Physical function (PF) is a critical component of overall health [
2]. Yet, in the context of acute illness, PF is often poorly measured and tracked [
3]. In addition, many patients experience new, significant disability in the course of hospitalization [
6]. Following discharge, patients of all ages face recovery from the acute cause of their hospitalization and the trauma of hospitalization itself; many never return to their prior level of functioning [
9]. While numerous instruments measuring PF exist, few have been developed that can readily be deployed to track patients’ functional trajectory before, during, and after hospitalization [
10]. In the absence of such instruments embedded across the care continuum, healthcare providers, patients, and caregivers miss an opportunity to understand and communicate about the occurrence of important PF changes. Without a common instrument tracking functional trajectories across care settings, clinical conditions, and time, it is difficult to develop patient- and population-level approaches for recognizing and mitigating decline in PF during the high risk, peri-hospitalization period.
Advanced electronic health records (EHRs) provide extraordinary capabilities to reliably store and communicate patient data within a healthcare system. However, the development and availability of PF assessment instruments, generalizable to multiple disease states and able to be administered across a variety of care settings and time periods, has been lagging [
12]. Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) instruments offer these capabilities and have been integrated within multiple EHR systems [
14]. Nevertheless, existing PROMIS PF assessments are infrequently utilized during hospitalization: They may not meet unique needs of the hospital environment, such as including a PF assessment that is quick and easy to use, transparent and simple to understand, and relevant to the mobility activities and disposition planning routinely occurring in the hospital [
15]. Additionally, it is important that inpatient PF assessments also be conducted by clinicians. In the dynamic inpatient environment with acutely ill patients, patient reports alone may not support all treatment, safety, and disposition decision-making needs, particularly for patients with significant cognitive and/or new functional impairment or who lack insight into their current abilities and needs.
Our purpose was to develop two separate content-matched, precise, score-level targeted inpatient PF short form (SF) measures – one clinician-reported, one patient-reported – to close this gap in inpatient PF assessment. Items were derived from existing PROMIS PF bank content, and scores reported on the PROMIS PF metric.
Study objectives
We outlined four objectives for developing clinician-report (CR) and patient-report (PR) inpatient PF SFs: (1) Review the PROMIS PF bank for PR items of appropriate content targeting the 10–50 T-score range; rewrite them as CR items; (2) field test and evaluate the proposed CR and PR items, which were administered by physical therapists (PTs); (3) link CR items to PR items on the PROMIS PF metric; (4) construct CR and PR SF measures.
Two item content-matched, precise, score-level targeted 5-item SFs were developed for clinician and patient reporting of inpatient PF: “PROMIS Physical Function-5” (PF-5) CR and PR assessments. They are effective, efficient PF assessments, offering complementary perspectives on PF status to guide treatment and decision making for acutely ill hospitalized patients.
We identified four strengths of the PF-5 assessments. First, they help close a gap in inpatient-setting PF reporting. While many instruments have been developed to assess PF, few are usable for tracking and understanding PF across health conditions, care settings, and time. Pertaining to hospitalization, few tools are easily applied to capture and track pre-morbid, intra-hospital, and post-discharge PF. Additionally, many measures are strictly patient- or clinician-reported, limiting broad application and the collecting of holistic perspectives of PF [
38]. Using PF instruments normed to different scales across the peri-hospital period inhibits understanding PF improvement or decline trajectories, critical in guiding clinician decisions regarding safe mobilization techniques, use of PT and rehabilitation services, and discharge planning across a patient population. The PF-5 assessments create opportunities for capturing patient trajectories in and out of hospital, providing two SF versions of PROMIS PF specifically designed to meet hospital settings’ unique clinical needs and operational realities.
