Uitgave 1/2025
Inhoudsopgave (7 Artikelen)
Career perspectives of early-career cardiologists in the Netherlands
- Open Access
- Commentary
Deborah N. Kalkman, Vivan J. M. Baggen, Joost C. Beusekamp, Geert Kleinnibbelink, Wouter C. Meijers, Frederique E. C. M. Peeters, Sake J. van der Wall, Dilek Yilmaz, Madelon Minneboo, Lena Bosch
Chances and challenges of questionnaires in heart failure care
- Open Access
- Commentary
Aernoud T. L. Fiolet, Mariusz K. Szymanski
Fluid status assessment in heart failure patients: pilot validation of the Maastricht Decompensation Questionnaire
- Open Access
- Original Article
Arno J. Gingele, Fabienne Beckers, Josiane J. Boyne, Hans-Peter Brunner–La Rocca
Catheter-directed therapy with the FlowTriever system for intermediate-high and high-risk pulmonary embolism: a single-centre experience
- Open Access
- Original Article
Einar A. Hart, Paul Eenhoorn, Mathilde Nijkeuter, Dieuwertje Ruigrok, Joris J. van der Heijden, Michiel Voskuil, Tommy K. K. Liu, Jan Willem Balder, Tim P. van de Hoef, Pim van der Harst, Adriaan O. Kraaijeveld, Michael G. Dickinson
Sex difference in outcomes after coronary artery bypass grafting: follow-up data of the Netherlands Heart Registration
- Open Access
- Original Article
Mara-Louise Wester, Jules R. Olsthoorn, Mohamed A. Soliman-Hamad, Saskia Houterman, Maaike M. Roefs, Joost F. J. ter Woorst, S. Bramer, W. J. P. van Boven, A. B. A. Vonk, B. M. J. A. Koene, J. A. Bekkers, G. J. F. Hoohenkerk, A. L. P. Markou, A. de Weger, P Segers, F. Porta, R. G. H. Speekenbrink, W. Stooker, W. W. L. Li, E. J. Daeter, N. P. van der Kaaij, G. Vigano
A twisted diagnosis of chest pain: the prominent role of coronary computed tomography
- Open Access
- Heart Beat
Catarina Amaral Marques, Cátia Oliveira, Ana Margarida Lebreiro, Mariana Vasconcelos, João Rebelo, Rui A. Rodrigues