When 488 participants from various countries including the US, UK, Germany, the Netherlands, and Turkey were asked “Do you think there are gender differences in multitasking?”, roughly 57% across all countries answered “yes” (Szameitat, Hamaida, Tulley, Saylik, & Otermans,
2015). When further prompted which of the sexes is better, ca. 80% of those that answered “yes” said “women” (Szameitat et al.,
2015; for similar findings in a German sample alone see Strobach & Woszidlo,
2015). These studies prove the existence of a gender
1 stereotype in multitasking favoring females, which appears to be more endorsed by women and its magnitude varies considerably across countries (Szameitat et al.,
2015). On the other hand, it also suggests that about half of the people across all countries (i.e., 43%) do not think that there is a sex difference in multitasking.
By contrast, gender stereotypes with respect to verbal and spatial abilities are much more pronounced. For example, when participants were asked to rate the probability that a person is male or female and the only available information participants had about this person was that he/she “can imagine abstract objects and rotate them mentally in all directions”, 76% of respondents indicate that such a person is rather a man, 2% that it is rather a woman, and 22% indicate an equal probability that it is a man or a woman (Hirnstein, Andrews, & Hausmann,
2014). In turn, when given the information that this person “can easily remember names of guests on a party” or “speaks three different languages fluently”, 75 and 76% of participants, respectively, believed this person to be female—and only 5 and 2% believed this person to be male (Hirnstein et al.,
2014). These findings are based on a German sample, but similar gender stereotypes have been reported in the UK (Hausmann, Schoofs, Rosenthal, & Jordan,
2014), Italy (Moè, Meneghetti, & Cadinu,
2009), and Turkey (Halpern and Tan,
2001). Such gender stereotypes regarding spatial and verbal abilities, however, reflect well-documented behavioral differences. For example, men reliably outperform women—on average—in mental rotation, the ability to imagine abstract objects from different perspectives. (e.g., Linn & Petersen,
1985; Voyer, Voyer, & Bryden,
1995; Zell, Krizan, & Teeter,
2015). Women outperform men—on average—when remembering a list of words or other verbal content (e.g., Catani et al.,
2007; de Frias, Nilsson, & Herlitz,
2006; Herlitz, Nilsson, & Backman,
1997; Lowe, Mayfield, & Reynolds,
2003) or when generating as many words as possible under time pressure that fulfil a certain criterion, as in verbal fluency tests (Hyde & Linn,
1988; Hirnstein, Freund, & Hausmann,
2012; e.g., Hausmann et al.,
2009; Scheuringer, Wittig, & Pletzer,
2017). Effect sizes of these cognitive sex differences vary between Cohen’s
d = 0.30 for verbal fluency (Hyde & Linn,
1988) and
d = 0.50–1.00 for mental rotation (Linn & Petersen,
1985; Voyer et al.,
1995; Zell et al.,
2015; Geiser, Lehmann, & Eid,
2008; Hirnstein, Bayer, & Hausmann,
2009; Moè,
2012; Moè and Pazzaglia,
2010). Many spatial and verbal abilities, however, do not show a male and female advantage, respectively (Hyde,
2014; for review Halpern,
2012; Miller & Halpern,
2014). Gender stereotypes with respect to verbal and spatial abilities are thus gross over-simplifications and -generalizations but at least partly grounded in reality, a phenomenon that has been claimed to be valid for stereotypes in general (Jussim et al.,
2016). However, does this also apply to the gender stereotype about better multitasking abilities in females?
Previous findings on behavioral sex differences in multitasking
Multitasking is an important everyday ability (for a recent overview see the editorial of a special issue by Poljac, Kiesel, Koch, & Müller,
2018) and a broad construct that can be conceptualized and assessed in various ways (e.g., Künzell et al.,
2018). Burgess (
2015) argues that there are at least two distinct types of multitasking, one in which two or more tasks are carried out simultaneously such as in dual task paradigms, termed “concurrent multitasking” (originally coined by Salvucci & Taatgen,
2008), and another type in which two or more tasks are carried out sequentially, termed “serial multitasking”. More specifically, in serial multitasking participants
alternate between different tasks that vary in terms of priority, difficulty, and duration. Moreover, according to Burgess (
2015), this alternation is interleaved. That is, the tasks cannot be accomplished in pure sequence but one needs to shift “back and forth” between them. Indeed, many everyday life activities are of a serial multitasking nature such as cooking, shopping, or working. So far, only a handful of studies have specifically investigated sex differences in multitasking abilities and the experimental paradigms that they used, as well as their findings, are inconsistent. In general, there seem to be three lines of findings. The first does not find any sex differences in multitasking abilities. For example, in a re-analysis of a study presented in 2010 (Watson & Strayer,
2010), where participants carried out an auditory–verbal task while in a driving simulator, males and females performed equally well when comparing dual task to single task performance (Strayer, Medeiros-Ward, & Watson,
2013). Similarly, no sex differences were observed in a study where participants carried out a driving task on a computer while simultaneously performing activities such as dialing a number on a mobile phone or reading out directions (Paridon & Kaufmann,
2010). Both studies employed concurrent multitasking paradigms.
