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01-02-2006 | Artikel

Op zoek naar woordpatronen in het LIM | Levensverhaal

Auteurs: J. J. F. Schroots, L. Kunst, M. H. J. Assink

Gepubliceerd in: Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie | Uitgave 1/2006

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In this exploratory study, life story data on the word patterns in the LIM (Life-line Interview Method) are reported for 98 men and women, almost equally divided over a younger (18-30), a middle-aged (31-55) and an older (56-84) age group. All respondents tell about their past in great detail, but have a short view of the future. In terms of word frequency are memories (past) and expectations (future) in the proportion of about five to one. As expected, older persons need more words for telling their past story than younger people; word counts of the future life story, however, do not yield in any difference between young, middle-aged and older men and women. In general, the word frequency for memories of negative and positive life events is in the proportion of about three to two. The significance of the LIM word patterns for practical interventions (reminiscence, life-review) is discussed briefly.
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Op zoek naar woordpatronen in het LIM | Levensverhaal
J. J. F. Schroots
L. Kunst
M. H. J. Assink
Bohn Stafleu van Loghum
Gepubliceerd in
Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie / Uitgave 1/2006
Print ISSN: 0167-9228
Elektronisch ISSN: 1875-6832