## 0.5430375

1.8.3 Correlation Table

##            CES_T1   PTCI_T1    DTS_T1    CES_T2   PTCI_T2    DTS_T2
## CES_T1  1.0000000 0.3592952 0.4374457 0.4487127 0.2219626 0.2785893
## PTCI_T1 0.3592952 1.0000000 0.4216018 0.3504865 0.6101203 0.3773504
## DTS_T1  0.4374457 0.4216018 1.0000000 0.3993181 0.4211240 0.5289376
## CES_T2  0.4487127 0.3504865 0.3993181 1.0000000 0.6318490 0.5430375
## PTCI_T2 0.2219626 0.6101203 0.4211240 0.6318490 1.0000000 0.7894683
## DTS_T2  0.2785893 0.3773504 0.5289376 0.5430375 0.7894683 1.0000000

2 Power Analyses

2.1 Simulate Data / Loop

table <- matrix(rep(NA, 30300), ncol=24)
set.seed(1) # same data can be generated first in wide and then in long format

for(i in 1:1010){
# data simulation  
  data_sim <- mixedDesign(B=NULL, W=c(2, 3), M=mat.mean,, R=mat.cor, n=111, long=FALSE, empirical=FALSE)

  names(data_sim) <- c("Subj", "CES_T1", "PTCI_T1", "DTS_T1", "CES_T2", "PTCI_T2", "DTS_T2")

  data_sim3 <- data_sim[,,i]

# (lavaan) model estimation  
  model_sim <- '
  PTCI_T1  ~ a1*CES_T1
  DTS_T1   ~ b1*PTCI_T1 + c1*CES_T1

  CES_T2   ~ s11*CES_T1 + clp21*PTCI_T1 + clp31*DTS_T1
  PTCI_T2  ~ clp12*CES_T1 + s22*PTCI_T1 + clp32*DTS_T1 + a2*CES_T2
  DTS_T2   ~ clp13*CES_T1 + clp23*PTCI_T1 + s33*DTS_T1 + b2*PTCI_T2 + c2*CES_T2

  # direct effects
    direct_T1 := c1
    direct_T2 := c2

  # indirect effects (a*b)
    indirect_T1 := a1*b1
    indirect_T2 := a2*b2

  # total effects
    total_T1 := c1 + (a1*b1)
    total_T2 := c2 + (a2*b2)
fit_sim <- sem(model_sim, data=data_sim3)
summary(fit_sim, fit.measures=TRUE, standardized=TRUE, rsq=TRUE)

# coeff extraction
  beta_clp21 <- fit_sim@ParTable$est[5]
  beta_clp12 <- fit_sim@ParTable$est[7]
  beta_clp31 <- fit_sim@ParTable$est[6]
  beta_clp13 <- fit_sim@ParTable$est[11]
  beta_clp32 <- fit_sim@ParTable$est[9]
  beta_clp23 <- fit_sim@ParTable$est[12]
  beta_indirect1 <- fit_sim@ParTable$est[24]
  beta_indirect2 <- fit_sim@ParTable$est[25]
  se_clp21 <- fit_sim@ParTable$se[5]
  se_clp12 <- fit_sim@ParTable$se[7]
  se_clp31 <- fit_sim@ParTable$se[6]
  se_clp13 <- fit_sim@ParTable$se[11]
  se_clp32 <- fit_sim@ParTable$se[9]
  se_clp23 <- fit_sim@ParTable$se[12]
  se_indirect1 <- fit_sim@ParTable$se[24]
  se_indirect2 <- fit_sim@ParTable$se[25]

