Uitgave 2/2012
Special issue: How to reconcile brain and mind
Inhoudsopgave (12 Artikelen)
- Contribution to Special Issue
Eye movements and brain electric potentials during reading
Reinhold Kliegl, Michael Dambacher, Olaf Dimigen, Arthur M. Jacobs, Werner Sommer
- Review
Assimilation and contrast: the two sides of specific interference between action and perception
Jan Zwickel, Wolfgang Prinz
- Review
Ideomotor silence: the case of complete paralysis and brain–computer interfaces (BCI)
Niels Birbaumer, Francesco Piccione, Stefano Silvoni, Moritz Wildgruber
- Review
Neurophysiological preconditions of syntax acquisition
Angela D. Friederici, Regine Oberecker, Jens Brauer
- Original Article
The mental number line electrified: brain potentials in a numerical flanker task
Anja Fellbrich, Wido Nager, Thomas F. Münte
- Review
Time-course analysis of temporal preparation on central processes
Tanja Leonhard, Daniel Bratzke, Hannes Schröter, Rolf Ulrich