Uitgave 8/2008
Inhoudsopgave (9 Artikelen)
Health related quality of life in 10-year-old schoolchildren
Camilla Laaksonen, Minna Aromaa, Olli J. Heinonen, Leena Koivusilta, Pasi Koski, Sakari Suominen, Tero Vahlberg, Sanna Salanterä
Metabolic syndrome is associated with impaired health-related quality of life: Lapinlahti 2005 study
Juhani Miettola, Leo K. Niskanen, Heimo Viinamäki, Harri Sintonen, Esko Kumpusalo
The impact of obesity on diabetes, hyperlipidemia and hypertension in the United States
Patrick W. Sullivan, Vahram H. Ghushchyan, Rami Ben-Joseph
Insomnia: prevalence and its impact on excessive daytime sleepiness and psychological well-being in the adult Taiwanese population
Ching-Chiu Kao, Chun-Jen Huang, Mei-Yeh Wang, Pei-Shan Tsai
Computerized adaptive test for patients with foot or ankle impairments produced valid and responsive measures of function
Dennis L. Hart, Ying-Chih Wang, Paul W. Stratford, Jerome E. Mioduski
- Open Access
Clarifying quality of life assessment: do theoretical models capture the underlying cognitive processes?
Elsbeth F. Bloem, Florence J. van Zuuren, Margot A. Koeneman, Bruce D. Rapkin, Mechteld R. M. Visser, Caro C. E. Koning, Mirjam A. G. Sprangers
Comparison of health-related quality of life measures for chronic renal failure: quality of well-being scale, short-form-6D, and the kidney disease quality of life instrument
Karen L. Saban, Kevin T. Stroupe, Fred B. Bryant, Domenic J. Reda, Margaret M. Browning, Denise M. Hynes
Testing the measurement equivalence of paper and touch-screen versions of the EQ-5D visual analog scale (EQ VAS)
Sulabha Ramachandran, J. Jason Lundy, Stephen Joel Coons