Uitgave 1/2012
Inhoudsopgave (10 Artikelen)
- Open Access
- Editorial
Genetics and tailored therapy in cardiovascular disease
P. A. Doevendans, F. W. Asselbergs
- Original article
Nursing role to improve care to infarct patients and patients undergoing heart surgery: 10 years’ experience
M. A. M. Wit, A. J. C. M. Bos-Schaap, R. W. M. Hautvast, A. A. C. M. Heestermans, V. A. W. M. Umans
- Original article
Continuation of vitamin K antagonists as acceptable anticoagulation regimen in patients undergoing pulmonary vein isolation
B. Oude Velthuis, J. Stevenhagen, J. M. van Opstal, M. F. Scholten
- Open Access
- Original article – E-Learning
Patients with aortic stenosis referred for TAVI: treatment decision, in-hospital outcome and determinants of survival
R. J. Nuis, A. E. Dager, R. M. van der Boon, M. C. Jaimes, B. Caicedo, J. Fonseca, N. M. Van Mieghem, L. M. Benitez, J. P. Umana, W. W. O’Neill, E. de Marchena, P. P. de Jaegere
- Open Access
- Review Article
Individualised therapy of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors in stable coronary artery disease: overview of the primary results of the PERindopril GENEtic association (PERGENE) study
J. J. Brugts, M. P. M. de Maat, A. H. J. Danser, E. Boersma, M. L. Simoons
- Open Access
- Special Article
The pregnant woman with heart disease: management of pregnancy and delivery
P. G. Pieper
- Case Report
Early double stent thrombosis associated with clopidogrel hyporesponsivenesss
L. M. Rademakers, W. Dewilde, D. van de Kerkhof
- Open Access
- Imaging in Cardiology
Giant coronary aneurysms: three-dimensional reconstruction
L. M. van Beek, H. Luijten
- Open Access
Monitoring cardiac fibrosis: a technical challenge
S. de Jong, T. A. B. van Veen, J. M. T. de Bakker, H. V. M. van Rijen