# coeff storage in tables

  table[i,1] <- beta_clp21
  table[i,2] <- beta_clp12
  table[i,3] <- beta_clp31
  table[i,4] <- beta_clp13
  table[i,5] <- beta_clp32
  table[i,6] <- beta_clp23
  table[i,7] <- beta_indirect1
  table[i,8] <- beta_indirect2
  table[i,9] <- se_clp21
  table[i,10] <- se_clp12
  table[i,11] <- se_clp31
  table[i,12] <- se_clp13
  table[i,13] <- se_clp32
  table[i,14] <- se_clp23
  table[i,15] <- se_indirect1
  table[i,16] <- se_indirect2
 # indirect effects significant (=1)?
  table[i,17] <- ifelse(beta_indirect1 > 0 & (abs(beta_indirect1) > abs(1.96*se_indirect1)), 1, 0)
  table[i,18] <- ifelse(beta_indirect2 > 0 & (abs(beta_indirect2) > abs(1.96*se_indirect2)), 1, 0)
 # CLPs  significant (=1)?
  table[i,19] <- ifelse(abs(beta_clp21) > abs(1.96*se_clp21), 1, 0)
  table[i,20] <- ifelse(abs(beta_clp12) > abs(1.96*se_clp12), 1, 0)
  table[i,21] <- ifelse(abs(beta_clp31) > abs(1.96*se_clp31), 1, 0)
  table[i,22] <- ifelse(abs(beta_clp13) > abs(1.96*se_clp13), 1, 0)
  table[i,23] <- ifelse(abs(beta_clp32) > abs(1.96*se_clp32), 1, 0)
  table[i,24] <- ifelse(abs(beta_clp23) > abs(1.96*se_clp23), 1, 0)
colnames(table) <- c("beta_clp21", "beta_clp12", "beta_clp31", "beta_clp13", "beta_clp23", "beta_clp23", "beta_ind1", "beta_ind2", "se_clp21", "se_clp12", "se_clp31", "se_clp13", "se_clp32", "se_clp23", "se_ind1", "se_ind2", "sig_ind1", "sig_ind2", "sig_clp21", "sig_clp12", "sig_clp31", "sig_clp13", "sig_clp23", "sig_clp23")


table_exNA <- na.omit(table) #exclude NAs
table_complete <- table_exNA[sample(nrow(table_exNA), 1000), ] #randomly extract 1000 rows from table_exNA

# count significances
sum(table_complete[,17]) # indirect effect T1
sum(table_complete[,18]) # indirect effect T2
sum(table_complete[,19]) # CLP clp21
sum(table_complete[,20]) # CLP clp12
sum(table_complete[,21]) # CLP clp31
sum(table_complete[,22]) # CLP clp13
sum(table_complete[,23]) # CLP clp32
sum(table_complete[,24]) # CLP clp23

2.2 Output Power

##       Power
## ind1   84.3
## ind2  100.0
## clp21  37.4
## clp12  89.3
## clp31  55.4
## clp13  33.6
## clp32  40.7
## clp23  97.3

3 Path Models

3.1 Separate Mediations

3.1.1 Mediation T1

model_MedT1 <- '
PTCI_T1  ~ a1*CES_T1
DTS_T1   ~ b1*PTCI_T1 + c1*CES_T1

direct_T1   := c1
indirect_T1 := a1*b1
total_T1    := c1 + (a1*b1)
fit_MedT1 <- sem(model_MedT1, data=data)
summary(fit_MedT1, fit.measures=TRUE, standardized=TRUE, rsq=TRUE)
## lavaan 0.6-7 ended normally after 27 iterations
##   Estimator                                         ML
##   Optimization method                           NLMINB
##   Number of free parameters                          5
##   Number of observations                           103
## Model Test User Model:
##   Test statistic                                 0.000
##   Degrees of freedom                                 0
## Model Test Baseline Model:
##   Test statistic                                46.884
##   Degrees of freedom                                 3
##   P-value                                        0.000
## User Model versus Baseline Model:
##   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    1.000
##   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       1.000
## Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:
##   Loglikelihood user model (H0)               -950.993
##   Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)       -950.993
##   Akaike (AIC)                                1911.986
##   Bayesian (BIC)                              1925.160
##   Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (BIC)         1909.366
## Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
##   RMSEA                                          0.000
##   90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.000
##   90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.000
##   P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                             NA
## Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
##   SRMR                                           0.000
## Parameter Estimates:
##   Standard errors                             Standard
##   Information                                 Expected
##   Information saturated (h1) model          Structured
## Regressions:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   PTCI_T1 ~                                                             
##     CES_T1    (a1)    2.670    0.683    3.907    0.000    2.670    0.359
##   DTS_T1 ~                                                              
##     PTCI_T1   (b1)    0.196    0.058    3.370    0.001    0.196    0.304
##     CES_T1    (c1)    1.573    0.432    3.644    0.000    1.573    0.328
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .PTCI_T1        1015.575  141.517    7.176    0.000 1015.575    0.871
##    .DTS_T1          353.160   49.212    7.176    0.000  353.160    0.728
## R-Square:
##                    Estimate
##     PTCI_T1           0.129
##     DTS_T1            0.272
## Defined Parameters:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##     direct_T1         1.573    0.432    3.644    0.000    1.573    0.328
##     indirect_T1       0.523    0.205    2.552    0.011    0.523    0.109
##     total_T1          2.096    0.425    4.937    0.000    2.096    0.437