At odds with the stereotype of a female superiority, a second line of findings yields a male advantage. Mäntylä (
2013), for instance, employed a task in which participants had to perform three counting tasks simultaneously (e.g., press a button when the computer presents a multiple of 11) together with an
n-back task. In two experiments, males had higher accuracy rates than females, but the advantage was largely mediated by spatial abilities (as measured by mental rotation performance). That is, if spatial abilities of male and female participants were matched, the sex difference in multitasking would disappear. Similarly, Hambrick, Oswald, Darowski, Rench, and Brou (
2010) found a small male advantage (around
d = 0.35) when performing a memory, arithmetic, audio monitoring, and visual monitoring task concurrently. This advantage was accounted for by the participants’ experience with playing video games. While both studies tested concurrent multitasking skills, Logie found a small to medium male advantage with
d = 0.51 (R. Logie, personal communication, February 13, 2018) in the accuracy score of a paradigm that rather assesses serial multitasking, the Edinburgh Virtual Errands task (Logie, Trawley, & Law,
2011). Here, participants navigate through a three-dimensional computer environment and carry out prospective memory tasks. The focus of this study, however, was not sex differences in multitasking, but multitasking alone and, thus, it is likely that the male advantage did not arise from better multitasking abilities per se, but from generally better navigation skills (e.g., Persson et al.,
2013). For this reason, the vast majority of studies that specifically investigate sex differences in multitasking use tasks that did not show sex differences before.
A third line of findings is in accordance with the stereotype that females excel in multitasking. For example, Ren et al. (
2009) found that females showed less interference than males in a Flanker task when it was nested in a Go/No Go task, while no sex differences emerged when the Flanker task was carried out alone. However, one may question whether the Go/No Go task is in fact a task, or merely a signal for whether to execute the only actual task (the Flanker task). Thus, it is unclear to what degree this paradigm represents true multitasking. Nevertheless, in line with these findings, Stoet, O’Connor, Conner, and Laws (
2013) found a female advantage in the most extensive study on sex differences in multitasking so far. In their first experiment, participants were asked to press either a left or right button depending on which stimulus was presented and in which condition it was presented (i.e., whether they had to attend to the shape or filling features of the stimuli). Participants generally responded more slowly when the two conditions switched rapidly as compared to performing only one condition. This performance reduction, however, was less marked in females. In a second experiment, participants were asked to complete three paper–pencil tasks comprising simple arithmetic, a key search task, and a map task within 8 min. Participants could freely choose how much time they would devote to each task. In addition, they received a phone call within this period where they were asked general knowledge questions. Females performed significantly better in the key search task (
d = 0.49), while no differences emerged in the other tasks. Stoet et al. (
2013) tentatively concluded that “woman are better than men in some types of multi-tasking (namely when the tasks involved do not need to be carried out simultaneously)” (p. 9). In other words, the authors suggested that a female advantage rather exists for serial but not necessarily for concurrent multitasking. However, they called for further studies to test their hypothesis.
Taken together, the findings regarding sex differences in multitasking abilities are rather inconsistent. The heterogeneity of the findings is not surprising given the heterogeneity of the methods that were used in those studies, for instance, the different tasks and different types of multitasking (i.e., serial or concurrent multitasking) that were assessed. However, apart from inconsistent methods and a general lack of empirical findings, there seem to be at least three further issues that make it difficult to discern whether there truly is a female multitasking advantage: first, many studies in this field used rather abstract multitasking paradigms (see also the comment by Stoet et al.,
2013). This facilitates controlling for confounding variables but at the same time it is unlikely that the gender stereotype about females’ alleged superior multitasking abilities arose from how males and females handle the kind of tasks employed in scientific experiments. Most likely, the gender stereotype will have arisen from observing everyday situations and, thus, it is more likely to find these sex differences in everyday scenarios. Second, everyday scenarios typically involve serial multitasking (for review Burgess,
2015) and there is a clearly defined set of criteria for such scenarios (Burgess,
2015): they comprise (1) multiple, discrete tasks that (2) are interleaved but (3) carried out one at a time. (4) Unforeseen interruptions and problems occur and (5) there is no direct signal indicating when it is time to return to an already running task (delayed intentions). The tasks (6) differ in terms of characteristics, priority and length of time, (7) targets are self-determined, and (8) there is no immediate feedback. Many of the studies that are described above, however, do not meet one or more of these criteria. Third, previous studies on sex differences in multitasking often recruited student populations, making it difficult to generalize findings (see also the criticism by Stoet et al.,
The present study
We have previously devised a computerized task in a three-dimensional environment with the specific aim to test participants’ multitasking ability in everyday situations—the computerized meeting preparation task (CMPT, Laloyaux et al.,
2014). The CMPT was originally conceived to assess the multitasking abilities of patients with schizophrenia, who were found to have profound multitasking difficulties (Laloyaux et al.,
2014). However, given the issues with previous studies outlined above, we believe that the CMPT is very useful in the context of studying sex differences in multitasking abilities: First, unlike rather abstract paradigms, the CMPT has high ecological validity. At the same time, however, it allows reasonably well for controlling confounding variables due to its computerized nature. Second, the CMPT was specifically constructed based on the features of everyday multitasking situations as identified by Burgess (
2015) and is thus solidly based in theory. Third, to validate the CMPT, participants were tested from different age groups and with different educational backgrounds, thus providing us with a more representative sample than, for example, a typical student population.
In summary, despite bold claims that “All the available research agrees: men’s brains are specialised. Compartmentalised. […] a man’s brain is configured for one thing at a time […]” while “A woman’s brain is configured for multi-tasking performance.” (Pease and Pease,
2001, pp. 69–70), the empirical evidence for a behavioral sex difference in multitasking is sparse and inconsistent, in particular, when it comes to serial multitasking abilities. The present study sought to add data to the discussion of whether the alleged female superiority exists by assessing males’ and females’ performance in an already established everyday situation multitasking paradigm (Laloyaux et al.,
2014). Given the heterogeneous findings so far, we had no specific hypothesis as to whether a sex difference exists.