Uitgave 4/2019 Special Issue on Spontaneous Future Cognition
Inhoudsopgave (13 Artikelen)
Spontaneous future cognition: the past, present and future of an emerging topic
- Editorial
Scott Cole, Lia Kvavilashvili
Why are we not flooded by involuntary thoughts about the past and future? Testing the cognitive inhibition dependency hypothesis
- Open Access
- Original Article
Krystian Barzykowski, Rémi Radel, Agnieszka Niedźwieńska, Lia Kvavilashvili
Involuntary memories and involuntary future thinking differently tax cognitive resources
- Original Article
Giuliana Mazzoni
Space–time interaction: visuo-spatial processing affects the temporal focus of mind wandering
- Original Article
Manila Vannucci, Claudia Pelagatti, Carlo Chiorri, Peter Brugger
Inducing spontaneous future thoughts in younger and older adults by priming future-oriented personal goals
- Original Article
Magda Jordão, Maria Salomé Pinho, Peggy L. St. Jacques
Absence of age effects on spontaneous past and future thinking in daily life
- Original Article
Elizabeth Ann Warden, Benjamin Plimpton, Lia Kvavilashvili
Age-related changes in the temporal focus and self-referential content of spontaneous cognition during periods of low cognitive demand
- Original Article
Muireann Irish, Zoë-lee Goldberg, Sara Alaeddin, Claire O’Callaghan, Jessica R. Andrews-Hanna
Children’s behavior and spontaneous talk in a future thinking task
- Original Article
Julian S. Caza, Cristina M. Atance
Do children and adolescents have a future-oriented bias? A developmental study of spontaneous and cued past and future thinking
- Open Access
- Original Article
Teresa McCormack, Patrick Burns, Patrick O’Connor, Agnieszka Jaroslawska, Eugene M. Caruso
The tendency for experiencing involuntary future and past mental time travel is robustly related to thought suppression: an exploratory study
- Original Article
Adriana del Palacio-Gonzalez, Dorthe Berntsen
Thinking about the past and future in daily life: an experience sampling study of individual differences in mental time travel
- Original Article
Roger E. Beaty, Paul Seli, Daniel L. Schacter
Spontaneous cognition in dysphoria: reduced positive bias in imagining the future
- Open Access
- Original Article
Julie L. Ji, Emily A. Holmes, Colin MacLeod, Fionnuala C. Murphy