3.1.2 Mediation T2

model_MedT2 <- '
PTCI_T2  ~ a2*CES_T2
DTS_T2   ~ b2*PTCI_T2 + c2*CES_T2

direct_T2   := c2
indirect_T2 := a2*b2
total_T2    := c2 + (a2*b2)
fit_MedT2 <- sem(model_MedT2, data=data)
summary(fit_MedT2, fit.measures=TRUE, standardized=TRUE, rsq=TRUE)
## lavaan 0.6-7 ended normally after 24 iterations
##   Estimator                                         ML
##   Optimization method                           NLMINB
##   Number of free parameters                          5
##   Number of observations                           103
## Model Test User Model:
##   Test statistic                                 0.000
##   Degrees of freedom                                 0
## Model Test Baseline Model:
##   Test statistic                               153.926
##   Degrees of freedom                                 3
##   P-value                                        0.000
## User Model versus Baseline Model:
##   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    1.000
##   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       1.000
## Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:
##   Loglikelihood user model (H0)               -955.713
##   Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)       -955.713
##   Akaike (AIC)                                1921.425
##   Bayesian (BIC)                              1934.599
##   Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (BIC)         1918.805
## Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
##   RMSEA                                          0.000
##   90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.000
##   90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.000
##   P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                             NA
## Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
##   SRMR                                           0.000
## Parameter Estimates:
##   Standard errors                             Standard
##   Information                                 Expected
##   Information saturated (h1) model          Structured
## Regressions:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   PTCI_T2 ~                                                             
##     CES_T2    (a2)    4.552    0.550    8.273    0.000    4.552    0.632
##   DTS_T2 ~                                                              
##     PTCI_T2   (b2)    0.476    0.050    9.563    0.000    0.476    0.743
##     CES_T2    (c2)    0.340    0.359    0.947    0.343    0.340    0.074
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .PTCI_T2        1240.367  172.841    7.176    0.000 1240.367    0.601
##    .DTS_T2          316.908   44.160    7.176    0.000  316.908    0.373
## R-Square:
##                    Estimate
##     PTCI_T2           0.399
##     DTS_T2            0.627
## Defined Parameters:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##     direct_T2         0.340    0.359    0.947    0.343    0.340    0.074
##     indirect_T2       2.168    0.347    6.257    0.000    2.168    0.469
##     total_T2          2.508    0.382    6.563    0.000    2.508    0.543

3.2 Maximal Model

model_Max <- '
PTCI_T1  ~ a1*CES_T1
DTS_T1   ~ b1*PTCI_T1 + c1*CES_T1

CES_T2   ~ s11*CES_T1   + clp21*PTCI_T1 + clp31*DTS_T1
PTCI_T2  ~ clp12*CES_T1 + s22*PTCI_T1   + clp32*DTS_T1  + a2*CES_T2
DTS_T2   ~ clp13*CES_T1 + clp23*PTCI_T1 +   s33*DTS_T1  + b2*PTCI_T2 + c2*CES_T2

