Uitgave 4/2017
Inhoudsopgave (15 Artikelen)
- Original Article
Keeping you at arm’s length: modifying peripersonal space influences interpersonal distance
F. Quesque, G. Ruggiero, S. Mouta, J. Santos, T. Iachini, Y. Coello
- Original Article
Using space to represent categories: insights from gaze position
Corinna S. Martarelli, Sandra Chiquet, Bruno Laeng, Fred W. Mast
- Original Article
The relation between spatial perspective taking and inhibitory control in 6-year-old children
Andrea Frick, Denise Baumeler
- Original Article
Self-estimation of physical ability in stepping over an obstacle is not mediated by visual height perception: a comparison between young and older adults
Ryota Sakurai, Yoshinori Fujiwara, Masami Ishihara, Masashi Yasunaga, Susumu Ogawa, Hiroyuki Suzuki, Kuniyasu Imanaka
- Open Access
- Original Article
Placing joy, surprise and sadness in space: a cross-linguistic study
Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos, Juan C. Correa, Gopal Sakarkar, Giang Ngo, Susana Ruiz-Fernández, Natalie Butcher, Yuki Yamada
- Original Article
Multisensory aversive stimuli differentially modulate negative feelings in near and far space
Marine Taffou, Jan Ondřej, Carol O’Sullivan, Olivier Warusfel, Stéphanie Dubal, Isabelle Viaud-Delmon
- Original Article
What’s in a “face file”? Feature binding with facial identity, emotion, and gaze direction
Daniel Fitousi
- Original Article
Valence activates motor fluency simulation and biases perceptual judgment
Audrey Milhau, Thibaut Brouillet, Vincent Dru, Yann Coello, Denis Brouillet
- Original Article
Sentence plausibility influences the link between action words and the perception of biological human movements
Christel Bidet-Ildei, Manuel Gimenes, Lucette Toussaint, Yves Almecija, Arnaud Badets
- Original Article
Unveiling the truth: warnings reduce the repetition-based truth effect
Lena Nadarevic, André Aßfalg
- Original Article
Sharp and round shapes of seen objects have distinct influences on vowel and consonant articulation
L. Vainio, M. Tiainen, K. Tiippana, A. Rantala, M. Vainio
- Original Article
Impact of optokinetic stimulation on mental arithmetic
Nicolas Masson, Mauro Pesenti, Valérie Dormal
- Open Access
- Original Article
Transposing musical skill: sonification of movement as concurrent augmented feedback enhances learning in a bimanual task
John Dyer, Paul Stapleton, Matthew Rodger
- Original Article
Evidence for a global oculomotor program in reading
Noor Al-Zanoon, Michael Dambacher, Victor Kuperman
- Original Article
The dishonest mind set in sequence
Anna Foerster, Robert Wirth, Wilfried Kunde, Roland Pfister