09-01-2021 | Book Review
Morag C. Treanor: Child Poverty, Aspiring to Survive
Bristol: Bristol University Press. 2020, 254 pp, ISBN: 978-1-4473-3467-5 (e-pdf)
Samuel Thomas Russell
Gepubliceerd in:
Journal of Youth and Adolescence
Uitgave 4/2021
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Professor Morag C. Treanor is a sociologist at the University of Sterling who uses birth cohort data to explore the impacts of longitudinal poverty on children’s cognitive, social, emotional and behavioral developmental outcomes and educational transitions. Her book Child Poverty: Aspiring to Survive explores many of these topics. Professor Treanor begins by establishing several contexts for child poverty: (1) the status of poverty across affluent nations, (2) the risks, causes, and consequences of child poverty, and (3) the misunderstandings of child poverty and how these misunderstandings affect policy considerations. These contexts are then explored through the lenses of (1) Family, (2) Parenthood, and (3) Education. Although Professor Treanor’s analysis focuses mainly on the United Kingdom, her findings are highly informative for child poverty in the United States. …