direct_T1   := c1
direct_T2   := c2
indirect_T1 := a1*b1
indirect_T2 := a2*b2
total_T1    := c1 + (a1*b1)
total_T2    := c2 + (a2*b2)
fit_Max <- sem(model_Max, data=data)
summary(fit_Max, fit.measures=TRUE, standardized=TRUE, rsq=TRUE)
## lavaan 0.6-7 ended normally after 57 iterations
##   Estimator                                         ML
##   Optimization method                           NLMINB
##   Number of free parameters                         20
##   Number of observations                           103
## Model Test User Model:
##   Test statistic                                 0.000
##   Degrees of freedom                                 0
## Model Test Baseline Model:
##   Test statistic                               304.600
##   Degrees of freedom                                15
##   P-value                                        0.000
## User Model versus Baseline Model:
##   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    1.000
##   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       1.000
## Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:
##   Loglikelihood user model (H0)              -2190.647
##   Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)      -2190.647
##   Akaike (AIC)                                4421.293
##   Bayesian (BIC)                              4473.988
##   Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (BIC)         4410.811
## Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
##   RMSEA                                          0.000
##   90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.000
##   90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.000
##   P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                             NA
## Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
##   SRMR                                           0.000
## Parameter Estimates:
##   Standard errors                             Standard
##   Information                                 Expected
##   Information saturated (h1) model          Structured
## Regressions:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   PTCI_T1 ~                                                             
##     CES_T1    (a1)    2.670    0.683    3.907    0.000    2.670    0.359
##   DTS_T1 ~                                                              
##     PTCI_T1   (b1)    0.196    0.058    3.370    0.001    0.196    0.304
##     CES_T1    (c1)    1.573    0.432    3.644    0.000    1.573    0.328
##   CES_T2 ~                                                              
##     CES_T1   (s11)    0.419    0.131    3.186    0.001    0.419    0.305
##     PTCI_T1 (cl21)    0.029    0.018    1.650    0.099    0.029    0.157
##     DTS_T1  (cl31)    0.057    0.028    2.028    0.043    0.057    0.200
##   PTCI_T2 ~                                                             
##     CES_T1  (cl12)   -2.287    0.724   -3.156    0.002   -2.287   -0.231
##     PTCI_T1  (s22)    0.610    0.093    6.526    0.000    0.610    0.458
##     DTS_T1  (cl32)    0.244    0.151    1.612    0.107    0.244    0.118
##     CES_T2    (a2)    3.802    0.518    7.335    0.000    3.802    0.528
##   DTS_T2 ~                                                              
##     CES_T1  (cl13)    0.592    0.420    1.410    0.159    0.592    0.093
##     PTCI_T1 (cl23)   -0.231    0.062   -3.757    0.000   -0.231   -0.271
##     DTS_T1   (s33)    0.346    0.085    4.081    0.000    0.346    0.262
##     PTCI_T2   (b2)    0.548    0.055   10.041    0.000    0.548    0.854
##     CES_T2    (c2)   -0.223    0.354   -0.629    0.529   -0.223   -0.048
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .PTCI_T1        1015.575  141.517    7.176    0.000 1015.575    0.871
##    .DTS_T1          353.160   49.212    7.176    0.000  353.160    0.728
##    .CES_T2           28.972    4.037    7.176    0.000   28.972    0.728
##    .PTCI_T2         801.909  111.743    7.176    0.000  801.909    0.388
##    .DTS_T2          245.666   34.233    7.176    0.000  245.666    0.290
## R-Square:
##                    Estimate
##     PTCI_T1           0.129
##     DTS_T1            0.272
##     CES_T2            0.272
##     PTCI_T2           0.612
##     DTS_T2            0.710
## Defined Parameters:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##     direct_T1         1.573    0.432    3.644    0.000    1.573    0.328
##     direct_T2        -0.223    0.354   -0.629    0.529   -0.223   -0.048
##     indirect_T1       0.523    0.205    2.552    0.011    0.523    0.109
##     indirect_T2       2.082    0.352    5.923    0.000    2.082    0.451
##     total_T1          2.096    0.425    4.937    0.000    2.096    0.437
##     total_T2          1.859    0.404    4.607    0.000    1.859    0.403

3.2.1 CLP: CES, PTCI

Equation of clp21 (CES_T2 -> PTCI_T1) and clp12 (PTCI_T2 -> CES_T1)

model_clp2112 <- '
PTCI_T1  ~ a1*CES_T1
DTS_T1   ~ b1*PTCI_T1 + c1*CES_T1

CES_T2   ~    s11*CES_T1   + clp2112*PTCI_T1 + clp31*DTS_T1
PTCI_T2  ~ clp2112*CES_T1  +     s22*PTCI_T1 + clp32*DTS_T1 + a2*CES_T2
DTS_T2   ~    clp13*CES_T1 +   clp23*PTCI_T1 +   s33*DTS_T1 + b2*PTCI_T2 + c2*CES_T2
fit_clp2112 <- sem(model_clp2112, data=data)

