Uitgave 2/2022
Inhoudsopgave (22 Artikelen)
Avoidance in Adolescence: The Balloon Risk Avoidance Task (BRAT)
Michael J. Crowley, Stefon J. R. van Noordt, Peter J. Castagna, Federico E. Vaca, Jia Wu, Carl W. Lejuez, Linda C. Mayes
- Open Access
Examining Individual Differences in Social Reward Valuation: a Person-Based Approach
Danique Smeijers, Kasia Uzieblo, Jeffrey C. Glennon, Josi M. A. Driessen, Inti A. Brazil
COVID-19 Impact Battery: Development and Validation
Norman B. Schmidt, Nicholas P. Allan, Brandon Koscinski, Brittany M. Mathes, Kelsey Eackles, Catherine Accorso, Kevin G. Saulnier, Darcey M. Allan, Kaley Potter, Lora Garey, Julie Suhr, Megan Austin, Michael J. Zvolensky
The Role of Overt and Covert Avoidance Strategies in Generalized Anxiety Disorder Symptoms and Fear of Emotion
Gabrielle Marcotte-Beaumier, Bailee L. Malivoire, Naomi Koerner, Melina M. Ovanessian
Intolerance of Uncertainty and Anxiety Symptoms: Examining the Indirect Effect Through Anxiety Sensitivity Among Adults with Anxiety-Related Disorders
Emily M. O’Bryan, Kimberly T. Stevens, Jessica G. Bimstein, Anishka Jean, Liya Mammo, David F. Tolin
Risking Everything in Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder: An Analogue Decision-Making Study
James Croft, Jessica R. Grisham, Andrew Perfors, Brett K. Hayes
Why We Imagine Our Future: Introducing the Functions of Future Thinking Scale (FoFTS)
D. J. Hallford, A. D’Argembeau
Attentional Processing of Threat in Bipolar Disorder: Going Beyond Mood-Congruency
Belén Gago, Manuel Perea, Lorenzo Livianos, Pilar Sierra, Ana García-Blanco
Longitudinal Associations Between the Five-Factor Model of Personality and The Bi-Factor Model of Psychopathology: Continuity, Pathoplasty and Complication Effects in Adolescents
Paula Etkin, Manuel I. Ibáñez, Generós Ortet, Laura Mezquita
The Validation of a Five-Item Screening Scale for Personality Disorders in Dutch-Speaking Community Adolescents and Adults
Kristina Eggermont, Koen Luyckx, Dirk Smits, Annabel Bogaerts, Tinne Buelens, Tim Bastiaens, Laurence Claes
The Relationship Between a Hierarchical Transdiagnostic Model of Vulnerability Factors and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Clusters
Michael A. Kreminski, James A. Courtney, Sean P. A. Drummond, Peter J. Norton
Discrepancy Analysis of Emerging Adult and Parental Report of Psychological Problems and Relationship Quality
Erica Szkody, Mary Moussa Rogers, Cliff McKinney
Testing the Effectiveness of Brief Behavioral Activation Treatment for Depression—Revised: Changes in Depression, Anxiety, Dysfunctional Attitudes, and Mindfulness
Jerin Lee, Cameron G. Ford, D. Lee McCluskey, Patricia D. Hopkins, Daniel W. McNeil, Natalie J. Shook
Does Symptom Linkage Density Predict Outcomes in Cognitive Therapy for Recurrent Depression?
Jeffrey R. Vittengl, Lee Anna Clark, Michael E. Thase, Robin B. Jarrett
Disruption in Pavlovian-Instrumental Transfer as a Function of Depression and Anxiety
Allison Metts, Inna Arnaudova, Lindsay Staples-Bradley, Michael Sun, Richard Zinbarg, Robin Nusslock, Kate M. Wassum, Michelle G. Craske
The Brief Problem Monitor (BPM-Y/BPM-P) Among Chinese Youth: Psychometric Properties and Measurement Invariance
Wenbing Xu, Meng-Cheng Wang, Xintong Zhang, Yuning Liu
Development and Validation of a Measure of Self-Efficacy to Resist Nonsuicidal Self-Injury
Jessica C. Dawkins, Penelope A. Hasking, Mark E. Boyes
A Threshold Task to Determine Help-Seeking for Deliberate Self-Injury: a Proof of Concept Study
Brie L. Turner, Frank P. Deane, Leonie M. Miller
A Psychometric Investigation of the Ohio Scales, Short Form, Problem Severity Domain, Youth- and Caregiver-Report Versions
Tommie M. Laba, Charles W. Mueller, Brad J. Nakamura
The Role of Emotion Dysregulation in the Links Between Sibling Victimization and Internalizing Symptoms in Middle Childhood
Paula J. Fite, John L. Cooley, Elizabeth C. Tampke, Daryl R. Hesse, Rachel L. Doyle
Self-Imagery and Attentional Control Maintenance Factors of Social Anxiety: A Comparison of Trait and State Assessments
Danielle E. Deros, DeMond M. Grant, Jacob D. Kraft, Kaitlyn M. Nagel, Burkhart J. Hahn
The Effect of Positive Rumination Training on Mental Health and Attentional Bias
Hongfei Yang, Yunxia Guan