Uitgave 1/2013
Special Issue: Embodiment of Vision, Action and Language
Inhoudsopgave (8 Artikelen)
- Editorial
Vision, action and language unified through embodiment
Daniele Caligiore, Martin H. Fischer
- Original Article
How affordances associated with a distractor object affect compatibility effects: A study with the computational model TRoPICALS
Daniele Caligiore, Anna M. Borghi, Domenico Parisi, Rob Ellis, Angelo Cangelosi, Gianluca Baldassarre
- Original Article
The comprehension of action-related sentences may cause interference rather than facilitation on matching actions
Manuel de Vega, Vicente Moreno, Dolores Castillo
- Original Article
Bodies and other visual objects: the dialectics of reaching toward objects
Rob Ellis, Dan Swabey, John Bridgeman, Benjamin May, Mike Tucker, Amanda Hyne
- Original Article
Acting in perspective: the role of body and language as social tools
Claudia Gianelli, Claudia Scorolli, Anna M. Borghi
- Original Article
Experimental study on co-evolution of categorical perception and communication systems in humans
Hiroyuki Iizuka, Davide Marocco, Hideyuki Ando, Taro Maeda
- Original Article
How the motor system handles nouns: a behavioral study
Barbara F. M. Marino, Patricia M. Gough, Vittorio Gallese, Lucia Riggio, Giovanni Buccino
- Open Access
- Review
Neural representations of faces and limbs neighbor in human high-level visual cortex: evidence for a new organization principle
Kevin S. Weiner, Kalanit Grill-Spector