# Comparison of the constrained Model with the Maximal Model
anova(fit_Max, fit_clp2112)
## Chi-Squared Difference Test
##             Df    AIC    BIC  Chisq Chisq diff Df diff Pr(>Chisq)   
## fit_Max      0 4421.3 4474.0 0.0000                                 
## fit_clp2112  1 4429.0 4479.1 9.7354     9.7354       1   0.001808 **
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

3.2.2 CLP: CES, DTS

Equation of clp31 (DTS_T1 -> CES_T2) and clp13 (CES_T1 -> DTS_T2)

model_clp3113 <- ' 
PTCI_T1  ~ a1*CES_T1
DTS_T1   ~ b1*PTCI_T1 + c1*CES_T1

CES_T2   ~     s11*CES_T1 + clp21*PTCI_T1 + clp3113*DTS_T1
PTCI_T2  ~   clp12*CES_T1 +   s22*PTCI_T1 +   clp32*DTS_T1 + a2*CES_T2
DTS_T2   ~ clp3113*CES_T1 + clp23*PTCI_T1 +     s33*DTS_T1 + b2*PTCI_T2 + c2*CES_T2
fit_clp3113 <- sem(model_clp3113, data=data)

# Comparison of the constrained Model with the Maximal Model
anova(fit_Max, fit_clp3113)
## Chi-Squared Difference Test
##             Df    AIC  BIC  Chisq Chisq diff Df diff Pr(>Chisq)
## fit_Max      0 4421.3 4474 0.0000                              
## fit_clp3113  1 4420.9 4471 1.6026     1.6026       1     0.2055

3.2.3 CLP: DTS, PTCI

Eqation of clp32 (DTS_T1 -> PTCI_T2) with clp23 (PTCI_T1 -> DTS_T2)

model_clp3223 <- ' 
PTCI_T1  ~ a1*CES_T1
DTS_T1   ~ b1*PTCI_T1 + c1*CES_T1

CES_T2   ~   s11*CES_T1 +   clp21*PTCI_T1   +   clp31*DTS_T1
PTCI_T2  ~ clp12*CES_T1 +     s22*PTCI_T1   + clp3223*DTS_T1   + a2*CES_T2
DTS_T2   ~ clp13*CES_T1 + clp3223*PTCI_T1   +     s33*DTS_T1   + b2*PTCI_T2 + c2*CES_T2
fit_clp3223 <- sem(model_clp3223, data=data)

# Comparison of the constrained Model with the Maximal Model
anova(fit_Max, fit_clp3223)
## Chi-Squared Difference Test
##             Df    AIC    BIC  Chisq Chisq diff Df diff Pr(>Chisq)   
## fit_Max      0 4421.3 4474.0 0.0000                                 
## fit_clp3223  1 4427.5 4477.6 8.2001     8.2001       1   0.004189 **
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Appendix B

4 Post Hoc Analyses

4.1 SubPosCLPs

Maximal Submodel, including only positive CLPs - excluding negative CLPs (clp12, clp23)

model_SubPosCLP <- '
PTCI_T1  ~ a1*CES_T1
DTS_T1   ~ b1*PTCI_T1 + c1*CES_T1

CES_T2   ~   s11*CES_T1 + clp21*PTCI_T1 + clp31*DTS_T1
PTCI_T2  ~     0*CES_T1 +   s22*PTCI_T1 + clp32*DTS_T1 + a2*CES_T2
DTS_T2   ~ clp13*CES_T1 +   0*PTCI_T1   +   s33*DTS_T1 + b2*PTCI_T2 + c2*CES_T2

