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21-01-2019 | OriginalPaper

Psychometric Assessments of Three Self-Report Autism Scales (AQ, RBQ-2A, and SQ) for General Adult Populations

Auteurs: Ronnie Jia, Zachary R. Steelman, Heather H. Jia

Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders | Uitgave 5/2019

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This study assesses the psychometric properties of three self-report measures of autistic-like tendencies in the general adult population: autistic spectrum quotient (AQ), adult repetitive behaviours questionnaire-2 (RBQ-2A), and systemizing quotient (SQ). Three rounds of development and testing using different U.S. and global samples led to three instruments that are psychometrically sound, parsimonious, and generalizable across populations. The resulting AQ-9, consisting of two factors: social communication and attention to detail, now mirrors the current dual diagnostic criteria in the DSM-5. The RBQ-2A-R has now been refined through CFA for the first time. The new SQ-7 scale also has updated content. All three refined scales demonstrate satisfactory psychometric validity and parsimony and now provide evidence of their appropriateness for empirical research.
Alleen toegankelijk voor geautoriseerde gebruikers
There exists another adult, self-report scale, the Autism Spectrum Disorder in Adults Screening Questionnaire (ASDASQ; Nylander and Gillberg 2001). It was not included in this study because it “used a Scandinavian definition” of autism, rather than DSM or ICD-10, which “limits the evidence for its value” (Carpenter 2012, p. 123) and relationship to prior literature on autism-like symptoms.
The reverse may also be true as research on the “Double Empathy Problem” of autism has shown that neurotypical individuals may also struggle to read the emotions of autistic participants (e.g., Milton 2012). Thus, the issue of limited insight is arguably a mutual one.
We thank an anonymous reviewer for suggesting this point.
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Psychometric Assessments of Three Self-Report Autism Scales (AQ, RBQ-2A, and SQ) for General Adult Populations
Ronnie Jia
Zachary R. Steelman
Heather H. Jia
Springer US
Gepubliceerd in
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders / Uitgave 5/2019
Print ISSN: 0162-3257
Elektronisch ISSN: 1573-3432