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03-06-2021 | Empirical Research

Relating Profiles of Ethnic–Racial Identity Process and Content to the Academic and Psychological Adjustment of Black and Latinx Adolescents

Auteurs: Kristia A. Wantchekon, Adriana J. Umaña-Taylor

Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Youth and Adolescence | Uitgave 7/2021

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Ethnic–racial identity (i.e., individuals’ beliefs about their ethnic–racial group membership and the processes through which they develop those beliefs) is a developmental competency that can promote adolescents’ adjustment; however, the extant literature has largely focused on how distinct dimensions of ethnic–racial identity are associated with adjustment (i.e., variable-centered approaches), potentially obscuring a more holistic understanding of this developmental competency. The current study utilized latent profile analysis, a person-centered approach, to examine profiles of ethnic–racial identity among Black (n = 325; Mage = 15.94, SD = 1.14) and Latinx (n = 370; Mage = 16.13, SD = 1.10) adolescents as well as links between profile membership and adjustment. Three ethnic–racial identity profiles emerged: Diffuse & Low Regard (n = 55; lower development, lower self-concept); Diffuse & High Regard (n = 160; lower development, higher self-concept); and Developed & Idealized (n = 477; higher development, higher self-concept). The profile highest in ethnic–racial identity across all indicators reported the highest levels of adjustment. The findings highlight the synergistic benefits of ethnic–racial identity development and positive self-concept for adolescents’ psychosocial and academic adjustment.
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Relating Profiles of Ethnic–Racial Identity Process and Content to the Academic and Psychological Adjustment of Black and Latinx Adolescents
Kristia A. Wantchekon
Adriana J. Umaña-Taylor
Springer US
Gepubliceerd in
Journal of Youth and Adolescence / Uitgave 7/2021
Print ISSN: 0047-2891
Elektronisch ISSN: 1573-6601