direct_T1   := c1
direct_T2   := c2
indirect_T1 := a1*b1
indirect_T2 := a2*b2
total_T1    := c1 + (a1*b1)
total_T2    := c2 + (a2*b2)
fit_SubPosCLP <- sem(model_SubPosCLP, data=data)
summary(fit_SubPosCLP, fit.measures=TRUE, standardized=TRUE, rsq=TRUE)
## lavaan 0.6-7 ended normally after 50 iterations
##   Estimator                                         ML
##   Optimization method                           NLMINB
##   Number of free parameters                         18
##   Number of observations                           103
## Model Test User Model:
##   Test statistic                                22.735
##   Degrees of freedom                                 2
##   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000
## Model Test Baseline Model:
##   Test statistic                               304.600
##   Degrees of freedom                                15
##   P-value                                        0.000
## User Model versus Baseline Model:
##   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.928
##   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.463
## Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:
##   Loglikelihood user model (H0)              -2202.014
##   Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)      -2190.647
##   Akaike (AIC)                                4440.028
##   Bayesian (BIC)                              4487.453
##   Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (BIC)         4430.594
## Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
##   RMSEA                                          0.317
##   90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.208
##   90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.440
##   P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                          0.000
## Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
##   SRMR                                           0.054
## Parameter Estimates:
##   Standard errors                             Standard
##   Information                                 Expected
##   Information saturated (h1) model          Structured
## Regressions:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   PTCI_T1 ~                                                             
##     CES_T1    (a1)    2.670    0.683    3.907    0.000    2.670    0.359
##   DTS_T1 ~                                                              
##     PTCI_T1   (b1)    0.196    0.058    3.370    0.001    0.196    0.304
##     CES_T1    (c1)    1.573    0.432    3.644    0.000    1.573    0.328
##   CES_T2 ~                                                              
##     CES_T1   (s11)    0.419    0.131    3.186    0.001    0.419    0.305
##     PTCI_T1 (cl21)    0.029    0.018    1.650    0.099    0.029    0.157
##     DTS_T1  (cl31)    0.057    0.028    2.028    0.043    0.057    0.200
##   PTCI_T2 ~                                                             
##     CES_T1            0.000                               0.000    0.000
##     PTCI_T1  (s22)    0.565    0.097    5.837    0.000    0.565    0.424
##     DTS_T1  (cl32)    0.121    0.153    0.790    0.429    0.121    0.059
##     CES_T2    (a2)    3.312    0.518    6.395    0.000    3.312    0.460
##   DTS_T2 ~                                                              
##     CES_T1  (cl13)    0.144    0.424    0.339    0.734    0.144    0.023
##     PTCI_T1           0.000                               0.000    0.000
##     DTS_T1   (s33)    0.301    0.088    3.427    0.001    0.301    0.227
##     PTCI_T2   (b2)    0.437    0.048    9.048    0.000    0.437    0.680
##     CES_T2    (c2)    0.053    0.354    0.150    0.881    0.053    0.011
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .PTCI_T1        1015.575  141.517    7.176    0.000 1015.575    0.871
##    .DTS_T1          353.160   49.212    7.176    0.000  353.160    0.728
##    .CES_T2           28.972    4.037    7.176    0.000   28.972    0.728
##    .PTCI_T2         879.469  122.551    7.176    0.000  879.469    0.426
##    .DTS_T2          279.325   38.923    7.176    0.000  279.325    0.328
## R-Square:
##                    Estimate
##     PTCI_T1           0.129
##     DTS_T1            0.272
##     CES_T2            0.272
##     PTCI_T2           0.574
##     DTS_T2            0.672
## Defined Parameters:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##     direct_T1         1.573    0.432    3.644    0.000    1.573    0.328
##     direct_T2         0.053    0.354    0.150    0.881    0.053    0.011
##     indirect_T1       0.523    0.205    2.552    0.011    0.523    0.109
##     indirect_T2       1.447    0.277    5.222    0.000    1.447    0.312
##     total_T1          2.096    0.425    4.937    0.000    2.096    0.437
##     total_T2          1.500    0.378    3.967    0.000    1.500    0.324

Comparison: Maximal Model vs. Submodel only PosCLP

anova(fit_Max, fit_SubPosCLP)
## Chi-Squared Difference Test
##               Df    AIC    BIC  Chisq Chisq diff Df diff Pr(>Chisq)    
## fit_Max        0 4421.3 4474.0  0.000                                  
## fit_SubPosCLP  2 4440.0 4487.5 22.735     22.735       2  1.157e-05 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

