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28-09-2020 | Original Article

Personality Networks and Emotional and Behavioral Problems: Integrating Temperament and Character Using Latent Profile and Latent Class Analyses

Auteurs: Paulo A. S. Moreira, Richard A. Inman, C. Robert Cloninger

Gepubliceerd in: Child Psychiatry & Human Development | Uitgave 5/2021

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Recent research indicates that adaptive functioning and well-being depends on the integration of three dissociable systems of learning and memory that regulate associative conditioning, intentionality and self-awareness. Our study objective was to describe how different integrated configurations of these systems (i.e. different expressions of personality) relate to the presence of internalizing, externalizing and total problems. In total, 699 adolescents completed the JTCI and Achenbach’s YSR. Latent profile analyses revealed two temperament profiles and six character profiles. Adolescents with a steady temperament, and those with healthy characters, were significantly less likely to present clinical levels of problems. The integration of a steady temperament and healthy character profiles in a Mature-Steady joint temperament-character network was also associated with significantly less clinical problems. In sum, our person-centered study indicates that adaptive expressions of associative conditioning, intentionality, and self-awareness (i.e. integrated personalities) are critical for mental health.
In total, 1044 individuals aged (12–24 years) completed the study protocol. However, we excluded adults (almost all attending the vocational school) because (a) our principal interest was in adolescents, and (b) because individuals aged 18 + completed the adult measure (TCI-R) rather than the JTCI.
There has since been a more recent 127-item version of the Portuguese JTCI with modifications made to the self-transcendence scale. These modifications are described in [42].
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Personality Networks and Emotional and Behavioral Problems: Integrating Temperament and Character Using Latent Profile and Latent Class Analyses
Paulo A. S. Moreira
Richard A. Inman
C. Robert Cloninger
Springer US
Gepubliceerd in
Child Psychiatry & Human Development / Uitgave 5/2021
Print ISSN: 0009-398X
Elektronisch ISSN: 1573-3327

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