Second, while PF-5 CR and PR are usable separately, when operationally feasible using them in concert, gathering information from multiple perspectives, can create a more holistic picture of PF. Dual-perspective assessments could assist care teams identifying and addressing discrepancies in perceptions of patient level of independence or need for assistance to complete functional tasks at key points in time (e.g., hospital discharge). In practice, this information could elucidate reasoning behind patient/family concerns about a discharge plan if patient perceptions differ significantly from the clinical team’s. Third, having CR and PR assessment versions maximizes the care team’s ability to capture the PF information they need to make decisions during hospitalization. While clinicians cannot directly assess patients’ pre-morbid PF, patients can self-report that information upon admission. Pre-morbid function assessment is not a replacement for clinician assessment, but it is likely the best alternative available. Both versions norm to a common scale/metric, helping the care team synthesize differently-sourced information.
Fourth, with simple and direct assessment items, PF-5 tools can support a shared language and understanding between diverse clinicians and patients/families about differences in patient PF over time. Multiple PF assessment tools exist; few are widely familiar to practitioners across diverse specialties and healthcare settings; even fewer are understood by all care team members, including patients/families.
PF-5 items represent content our clinical team (physicians, nurses, PTs) felt was most relevant and feasible for assessing PF in the acute care setting. Thus, PF-5 assessment focuses on the PF continuum’s lower range. While this is a limitation, if considering the PF-5 for all settings and conditions, we do not believe it a significant limitation for its successful use in the peri-hospitalization period. Higher PF levels are infrequently assessed in the hospital setting: Primarily, because exemplar activities are most often not required for safe discharge home; secondarily, because they are operationally impractical.
Stair climbing activity is not included in final item sets. While PTs are trained to assess stair climbing, other care team members are typically not. Furthermore, not all patients require stair climbing ability in their daily lives; therefore, it is not a condition for safe discharge home for all patients. If stair climbing or other less common functional tasks are required for discharge, PTs will need to assess such abilities.
There are several limitations to our findings. First, our patient sample size was relatively small; however, it was adequate to robustly evaluate, calibrate, and link clinician and patient item responses. Second, we used a convenience sampling strategy based on routine PT practice patterns. Patients seen during PT evaluation do comprise a representative subset of all inpatients with increased physical limitations. Still, PF-5 items may be limited in detecting PF gradations significantly exceeding population averages, constraining their utility among high-functioning inpatients. Further PF assessments with the PF-5 in a broader hospital population are needed. Third, our sample of participating PTs represents a convenience sample: PTs volunteered to participate, requiring them to include an additional clinician-reported patient assessment into their existing clinical work flow. The actual population of KP PTs is in the 100 s, rather than 1000 s, of possible participants, given our project’s location-specific nature. Thus, the number of PTs sampled is a healthy proportion of practicing PTs available. Note these N = 36 PTs provided N = 515 assessments, which became our dataset of clinician-reported evaluations. Fourth, assessing PF is a standard skill for PTs; however, other clinician groups (nurses, physicians, care coordinators) using the PF-5 may differ in assessment ability. During this study, PTs were best able to integrate testing of the broader set of assessment items into their clinical workflow. Fifth, we did not evaluate PT evaluation timing relative to hospital discharge, which may be relevant to acutely ill patients displaying dynamic PF over a single hospitalization.
For future directions, next steps in measure development should include systematic estimates of test–retest reliability, responsiveness, and within and between “rater” (clinician) agreement. For rater agreement analyses, we plan to obtain a minimum n = 30 assessments per rater to conduct defensible analyses with robust findings. There are also feasibility “next steps.” In this project, patients and PTs each completed 12 candidate items, generally taking some 15 min to complete the full assessment process. We were unable to assess acceptability of final PF-5 CR/PR versions; however, we expect PF-5 completion to be quite brief, particularly once integrated into our EHR. Future work will study PF-5 uptake among practitioners, especially nursing and inpatient care team members; it will also assess timing and logistical characteristics.
The PF-5 measures are linked to the PROMIS PF metric, enabling CR and PR assessments to be used to evaluate more complete patient PF trajectories. Together, these measures streamline information gathering and, in conjunction with the broader set of available PROMIS PF assessments, make standardized PF assessment attainable across inpatient, outpatient, home-based, and virtual settings. This improved ability to track and understand PF in the peri-hospitalization period should create a watershed of insights for developing and applying targeted interventions aimed at sustaining or improving PF at critical junctures in patients’ lives.
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