Uitgave 11/2016
Inhoudsopgave (25 Artikelen)
A review of empirical research related to the use of small quantitative samples in clinical outcome scale development
- Review
Carrie R. Houts, Michael C. Edwards, R. J. Wirth, Linda S. Deal
EQ-5D in Central and Eastern Europe: 2000–2015
- Review
Fanni Rencz, László Gulácsi, Michael Drummond, Dominik Golicki, Valentina Prevolnik Rupel, Judit Simon, Elly A. Stolk, Valentin Brodszky, Petra Baji, Jakub Závada, Guenka Petrova, Alexandru Rotar, Márta Péntek
The health-related quality of life of ankylosing spondylitis patients assessed by SF-36: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Review
Xiao Yang, Dazhi Fan, Qing Xia, Mengmeng Wang, Xu Zhang, Xiaona Li, Guoqi Cai, Li Wang, Lihong Xin, Shengqian Xu, Faming Pan
Interventions that improve health-related quality of life in patients with myocardial infarction
- Review
Kyoungrim Kang, Leila Gholizadeh, Sally C. Inglis, Hae-Ra Han
Health-related quality of life in patients with psoriasis: a systematic review of the European literature
Montse Obradors, Carles Blanch, Marta Comellas, Montse Figueras, Luis Lizan
Individualized quality of life of severely affected multiple sclerosis patients: practicability and value in comparison with standard inventories
A. M. Giovannetti, E. Pietrolongo, A. Giordano, V. Cimino, A. Campanella, G. Morone, A. Fusco, A. Lugaresi, P. Confalonieri, F. Patti, M. G. Grasso, M. Ponzio, S. Veronese, A. Solari
Exploring the individual patterns of spiritual well-being in people newly diagnosed with advanced cancer: a cluster analysis
Mei Bai, Jane Dixon, Anna-leila Williams, Sangchoon Jeon, Mark Lazenby, Ruth McCorkle
Using the ICF’s environmental factors framework to develop an item bank measuring built and natural environmental features affecting persons with disabilities
Allen W. Heinemann, Jin-Shei Lai, Alex Wong, Jessica Dashner, Susan Magasi, Elizabeth A. Hahn, Noelle E. Carlozzi, David S. Tulsky, Sara Jerousek, Patrick Semik, Ana Miskovic, David B. Gray
International SF-36 reference values in patients with ischemic heart disease
- Open Access
Alexandra Huber, Neil Oldridge, Stefan Höfer
Measuring health-related quality of life in patients with conservatively managed stage 5 chronic kidney disease: limitations of the Medical Outcomes Study Short Form 36: SF-36
- Open Access
Gilli Erez, Lucy Selman, Fliss E. M. Murtagh
Reliability and validity of PROMIS measures administered by telephone interview in a longitudinal localized prostate cancer study
Caroleen W. Quach, Michelle M. Langer, Ronald C. Chen, David Thissen, Deborah S. Usinger, Marc A. Emerson, Bryce B. Reeve
Adaptation and validation of the “tolerability and quality of life” (TOOL) questionnaire in Chinese bipolar patients
Lin Xiao, Yulin Gao, Lili Zhang, Peiyun Chen, Xiaojia Sun, Siyuan Tang
The development and acceptability of symptom management quality improvement reports based on patient-reported data: an overview of methods used in PROSSES
Alyssa Troeschel, Tenbroeck Smith, Kathleen Castro, Katherine Treiman, Joseph Lipscomb, Ryan M. McCabe, Steven Clauser, Eliot L. Friedman, Patricia D. Hegedus, Kenneth Portier
Patient-reported outcomes and surgical triage: A gap in patient-centered care?
R. Trafford Crump, Guiping Liu, Mark Chase, Jason M. Sutherland
Phenotypic and molecular characteristics associated with various domains of quality of life in oncology patients and their family caregivers
Kimberly E. Alexander, Bruce A. Cooper, Steven M. Paul, Patsy Yates, Bradley E. Aouizerat, Christine Miaskowski
The association between health literacy and self-management abilities in adults aged 75 and older, and its moderators
- Open Access
Bas Geboers, Andrea F. de Winter, Sophie L. W. Spoorenberg, Klaske Wynia, Sijmen A. Reijneveld
The joint association of self-rated health and diabetes status on 14-year mortality in elderly men and women
R. Dankner, L. Olmer, G. Kaplan, A. Chetrit
Individuals’ quality of life linked to major life events, perceived social support, and personality traits
Cornelia Pocnet, Jean-Philippe Antonietti, Marie-Pierre F. Strippoli, Jennifer Glaus, Martin Preisig, Jérôme Rossier
Prospective associations of objectively assessed physical activity at different intensities with subjective well-being in older adults
Po-Wen Ku, Kenneth R. Fox, Yung Liao, Wen-Jung Sun, Li-Jung Chen
Food preferences, personality and parental rearing styles: analysis of factors influencing health of left-behind children
Sha Tao, Lina Yu, Wanlin Gao, Wentong Xue
Factors associated with quality of life of caregivers of Mexican cancer patients
Svetlana V. Doubova, Claudia Infante-Castañeda
Main predictors in health-related quality of life in Chinese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Eric Y. F. Wan, Colman S. C. Fung, Edmond P. H. Choi, Carlos K. H. Wong, Anca K. C. Chan, Karina H. Y. Chan, Cindy L. K. Lam
Phenylketonuria patients’ and their parents’ acceptance of the disease: multi-centre study
- Open Access
Ewa Witalis, Bożena Mikoluc, Radoslaw Motkowski, Justyna Szyszko, Agnieszka Chrobot, Bozena Didycz, Agata Lange, Renata Mozrzymas, Andrzej Milanowski, Maria Nowacka, Mariola Piotrowska-Depta, Hanna Romanowska, Ewa Starostecka, Jolanta Wierzba, Magdalena Skorniewska, Barbara Iwona Wojcicka-Bartlomiejczyk, Maria Gizewska