Uitgave 10/2011
Inhoudsopgave (17 Artikelen)
Beyond an Autism Diagnosis: Children’s Functional Independence and Parents’ Unmet Needs
- Original Paper
Hilary K. Brown, Hélène Ouellette-Kuntz, Duncan Hunter, Elizabeth Kelley, Virginie Cobigo, Miu Lam
Comparison of Behavioral Intervention and Sensory-Integration Therapy in the Treatment of Challenging Behavior
- Original Paper
Sarah Devlin, Olive Healy, Geraldine Leader, Brian M. Hughes
Phenotypic Overlap Between Core Diagnostic Features and Emotional/Behavioral Problems in Preschool Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Orginal Paper
Stelios Georgiades, Peter Szatmari, Eric Duku, Lonnie Zwaigenbaum, Susan Bryson, Wendy Roberts, Eric Fombonne, Pat Mirenda, Isabel Smith, Tracy Vaillancourt, Joanne Volden, Charlotte Waddell, Ann Thompson
Effects of a Family-Implemented Treatment on the Repetitive Behaviors of Children with Autism
- Original Paper
Brian A. Boyd, Stephen G. McDonough, Betty Rupp, Faraaz Khan, James W. Bodfish
Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers: Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Validation in Spain
- Original paper
Ricardo Canal-Bedia, Patricia García-Primo, María Victoria Martín-Cilleros, José Santos-Borbujo, Zoila Guisuraga-Fernández, Lorena Herráez-García, María del Mar Herráez-García, Leticia Boada-Muñoz, Joaquín Fuentes-Biggi, Manuel Posada-de la Paz
No Proprioceptive Deficits in Autism Despite Movement-Related Sensory and Execution Impairments
- Original Paper
Christina T. Fuentes, Stewart H. Mostofsky, Amy J. Bastian
Birth Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders in the San Francisco Bay Area by Demographic and Ascertainment Source Characteristics
- Original Paper
Gayle C. Windham, Meredith C. Anderson, Lisa A. Croen, Karen S. Smith, John Collins, Judith K. Grether
Treatments for Autism: Parental Choices and Perceptions of Change
- Original Paper
Anne Bowker, Nadia M. D’Angelo, Robin Hicks, Kerry Wells
Functional Assessment and Behavioural Intervention for Eating Difficulties in Children with Autism: A study Conducted in the Natural Environment Using Parents and ABA Tutors as Therapists
- Original Paper
Catherine M. Gale, Svein Eikeseth, Eric Rudrud
Changes in the Mother–Child Relationship During the Transition to Adulthood for Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Original Paper
Julie Lounds Taylor, Marsha Mailick Seltzer
Sight Word Instruction for Students with Autism: An Evaluation of the Evidence Base
- Original Paper
Janet E. Spector
Brief Report: Teaching Situation-Based Emotions to Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder
- Brief Report
Louise McHugh, Alina Bobarnac, Phil Reed
Brief Report: Face-Specific Recognition Deficits in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Brief Report
Jessica Bradshaw, Frederick Shic, Katarzyna Chawarska
Comparison of Behavioral Intervention and Sensory-Integration Therapy in the Treatment of Challenging Behavior
- Letter to the Editor
Roseann Schaaf, Erna Imperatore Blanche
Response to a Letter to the Editors re: “Comparison of Behavioral Intervention and Sensory-Integration Therapy in the Treatment of Challenging Behavior”
- Letter
Olive Healy, Brian M. Hughes, Geraldine Leader, Sarah Devlin
Emilia Murry Ramey and Jody John Ramey: Autistics’ Guide to Dating: A Book by Autistics, for Autistics and Those Who Love Them or Who Are in Love with Them
- Book Review
Lawrence A. Vitulano, Michael L. Vitulano