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01-12-2015 | Referaat

Pediatric solid organ injury operative interventions and outcomes at Harborview Medical Center, before and after introduction of a solid organ injury pathway for pediatrics

Auteurs: Dervan LA, King MA, Cuschieri J, Rivara FP, Weiss NS

Gepubliceerd in: Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Traumachirurgie | Uitgave 6/2015

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De laatste decennia is conservatieve behandeling de standaard bij kinderen met geïsoleerd lever- of miltletsel ten gevolge van stomp buiktrauma. Studies tonen percentages waarbij tot in slechts 3% van de gevallen een splenectomie werd uitgevoerd, zonder patienten bloot te stellen aan verhoogde risico’s.2
go back to reference Dervan LA, King MA, Cuschieri J, et al. Pediatric solid organ injury operative interventions and outcomes at Harborview Medical Center, before and after introduction of a solid organ injury pathway for pediatrics. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2015 Aug;79(2):215-20.CrossRefPubMed Dervan LA, King MA, Cuschieri J, et al. Pediatric solid organ injury operative interventions and outcomes at Harborview Medical Center, before and after introduction of a solid organ injury pathway for pediatrics. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2015 Aug;79(2):215-20.CrossRefPubMed
go back to reference Bowman SM, Bulger E, Sharar SR, Maham SA, Smith SD. Variability in pediatric splenic injury care: results of a national survey of general surgeons. Arch Surg. 2010;145(11):1048Y1053.CrossRef Bowman SM, Bulger E, Sharar SR, Maham SA, Smith SD. Variability in pediatric splenic injury care: results of a national survey of general surgeons. Arch Surg. 2010;145(11):1048Y1053.CrossRef
go back to reference Notrica DM, Eubanks JW 3rd, Tuggle DW, et al. Nonoperative management of blunt liver and spleen injury in children: Evaluation of the ATOMAC guideline using GRADE. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2015 Oct;79(4):683-93.CrossRefPubMed Notrica DM, Eubanks JW 3rd, Tuggle DW, et al. Nonoperative management of blunt liver and spleen injury in children: Evaluation of the ATOMAC guideline using GRADE. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2015 Oct;79(4):683-93.CrossRefPubMed
Pediatric solid organ injury operative interventions and outcomes at Harborview Medical Center, before and after introduction of a solid organ injury pathway for pediatrics
Dervan LA
King MA
Cuschieri J
Rivara FP
Weiss NS
Bohn Stafleu van Loghum
Gepubliceerd in
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Traumachirurgie / Uitgave 6/2015
Print ISSN: 2214-8736
Elektronisch ISSN: 2214-8744

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