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Quality of Life Research

Uitgave 9/2019

Inhoudsopgave (25 Artikelen)

Quality of life assessment scales in polio survivors: a scoping review

  • Review

Surajo Kamilu Sulaiman, Heather Michelle Aldersey, Nora Fayed, Bashir Kaka, Christiana Okyere

Health state utilities associated with attributes of migraine preventive treatments based on patient and general population preferences

  • Open Access

Louis S. Matza, Kristen A. Deger, Pamela Vo, Farooq Maniyar, Peter J. Goadsby

Process utilities for topical treatment in atopic dermatitis

  • Open Access

Jenny Retzler, Adam Smith, Matthew Reaney, Raj Rout, Richard Hudson

Health utility and health-related quality of life of Japanese prostate cancer patients according to progression status measured using EQ-5D-5L and FACT-P

Hideki Murasawa, Takayuki Sugiyama, Yuki Matsuoka, Takashi Okabe, Amiko Hino, Nobumichi Tanaka, Mikio Sugimoto, Masafumi Oyama, Kiyohide Fujimoto, Shigeo Horie, Shinichi Noto, Kojiro Shimozuma

Responsiveness of the EQ-5D-3L and EQ-5D-5L in patients following total hip or knee replacement

Xuejing Jin, Fatima Al Sayah, Arto Ohinmaa, Deborah A. Marshall, Jeffrey A. Johnson

Health-related quality of life in adult males with lower urinary tract symptoms

Sang-Kyu Kim, Ki-Ho Kim, Seon-Ha Kim, Seok-Ju Yoo, Yeo-Won Jeong

Sports participation and health-related quality of life: a longitudinal observational study in children

  • Open Access

Janet Moeijes, Jooske T. van Busschbach, Ruud J. Bosscher, Jos W. R. Twisk

Health and oral health-related quality of life of children and adolescents with chronic kidney disease: a cross-sectional study

Taciana Mara Couto Silva, Levy Anderson César Alves, Deise Garrido, Andreia Watanabe, Fausto Medeiros Mendes, Ana Lídia Ciamponi

Socioeconomic inequalities in oral health-related quality of life in adolescents: a cohort study

Camila S. Sfreddo, Carlos Heitor C. Moreira, Belinda Nicolau, Fernanda R. Ortiz, Thiago M. Ardenghi

Methods for questionnaire design: a taxonomy linking procedures to test goals

  • Open Access
  • Commentary

Paul Oosterveld, Harrie C. M. Vorst, Niels Smits

Calibration and initial validation of a general self-efficacy item bank and short form for the NIH PROMIS®

John M. Salsman, Benjamin D. Schalet, Thomas V. Merluzzi, Crystal L. Park, Elizabeth A. Hahn, Mallory A. Snyder, David Cella

Cutoff of the Zarit Burden Interview in predicting depression and anxiety

Yu Yu, Zi-Wei Liu, Wei Zhou, Mei Zhao, Dan Qiu, Yi-Lu Li, Shui-Yuan Xiao

Psychometric properties and cross-language equivalence of the revised Bristol Rheumatoid Arthritis Fatigue and the Rheumatoid Arthritis Impact of Disease scales in rheumatoid arthritis

  • Open Access

Martijn A. H. Oude Voshaar, Christina Bode, Sarah Hewlett, John Kirwan, Laure Gossec, Mart A. F. J. van de Laar

Cross-cultural selection and validation of instruments to assess patient-reported outcomes in children and adolescents with achondroplasia

Janika Bloemeke, Rachel Sommer, Stefanie Witt, Monika Bullinger, Clementine Nordon, Francisco Javier Badia, Felipe Luna González, Antonio Leiva-Gea, Francisco de Borja Delgado Rufino, Fermín Mayoral-Cleries, Pablo Romero-Sanchiz, Verónica Clamagirand Saiz, Raquel Nogueira-Arjona, Klaus Mohnike, Julia Quitmann

Use of an expert panel to identify domains and indicators of delirium severity

Dena Schulman-Green, Eva M. Schmitt, Tamara G. Fong, Sarinnapha M. Vasunilashorn, Jacqueline Gallagher, Edward R. Marcantonio, Charles H. Brown IV, Diane Clark, Joseph H. Flaherty, Anne Gleason, Sharon Gordon, Ann M. Kolanowski, Karin J. Neufeld, Margaret O’Connor, Margaret A. Pisani, Thomas N. Robinson, Joe Verghese, Heidi L. Wald, Richard N. Jones, Sharon K. Inouye, Sharon K. Inouye, Richard N. Jones, Sevdenur Cizginer, Tamara G. Fong, Tammy Hshieh, Edward R. Marcantonio, Annie Racine, Eva M. Schmitt, Dena Schulman-Green, Patricia A. Tabloski, Thomas Travison, Tatiana Abrantes, Brett Armstrong, Sylvia Bertrand, Angelee Butters, Madeline D’Aquila, Jacqueline Gallagher, Jennifer Kettell, Jacqueline Nee, Katelyn Parisi, Margaret Vella, Guoquan Xu, Lauren Weiner, Yun Gou, Douglas Tommet, Charles H. Brown, Diane Clark, Joseph H. Flaherty, Anne Gleason, Sharon M. Gordon, Ann M. Kolanowski, Karin J. Neufeld, Margaret G. O’Connor, Margaret A. Pisani, Thomas N. Robinson, Joe Verghese, Heidi L. Wald

Communicating psychosocial well-being in motor neurone disease to staff: results from a World Café approach

  • Open Access
  • Brief Communication

Clarissa Giebel, Gillian Medley, Sandra Smith, Maria Thornton, Moira Furlong, Michelle Ennis, Carolyn Young

Status of inflammation in relation to health related quality of life in hepatocellular carcinoma patients

Leung Li, Stephen L. Chan, Frankie Mo, Edwin P. Hui, Jane Koh, Allen KC Chan, Nelson LS Tang, Cheuk M. Chu, Joyce Hui, Kit F. Lee, Simon Yu, Winnie Yeo