Uitgave 8/2011
Inhoudsopgave (19 Artikelen)
The king’s foot of patient-reported outcomes: current practices and new developments for the measurement of change
- Open Access
Richard J. Swartz, Carolyn Schwartz, Ethan Basch, Li Cai, Diane L. Fairclough, Lori McLeod, Tito R. Mendoza, Bruce Rapkin
Compared to what? A joint evaluation method for assessing quality of life
Heather P. Lacey, George Loewenstein, Peter A. Ubel
Concordance in the measurement of quality of life and health indicators between two methods of computer-assisted interviews: self-administered and by telephone
Joanne Klevens, William E. Trick, Romina Kee, Francisco Angulo, Diana Garcia, Laura S. Sadowski
Personal factors associated with health-related quality of life in persons with morbid obesity on treatment waiting lists in Norway
- Open Access
Anners Lerdal, Randi Andenæs, Eva Bjørnsborg, Tore Bonsaksen, Lisbet Borge, Bjørg Christiansen, Hilde Eide, Kari Hvinden, May Solveig Fagermoen
Maternal, paternal, and family health-related quality of life in the context of pediatric inflammatory bowel disease
Jennifer Hauser Kunz, Rachel Neff Greenley, Megan Howard
Clinical correlates of health-related quality of life among opioid-dependent patients
- Open Access
Kevin C. Heslin, Judith A. Stein, Keith G. Heinzerling, Deyu Pan, Christine Magladry, Ron D. Hays
The influence of psychosocial factors on quality of life among women with pain: a prospective study in Sweden
Johanna Thomtén, Joaquim J. F. Soares, Örjan Sundin
Examining the SF-36 in an older population: analysis of data and presentation of Australian adult reference scores from the Dynamic Analyses to Optimise Ageing (DYNOPTA) project
Lauren J. Bartsch, Peter Butterworth, Julie E. Byles, Paul Mitchell, Jonathan Shaw, Kaarin J. Anstey
Lifestyle and quality of life in colorectal cancer survivors
Chloe Grimmett, John Bridgewater, Andrew Steptoe, Jane Wardle
Health status and QOL instruments used in childhood cancer research: deciphering conceptual content using World Health Organization definitions
Nora Fayed, Vero Schiariti, Cristina Bostan, Alarcos Cieza, Anne Klassen
Erratum to: Health status and QOL instruments used in childhood cancer research: deciphering conceptual content using World Health Organization definitions
- Erratum
Nora Fayed, Vero Schiariti, Cristina Bostan, Alarcos Cieza, Anne Klassen
Quality of life among parents of children with cancer or brain tumors: the impact of child characteristics and parental psychosocial factors
Kristin Litzelman, Kris Catrine, Ronald Gangnon, Whitney P. Witt
Does the subjective quality of life of children with specific learning disabilities (SpLD) agree with their parents’ proxy reports?
V. Rotsika, M. Coccossis, M. Vlassopoulos, E. Papaeleftheriou, K. Sakellariou, D. C. Anagnostopoulos, A. Kokkevi, S. Skevington
Quality of life: a key variable to consider in the evaluation of adjustment in parents of children with autism spectrum disorders and in the development of relevant support and assistance programmes
Emilie Cappe, Marion Wolff, René Bobet, Jean-Louis Adrien
Children and adolescents’ health-related quality of life in relation to eczema, asthma and hay fever: results from a population-based cross-sectional study
Uwe Matterne, Jochen Schmitt, Thomas L. Diepgen, Christian Apfelbacher
Dimensionality and measurement invariance in the Satisfaction with Life Scale in Norway
- Open Access
Jocelyne Clench-Aas, Ragnhild Bang Nes, Odd Steffen Dalgard, Leif Edvard Aarø
A psychometric validation study of the Quality of Life and FAMCARE scales in Turkish cancer family caregivers
Gulbeyaz Can, Semiha Akin, Adnan Aydiner, Kursat Ozdilli, Umran Oskay, Zehra Durna
Family quality of life in dementia: a qualitative approach to family-identified care priorities
Jamie K. Ducharme, David S. Geldmacher
A preference-based measure of health: the VR-6D derived from the veterans RAND 12-Item Health Survey
Alfredo J. Selim, William Rogers, Shirley X. Qian, John Brazier, Lewis E. Kazis