Uitgave 2/2013
Inhoudsopgave (9 Artikelen)
Medical students’ reactions to an experience-based learning model of clinical education
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Alexandra Hay, Sarah Smithson, Karen Mann, Tim Dornan
Ownership of patient care: a behavioural definition and stepwise approach to diagnosing problems in trainees
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Kimberly McLaren, Julie Lord, Suzanne B. Murray, Mitchell Levy, Paul Ciechanowski, Jesse Markman, Anna Ratzliff, Michael Grodesky, Deborah S. Cowley
Repeated evaluations of the quality of clinical teaching by residents
- Open Access
- Original Article
Cornelia R. M. G. Fluit, Remco Feskens, Sanneke Bolhuis, Richard Grol, Michel Wensing, Roland Laan
E-learning any time any place anywhere on mobile devices
- Open Access
- Short Communication
Sylvia Eggermont, Peter M. Bloemendaal, Jary M. van Baalen
Physiologically lucky: the role of medical physiology in modern medical education
- Open Access
- Eye-Opener
Ahmad H. Adi, Hani J. Alturkmani
Moving from knowledge to practice: is it time to move from teaching evidence-based medicine (EBM) to knowledge translation competency?
- Open Access
- Letter
Imad S. A. Hassan
Written narrative feedback, reflections and action plans in single-encounter observations: an observational study
- Open Access
- Letter
Elisabeth A. M. Pelgrim, Anneke W. M. Kramer, Henk G. A. Mokkink, Cees P. M. van der Vleuten