Uitgave 3/2024
Inhoudsopgave (26 Artikelen)
How general is ensemble perception?
- Research
Ting-Yun Chang, Oakyoon Cha, Rankin McGugin, Andrew Tomarken, Isabel Gauthier
Forests or trees? The effect of generating solutions to distant analogies on global–local processing
- Research
Jiansheng Li, Kai Shi, Tingchuan Cui, Jingshen Gao, Xuejiao Wei
Priming effect of individual similarity and ensemble perception in visual search and working memory
- Research
Wenting Lin, Jiehui Qian
Stand up to better pay attention, sit down to better subtract: a new perspective on the advantage of cognitive-motor interactions
- Research
G. Abou Khalil, K. Doré-Mazars, A. Legrand
Overlearned sequence and perceived time: possible involvement of attention
- Research
Shamini Warda, Azizuddin Khan
Embodiment and gestural realization of ergative verbs
- Research
Omid Khatin-Zadeh, Jiehui Hu, Zahra Eskandari, Hassan Banaruee, Zhu Yanjiao, Danyal Farsani, Jiayong He
Forward effects from action observation: the role of attentional focus
- Open Access
- Research
Francesco Ianì, Teresa Limata, Ivan Nabil Ras, Monica Bucciarelli
Stimulus variability improves generalization following response inhibition training
- Research
Tamara E. Moshon-Cohen, Noam Weinbach, Tali Bitan
The effects of internal representations on performance and fluidity in a motor task
- Open Access
- Research
Oliver R. Runswick, Hettie Roebuck
When time does not matter: cultures differ in their use of temporal cues to infer agency over action effects
- Open Access
- Research
Victoria K. E. Bart, Erdenechimeg Sharavdorj, Enerel Boldbaatar, Khishignyam Bazarvaani, Martina Rieger
Sense of time is slower following exhaustive cycling exercise
- Research
Andrew R. Moore, Maddie Olson
It’s SNARC o’ clock: manipulating the salience of the context in a conceptual replication of Bächtold et al.’s (1998) clockface study
- Open Access
- Research
Serena Mingolo, Valter Prpic, Alberto Mariconda, Peter Brugger, Thekla Drack, Eleonora Bilotta, Tiziano Agostini, Mauro Murgia
The ordinal distance effect in working memory: does it exist in the absence of confounds?
- Research
Myrtille Dewulf, Wim Gevers, Sophie Antoine
Semantic relatedness can impair memory for item locations
- Research
Xinyi Lu, Mona J. H. Zhu, Evan F. Risko
Task performance errors and rewards affect voluntary task choices
- Open Access
- Research
Markus Wolfgang Hermann Spitzer, Sebastian Musslick, Janina Janz, Andrea Kiesel, David Dignath
Repetition costs in task switching are not equal to cue switching costs: evidence from a cue-independent context
- Open Access
- Research
Elena Benini, Iring Koch, Andrea M. Philipp
The impact of food stimuli and fasting on cognitive control in task switching
- Open Access
- Research
Viktoria Maydych, Hanna Pöschel, Sebastian Kübler, Torsten Schubert
Behavioral impulse and time pressure jointly influence intentional inhibition: evidence from the Free Two-Choice Oddball task
- Research
Mengsi Xu, Jiayu Wen, Zhiai Li, Zhenhong Wang, Junhua Zhang
Representation of shared surface information and false memory for abstract versus concrete pictures in the conjoint recognition paradigm
- Open Access
- Research
Marek Nieznański, Daria Ford, Michał Obidziński
The effects of emotion on retrospective duration memory using virtual reality
- Research
Omran K. Safi, Yiran Shi, Christopher R. Madan, Tyler Lin, Daniela J. Palombo
Emotion and prospective memory: effects of emotional targets and contexts
- Research
Cong Xin, Lin Zhang
You do you: susceptibility of temporal binding to self-relevance
- Open Access
- Research
Felicitas V. Muth, Sophia Ebert, Wilfried Kunde
Item-specific and relational encoding are effective at reducing the illusion of competence
- Research
Nicholas P. Maxwell, Emily E. Cates, Mark J. Huff
Watching (natural) beauty boosts task performance: testing the nature-as-reward hypothesis
- Research
Yannick Joye, Florian Lange, Asta Lisauskienė, Diana Makauskaitė
Transport makes cities: transit maps as major cognitive frames of metropolitan areas
- Research
Archana Prabhakar, Elise Grison, Simon Lhuillier, Florian Leprévost, Valérie Gyselinck, Simone Morgagni