Uitgave 5/2020
Inhoudsopgave (21 Artikelen)
Lifting cognition: a meta-analysis of effects of resistance exercise on cognition
- Review
Jon-Frederick Landrigan, Tyler Bell, Michael Crowe, Olivio J. Clay, Daniel Mirman
Persistence of repeated self-reported illusion of control as a product of action and outcome association in productive and preventive scenarios
- Original Article
Reinaldo Augusto Gomes Simões, Marcelo Frota Lobato Benvenuti, Aline de Souza Rodrigues, Stela Pereira Coutinho, Miguel Ángel Muñoz, Lisiane Bizarro
Influences of basic numerical abilities on graph reading performance
- Original Article
Ulrich Ludewig, Katharina Lambert, Tanja Dackermann, Katharina Scheiter, Korbinian Möller
The local perceptual bias of a non-remote and educated population
- Original Article
Serge Caparos, Karina J. Linnell, Isabelle Blanchette
Water supplementation after dehydration improves judgment and decision-making performance
- Open Access
- Original Article
Olivia C. Patsalos, Volker Thoma
The relation between state and trait risk taking and problem-solving
- Original Article
Carola Salvi, Edward Bowden
Selective attention effects on recognition: the roles of list context and perceptual difficulty
- Original Article
Hanae Davis, Tamara M. Rosner, Maria C. D’Angelo, Ellen MacLellan, Bruce Milliken
Grasping and perception are both affected by irrelevant information and secondary tasks: new evidence from the Garner paradigm
- Original Article
Miriam Löhr-Limpens, Frederic Göhringer, Thomas Schenk, Constanze Hesse
Unidirectional influence of vision on locomotion in multimodal spatial representations acquired from navigation
- Original Article
Yu Du, Weimin Mou, Lei Zhang
Task-dependent effects of voluntary space-based and involuntary feature-based attention on visual working memory
- Original Article
Jiehui Qian, Ke Zhang, Quan Lei, Yifei Han, Wenwen Li
Microsaccadic rate and pupil size dynamics in pro-/anti-saccade preparation: the impact of intermixed vs. blocked trial administration
- Original Article
Mario Dalmaso, Luigi Castelli, Giovanni Galfano
Humans derive task expectancies from sub-second and supra-second interval durations
- Original Article
Stefanie Aufschnaiter, Andrea Kiesel, Roland Thomaschke
The impact of cue format and cue transparency on task switching performance
- Original Article
Miriam Gade, Marco Steinhauser
Redefining the pattern of age-prospective memory-paradox: new insights on age effects in lab-based, naturalistic, and self-assigned tasks
- Open Access
- Original Article
Katharina M. Schnitzspahn, Lia Kvavilashvili, Mareike Altgassen
Age-related changes in Bayesian belief updating during attentional deployment and motor intention
- Original Article
Paola Mengotti, Anna B. Kuhns, Gereon R. Fink, Simone Vossel
The representation and plasticity of body emotion expression
- Original Article
Rebecca Watson, Beatrice de Gelder
The eyes do not have it after all? Attention is not automatically biased towards faces and eyes
- Original Article
Effie J. Pereira, Elina Birmingham, Jelena Ristic
Socially alerted cognition evoked by a confederate’s mere presence: analysis of reaction-time distributions and delta plots
- Original Article
Michael B. Steinborn, Lynn Huestegge
Is young children’s helping affected by helpees’ need? Preschoolers, but not infants selectively help needy others
- Open Access
- Original Article
Markus Paulus
I still hear a melody: investigating temporal dynamics of the Speech-to-Song Illusion
- Original Article
Gerben Groenveld, John Ashley Burgoyne, Makiko Sadakata
Can hypnotic suggestibility be measured online?
- Open Access
- Original Article
Bence Palfi, G. Moga, P. Lush, R. B. Scott, Z. Dienes