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Neonatal risk mortality scores as predictors for health-related quality of life of infants treated in NICU: a prospective cross-sectional study

Auteurs: K. Lah Tomulic, J. Mestrovic, M. Zuvic, K. Rubelj, B. Peter, I. Bilic Cace, A. Verbic

Gepubliceerd in: Quality of Life Research | Uitgave 5/2017

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To determine the relationship of Apgar scores, gestational age and neonatal risk mortality scores to health-related quality of life (HRQoL) for infants at the age of 8 months treated after birth in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).


All surviving infants treated in two-third level NICUs in Rijeka, Croatia (from August 2013 to August 2014) were included in this prospective, cross-sectional study. For all neonates, the Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology (SNAP), SNAP with Perinatal Extension (SNAP-PE) and their simplified modifications (SNAP II and SNAP-PE II) were calculated. At the corrected age of 8 months, the Pediatric Quality of Life Questionnaire (PedsQL)—infant scale—was completed by parents of surviving infants. Multiple regression analysis was performed in order to assess the value of neonatal risk mortality scores, Apgar scores and gestational age as possible predictors of HRQoL, measured by questionnaire score.


A strong correlation has been found between SNAP and 5-min Apgar scores to HRQoL. A positive correlation was also found between gestational age and HRQoL.


SNAP and 5-min Apgar scores are important outcome indicators, can aid clinicians’ and parents’ decision making on the benefits and burdens of acute medical interventions and help determine quantities of medical treatment. Educated medical staff, effective and efficient medical treatment and a high quality of care which prevent adverse events in the first minute of life should be a priority in efforts to improve the future quality of life.
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Neonatal risk mortality scores as predictors for health-related quality of life of infants treated in NICU: a prospective cross-sectional study
K. Lah Tomulic
J. Mestrovic
M. Zuvic
K. Rubelj
B. Peter
I. Bilic Cace
A. Verbic
Springer International Publishing
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Quality of Life Research / Uitgave 5/2017
Print ISSN: 0962-9343
Elektronisch ISSN: 1573-2649

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