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Quality of Life Research

Uitgave 3/2005

Inhoudsopgave (32 Artikelen)

Change in quality of life of people with stroke over time: True change or response shift?

Sara Ahmed, Nancy E. Mayo, Marc Corbiere, Sharon Wood-Dauphinee, James Hanley, Robin Cohen

Methods to detect response shift in quality of life data: A convergent validity study

Mechteld R. M. Visser, Frans J. Oort, Mirjam A. G. Sprangers

The health status of the Dutch population as assessed by the EQ-6D

N. Hoeymans, H. van Lindert, G. P. Westert

A review of quality of life instruments used in dementia

Teake P. Ettema, Rose-Marie Dröes, Jacomine de Lange, Gideon J. Mellenbergh, Miel W. Ribbe

An instrument to assess mental patients’ capacity to appraise and report subjective quality of life

Josephine G.W.S. Wong, Erik P.T. Cheung, Eric Y.H. Chen, Raymond C.K. Chan, C.W. Law, Molly S.M. Lo, K.F. Leung, Cindy L.K. Lam

Assessment of health state utilities for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children using parent proxy report

Louis S. Matza, Kristina Secnik, Anne M. Rentz, Sally Mannix, F. Randy Sallee, Donald Gilbert, Dennis A. Revicki

Health-related quality of life in women and men one year after acute myocardial infarction

Eva Brink, Gunne Grankvist, Björn W. Karlson, Lillemor R.-M. Hallberg

Physical and mental component summaries score of the SF-36 in coronary patients

María Soto, Inmaculada Failde, Soledad Márquez, Encarnación Benítez, Ignacio Ramos, Antonio Barba, Fernando López

Quality of life before and after heart valve surgery is influenced by gender and type of valve

Marie-Christine Taillefer, Gilles Dupuis, Jean-François Hardy, Sylvie LeMay

The impact of asthma and aspirin sensitivity on quality of life of patients with nasal polyposis

Isam Alobid, Pedro Benítez, Manuel Bernal-Sprekelsen, José María Guilemany, Cesar Picado, Joaquim Mullol

Health-related and overall quality of life of patients with chronic hip and knee complaints in general practice

Johanna M. van der Waal, Caroline B. Terwee, Daniëlle A. W. M. van der Windt, Lex M. Bouter, Joost Dekker

Influence of age and gender on quality-of-life outcomes after cholecystectomy

J. M. Quintana, I. Arostegui, V. Oribe, I. López de Tejada, B. Barrios, I. Garay

The responsiveness of the Overactive Bladder Questionnaire (OAB-q)

Karin S. Coyne, Louis S. Matza, Christine L. Thompson

Missing forms and dropout in the TME quality of life substudy

H. Putter, C. A. M. Marijnen, E. Klein Kranenbarg, C. J. H. van de Velde, A. M. Stiggelbout

The Short Form Health Survey (SF-36): Translation and validation study of the Iranian version

  • Brief communication

Ali Montazeri, Azita Goshtasebi, Mariam Vahdaninia, Barbara Gandek

Cross-linguistic equivalence of WHOQOL-100: A study from North India

  • Brief communication

Shekhar Saxena, Kathryn Quinn, Pratap Sharan, B. Naresh, Hao Yuantao, Mick Power

Korean version of the Caregiver Quality of Life Index – Cancer (CQOLC-K)

  • Brief communication

Young Sun Rhee, Dong Ok Shin, Kwang Mi Lee, Han Jin Yu, Joung Wha Kim, Soon Ok Kim, Ran Lee, Yeon Ok Lee, Nam Shin Kim, Young Ho Yun

Quality of life and subthreshold affective symptoms

  • Brief communication

Arianna Goracci, Mirko Martinucci, Umberto Scalcione, Andrea Fagiolini, Paolo Castrogiovanni