4.2 SubStab

Maximal Submodel, including only stabilities (s11, s22, s33)

model_SubStab <- ' 
PTCI_T1 ~  a1*CES_T1
DTS_T1  ~  c1*CES_T1 +  b1*PTCI_T1
CES_T2  ~ s11*CES_T1
PTCI_T2 ~  a2*CES_T2 + s22*PTCI_T1
DTS_T2  ~  c2*CES_T2 +  b2*PTCI_T2 + s33*DTS_T1
direct_T1   := c1
direct_T2   := c2
indirect_T1 := a1*b1
indirect_T2 := a2*b2
total_T1    := c1 + (a1*b1)
total_T2    := c2 + (a2*b2)
fit_SubStab <- sem(model_SubStab, data=data)
summary(fit_SubStab, standardized=TRUE, fit.measures=TRUE, rsq=TRUE)
## lavaan 0.6-7 ended normally after 40 iterations
##   Estimator                                         ML
##   Optimization method                           NLMINB
##   Number of free parameters                         14
##   Number of observations                           103
## Model Test User Model:
##   Test statistic                                32.949
##   Degrees of freedom                                 6
##   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000
## Model Test Baseline Model:
##   Test statistic                               304.600
##   Degrees of freedom                                15
##   P-value                                        0.000
## User Model versus Baseline Model:
##   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.907
##   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.767
## Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:
##   Loglikelihood user model (H0)              -2207.121
##   Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)      -2190.647
##   Akaike (AIC)                                4442.242
##   Bayesian (BIC)                              4479.129
##   Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (BIC)         4434.905
## Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
##   RMSEA                                          0.209
##   90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.143
##   90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.281
##   P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                          0.000
## Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
##   SRMR                                           0.095
## Parameter Estimates:
##   Standard errors                             Standard
##   Information                                 Expected
##   Information saturated (h1) model          Structured
## Regressions:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   PTCI_T1 ~                                                             
##     CES_T1    (a1)    2.670    0.683    3.907    0.000    2.670    0.359
##   DTS_T1 ~                                                              
##     CES_T1    (c1)    1.573    0.432    3.644    0.000    1.573    0.328
##     PTCI_T1   (b1)    0.196    0.058    3.370    0.001    0.196    0.304
##   CES_T2 ~                                                              
##     CES_T1   (s11)    0.616    0.121    5.096    0.000    0.616    0.449
##   PTCI_T2 ~                                                             
##     CES_T2    (a2)    3.433    0.471    7.291    0.000    3.433    0.497
##     PTCI_T1  (s22)    0.590    0.087    6.779    0.000    0.590    0.462
##   DTS_T2 ~                                                              
##     CES_T2    (c2)    0.099    0.319    0.310    0.756    0.099    0.022
##     PTCI_T2   (b2)    0.434    0.047    9.181    0.000    0.434    0.679
##     DTS_T1   (s33)    0.311    0.078    3.977    0.000    0.311    0.246
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .PTCI_T1        1015.575  141.517    7.176    0.000 1015.575    0.871
##    .DTS_T1          353.160   49.212    7.176    0.000  353.160    0.728
##    .CES_T2           31.765    4.426    7.176    0.000   31.765    0.799
##    .PTCI_T2         884.802  123.294    7.176    0.000  884.802    0.466
##    .DTS_T2          279.628   38.965    7.176    0.000  279.628    0.361
## R-Square:
##                    Estimate
##     PTCI_T1           0.129
##     DTS_T1            0.272
##     CES_T2            0.201
##     PTCI_T2           0.534
##     DTS_T2            0.639
## Defined Parameters:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##     direct_T1         1.573    0.432    3.644    0.000    1.573    0.328
##     direct_T2         0.099    0.319    0.310    0.756    0.099    0.022
##     indirect_T1       0.523    0.205    2.552    0.011    0.523    0.109
##     indirect_T2       1.490    0.261    5.710    0.000    1.490    0.337
##     total_T1          2.096    0.425    4.937    0.000    2.096    0.437
##     total_T2          1.589    0.336    4.728    0.000    1.589    0.360

Comparison: Maximal Model vs. Submodel only Stabilites

anova(fit_Max, fit_SubStab)
## Chi-Squared Difference Test
##             Df    AIC    BIC  Chisq Chisq diff Df diff Pr(>Chisq)    
## fit_Max      0 4421.3 4474.0  0.000                                  
## fit_SubStab  6 4442.2 4479.1 32.949     32.949       6  1.073e-05 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Program Version

