Uitgave 1/2013
Inhoudsopgave (24 Artikelen)
Response shift effects on measuring post-operative quality of life among breast cancer patients: a multicenter cohort study
T. S. Dabakuyo, F. Guillemin, T. Conroy, M. Velten, D. Jolly, M. Mercier, S. Causeret, J. Cuisenier, O. Graesslin, M. Gauthier, F. Bonnetain
Worsening trends and increasing disparities in health-related quality of life: evidence from two French population-based cross-sectional surveys, 1995–2003
Etienne Audureau, Stéphane Rican, Joël Coste
Quality-adjusted life expectancy (QALE) loss due to smoking in the United States
Haomiao Jia, Matthew M. Zack, William W. Thompson, Shanta R. Dube
The health-related quality of life burden of co-morbid cardiovascular disease and major depressive disorder in Australia: findings from a population-based, cross-sectional study
- Open Access
Adrienne O’Neil, Christopher E. Stevenson, Emily D. Williams, Duncan Mortimer, Brian Oldenburg, Kristy Sanderson
Health-related quality-of-life status in Veterans with spinal disorders
Maxwell Boakye, Ryan Moore, Maiying Kong, Stephen L. Skirboll, Robert T. Arrigo
Estimating utilities for chronic kidney disease, using SF-36 and SF-12-based measures: challenges in a population of veterans with diabetes
Mangala Rajan, Kuan-Chi Lai, Chin-Lin Tseng, Shirley Qian, Alfredo Selim, Lewis Kazis, Leonard Pogach, Anushua Sinha
Subjective wellbeing and ‘felt’ stigma when living with HIV
Vicki E. Hutton, RoseAnne Misajon, Francesca E. Collins
Post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome symptomatology and the impact on life functioning: is there something here?
- Open Access
John N. Aucott, Alison W. Rebman, Lauren A. Crowder, Kathleen B. Kortte
Understanding older patients’ self-management abilities: functional loss, self-management, and well-being
- Open Access
J. M. Cramm, J. M. Hartgerink, E. W. Steyerberg, T. J. Bakker, J. P. Mackenbach, A. P. Nieboer
Life satisfaction in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain and its predictors
Anne M. Boonstra, Michiel F. Reneman, Roy E. Stewart, Marcel W. Post, Henrica R. Schiphorst Preuper
A procedure for obtaining Impact of Cancer version 2 scores using version 1 responses
- Brief Communication
Catherine M. Crespi, Patricia A. Ganz, Laura Petersen, Sophia K. Smith
Missing content from health-related quality of life instruments: interviews with young adult survivors of childhood cancer
Gwendolyn P. Quinn, I-Chan Huang, Devin Murphy, Katie Zidonik-Eddelton, Kevin R. Krull
The Caregivers Quality of Life Cancer index scale (CQoLC): an exploratory factor analysis for validation in French cancer patients’ spouses
- Brief Communication
Anaïs Lafaye, Stéphanie De Chalvron, Nadine Houédé, Houchingue Eghbali, Florence Cousson-Gélie
Construct validity of the EORTC quality of life questionnaire information module
Susanne Singer, Philipp M. Engelberg, Gregor Weißflog, Susanne Kuhnt, Jochen Ernst
Validation of a new patient-generated questionnaire for quality of life in an urban sample of elder residents
- Brief Communication
Martin Holzhausen, Peter Martus
Testing the psychometric properties of the Participation Scale in Eastern Nepal
- Open Access
S. A. M. Stevelink, C. B. Terwee, N. Banstola, W. H. van Brakel
The factor structure of the GHQ-12: the interaction between item phrasing, variance and levels of distress
Adam B. Smith, Yemi Oluboyede, Robert West, Jenny Hewison, Allan O. House
Clinical dimensions of fibromyalgia symptoms and development of a combined index of severity: The CODI index
Antonio Cuesta-Vargas, Juan V. Luciano, Maria Teresa Peñarrubia-María, Javier García-Campayo, Rita Fernández-Vergel, Manuel Arroyo-Morales, Antoni Serrano-Blanco
The Cardiff Acne Disability Index (CADI): linguistic and cultural validation in Serbian
- Brief Communication
Slavenka Jankovic, Jelica Vukicevic, Sanja Djordjevic, Janko Jankovic, Jelena Marinkovic, Mohammad K. A. Basra
Validation of the Brazilian version of Chronic Liver Disease Questionnaire
- Brief Communication
Samantha Mucci, Vanessa de Albuquerque Citero, Adriano Miziara Gonzalez, Luciana Geocze, Stephan Geocze, Gaspar de Jesus Lopes Filho, Mario Alfredo De Marco, Edison Roberto Parise, Luiz Antonio Nogueira Martins
Factors influencing self- and parent-reporting health-related quality of life in children with brain tumors
Iori Sato, Akiko Higuchi, Takaaki Yanagisawa, Akitake Mukasa, Kohmei Ida, Yutaka Sawamura, Kazuhiko Sugiyama, Nobuhito Saito, Toshihiro Kumabe, Mizuhiko Terasaki, Ryo Nishikawa, Yasushi Ishida, Kiyoko Kamibeppu
The influence of parental education on child mental health in Spain
Michela Sonego, Alicia Llácer, Iñaki Galán, Fernando Simón
Health related quality of life measures in Arabic speaking populations: A systematic review on cross-cultural adaptation and measurement properties
- Review
Fatima Al Sayah, Sana Ishaque, Darren Lau, Jeffrey A. Johnson