Uitgave 5/2017
Inhoudsopgave (14 Artikelen)
- Original Article
A drop in performance on a fluid intelligence test due to instructed-rule mindset
Hadas ErEl, Nachshon Meiran
- Original Article
Effect of combined motor and spatial cues on mathematical reasoning: a polarity correspondence account
Hélène Verselder, Sébastien Freddi, Vincent Dru
- Open Access
- Original Article
Insight into the ten-penny problem: guiding search by constraints and maximization
Michael Öllinger, Anna Fedor, Svenja Brodt, Eörs Szathmáry
- Original Article
Smooth criminal: convicted rule-breakers show reduced cognitive conflict during deliberate rule violations
Aiste Jusyte, Roland Pfister, Sarah V. Mayer, Katharina A. Schwarz, Robert Wirth, Wilfried Kunde, Michael Schönenberg
- Original Article
On the importance of considering heterogeneity in witnesses’ competence levels when reconstructing crimes from multiple witness testimonies
Berenike Waubert de Puiseau, Sven Greving, André Aßfalg, Jochen Musch
- Original Article
Intention deactivation: effects of prospective memory task similarity on aftereffects of completed intentions
Moritz Walser, Thomas Goschke, Marcus Möschl, Rico Fischer
- Original Article
The special role of item–context associations in the direct-access region of working memory
Guillermo Campoy
- Original Article
Familiar units prevail over statistical cues in word segmentation
Bénédicte Poulin-Charronnat, Pierre Perruchet, Barbara Tillmann, Ronald Peereman
- Open Access
- Original Article
The interaction between practice and performance pressure on the planning and control of fast target directed movement
Jonathan E. Allsop, Gavin P. Lawrence, Robert Gray, Michael A. Khan
- Original Article
Route planning with transportation network maps: an eye-tracking study
Elise Grison, Valérie Gyselinck, Jean-Marie Burkhardt, Jan Malte Wiener
- Original Article
Crossmodal spatial congruence effects: visual dominance in conditions of increased and reduced selection difficulty
Linda Tomko, Robert W. Proctor
- Original Article
Choices enhance punching performance of competitive kickboxers
Israel Halperin, Dale W. Chapman, David T. Martin, Rebecca Lewthwaite, Gabriele Wulf
- Original Article
Response-specific effects in a joint action task: social inhibition of return effects do not emerge when observed and executed actions are different
Joseph Manzone, Geoff G. Cole, Paul A. Skarratt, Timothy N. Welsh
- Original Article
Anticipation of delayed action-effects: learning when an effect occurs, without knowing what this effect will be
David Dignath, Markus Janczyk