Uitgave 2/2011
Inhoudsopgave (12 Artikelen)
- Open Access
- Editorial
Economic evaluation of ezetimibe combined with simvastatin for the treatment of primary hypercholesterolaemia
F. L. J. Visseren
- Original Article
Economic evaluation of ezetimibe combined with simvastatin for the treatment of primary hypercholesterolaemia
F. van Nooten, G. M. Davies, J. W. Jukema, A. H. Liem, E. Yap, X. H. Hu
- Open Access
- Original Article – E-Learning
Long-term Clinical Outcome and MIBI SPECT Parameters in Percutaneous Coronary Interventions
M. de Mulder, F. M. van der Zant, P. Knaapen, J. H. Cornel, V. A. W. M. Umans
- Review Article
Symptomatic pectus excavatum in seniors (SPES): a cardiovascular problem?
H. A. Kragten, J. Siebenga, P. F. Höppener, R. Verburg, N. Visker
- Open Access
- Review Article
The role of insulin therapy and glucose normalisation in patients with acute coronary syndrome
J. A. Lipton, A. Can, S. Akoudad, M. L. Simoons
- Open Access
- Special Article
The sense and nonsense of direct-to-consumer genetic testing for cardiovascular disease
A. C. J. W. Janssens, A. A. M. Wilde, I. M. van Langen
- Case Report
Genetic counselling for pulmonary arterial hypertension: a matter of variable variability
E. M. Leter, A. B. Boonstra, F. B. Postma, J. J. P. Gille, E. J. Meijers-Heijboer, A. Vonk Noordegraaf
- Imaging in Cardiology
Coronary anomaly diagnosed by computed tomography coronary angiography in a patient with atypical chest pain
J. G. J. Groothuis, Y. E. Appelman, M. R. Meijerink, A. C. van Rossum
- Open Access
- Interuniversity Cardiology Institute of the Netherlands
Genetic predisposition for sudden cardiac death in myocardial ischaemia: the Arrhythmia Genetics in the NEtherlandS study
R. F. J. Marsman, A. A. M. Wilde, C. R. Bezzina
- Open Access
- Rhythm Puzzle - Answer
Answer to the Rhythm Puzzle
A. Erol-Yilmaz, S. Westra, J. L. R. M Smeets