## R version 3.6.3 (2020-02-29)
## Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
## Running under: macOS Catalina 10.15.7
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
## LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
## locale:
## [1] de_DE.UTF-8/de_DE.UTF-8/de_DE.UTF-8/C/de_DE.UTF-8/de_DE.UTF-8
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
## other attached packages:
##  [1] afex_0.28-1     lme4_1.1-26     Matrix_1.3-2    hypr_0.1.11    
##  [5] MASS_7.3-53.1   lsr_0.5         car_3.0-10      carData_3.0-4  
##  [9] reshape2_1.4.4  plyr_1.8.6      semPlot_1.1.2   qgraph_1.6.9   
## [13] lavaan_0.6-7    psych_2.0.12    haven_2.3.1     forcats_0.5.1  
## [17] stringr_1.4.0   dplyr_1.0.4     purrr_0.3.4     readr_1.4.0    
## [21] tidyr_1.1.2     tibble_3.0.6    ggplot2_3.3.3   tidyverse_1.3.0
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##   [1] minqa_1.2.4         colorspace_2.0-0    rio_0.5.16         
##   [4] ellipsis_0.3.1      htmlTable_2.1.0     corpcor_1.6.9      
##   [7] base64enc_0.1-3     fs_1.5.0            rstudioapi_0.13    
##  [10] fansi_0.4.2         lubridate_1.7.9.2   xml2_1.3.2         
##  [13] splines_3.6.3       mnormt_2.0.2        knitr_1.31         
##  [16] glasso_1.11         Formula_1.2-4       jsonlite_1.7.2     
##  [19] nloptr_1.2.2.2      broom_0.7.5         cluster_2.1.1      
##  [22] dbplyr_2.1.0        png_0.1-7           regsem_1.6.2       
##  [25] compiler_3.6.3      httr_1.4.2          backports_1.2.1    
##  [28] assertthat_0.2.1    cli_2.3.1           htmltools_0.5.1.1  
##  [31] tools_3.6.3         lmerTest_3.1-3      OpenMx_2.18.1      
##  [34] igraph_1.2.6        coda_0.19-4         gtable_0.3.0       
##  [37] glue_1.4.2          Rcpp_1.0.6          cellranger_1.1.0   
##  [40] vctrs_0.3.6         nlme_3.1-152        lisrelToR_0.1.4    
##  [43] xfun_0.21           openxlsx_4.2.3      rvest_0.3.6        
##  [46] lifecycle_1.0.0     gtools_3.8.2        XML_3.99-0.3       
##  [49] statmod_1.4.35      scales_1.1.1        kutils_1.70        
##  [52] hms_1.0.0           parallel_3.6.3      RColorBrewer_1.1-2 
##  [55] curl_4.3            yaml_2.2.1          pbapply_1.4-3      
##  [58] gridExtra_2.3       rpart_4.1-15        latticeExtra_0.6-29
##  [61] stringi_1.5.3       sem_3.1-11          checkmate_2.0.0    
##  [64] zip_2.1.1           boot_1.3-27         truncnorm_1.0-8    
##  [67] rlang_0.4.10        pkgconfig_2.0.3     Rsolnp_1.16        
##  [70] arm_1.11-2          evaluate_0.14       lattice_0.20-41    
##  [73] htmlwidgets_1.5.3   tidyselect_1.1.0    magrittr_2.0.1     
##  [76] R6_2.5.0            generics_0.1.0      Hmisc_4.4-2        
##  [79] DBI_1.1.1           pillar_1.5.0        foreign_0.8-75     
##  [82] withr_2.4.1         rockchalk_1.8.144   survival_3.2-7     
##  [85] abind_1.4-5         nnet_7.3-15         modelr_0.1.8       
##  [88] crayon_1.4.1        fdrtool_1.2.16      utf8_1.1.4         
##  [91] tmvnsim_1.0-2       rmarkdown_2.7       jpeg_0.1-8.1       
##  [94] grid_3.6.3          readxl_1.3.1        data.table_1.13.6  
##  [97] pbivnorm_0.6.0      matrixcalc_1.0-3    reprex_1.0.0       
## [100] digest_0.6.27       xtable_1.8-4        mi_1.0             
## [103] numDeriv_2016.8-1.1 stats4_3.6.3        munsell_0.5.0