Uitgave 3/2018
Inhoudsopgave (12 Artikelen)
The script concordance test: an adequate tool to assess clinical reasoning?
- Open Access
- Commentary
Eugène J. F. M. Custers
Getting with the times: a narrative review of the literature on group decision making in virtual environments and implications for promotions committees
- Open Access
- Review Article
Anita Acai, Ranil R. Sonnadara, Thomas A. O’Neill
Constructing critical thinking in health professional education
- Open Access
- Original Article
Renate Kahlke, Kevin Eva
Drawing on drawings: Moving beyond text in health professions education research
- Open Access
- A Qualitative Space
Charlotte Rees
Examining the effects of gaming and guessing on script concordance test scores
- Open Access
- Original Article
Stuart Lubarsky, Valérie Dory, Sarkis Meterissian, Carole Lambert, Robert Gagnon
Characterizing the literature on validity and assessment in medical education: a bibliometric study
- Open Access
- Original Article
Meredith Young, Christina St-Onge, Jing Xiao, Elise Vachon Lachiver, Nazi Torabi
When to trust our learners? Clinical teachers’ perceptions of decision variables in the entrustment process
- Open Access
- Original Article
Chantal C. M. A. Duijn, Lisanne S. Welink, Harold G. J. Bok, Olle T. J. ten Cate
How are competency frameworks perceived and taught?
- Open Access
- Original Article
Elise Paradis, Rebecca Zhao, Jamie Kellar, Alison Thompson
Using rhetorical appeals to credibility, logic, and emotions to increase your persuasiveness
- Open Access
- The Writer’s Craft
Lara Varpio
A multiple-perspective approach for the assessment and learning of ultrasound skills
- Open Access
- PhD Report
Martin Grønnebæk Tolsgaard
Interprofessional educator development
- Open Access
- Show and Tell
Lily C. Pien, Michaela Stiber, Allison Prelosky, Colleen Y. Colbert
The Massive Online Needs Assessment (MONA) to inform the development of an emergency haematology educational blog series
- Open Access
- Show and Tell
Teresa M. Chan, David Jo, Andrew W. Shih, Vinai C. Bhagirath, Lana A. Castellucci, Calvin Yeh, Brent Thoma, Eric K. Tseng, Kerstin de Wit