Uitgave 1/2022
Inhoudsopgave (40 Artikelen)
Combining Readers Theater, Story Mapping and Video Self-Modeling Interventions to Improve Narrative Reading Comprehension in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Original Paper
Rochelle B. Drill, Scott Bellini
Effects of X Chromosome Monosomy and Genomic Imprinting on Observational Markers of Social Anxiety in Prepubertal Girls with Turner Syndrome
- Original Paper
Scott S. Hall, Matthew J. Riley, Robyn N. Weston, Jean-Francois Lepage, David S. Hong, Booil Jo, Joachim Hallmayer, Allan L. Reiss
Audiovisual Speech Perception in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Evidence from Visual Phonemic Restoration
Julia Irwin, Trey Avery, Daniel Kleinman, Nicole Landi
Community Led Co-Design of a Social Networking Platform with Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Original Paper
Randy Zhu, Dianna Hardy, Trina Myers
Perinatal Factors in Newborn Are Insidious Risk Factors for Childhood Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Population-based Study
- Original Paper
Inn-Chi Lee, Yu-Hsun Wang, Jeng-Yuan Chiou, James Cheng-Chung Wei
Right Anterior Theta Hypersynchrony as a Quantitative Measure Associated with Autistic Traits and K-Cl Cotransporter KCC2 Polymorphism
- Original Paper
Simge Aykan, Meghan H. Puglia, Canan Kalaycıoğlu, Kevin A. Pelphrey, Timur Tuncalı, Erhan Nalçacı
Social-Pragmatic Inferencing, Visual Social Attention and Physiological Reactivity to Complex Social Scenes in Autistic Young Adults
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Katja Dindar, Soile Loukusa, Terhi M. Helminen, Leena Mäkinen, Antti Siipo, Seppo Laukka, Antti Rantanen, Marja-Leena Mattila, Tuula Hurtig, Hanna Ebeling
Implications of Employment Changes Caused by COVID-19 on Mental Health and Work-Related Psychological Need Satisfaction of Autistic Employees: A Mixed-Methods Longitudinal Study
- Original Paper
Yael Goldfarb, Eynat Gal, Ofer Golan
Peak Alpha Frequency and Thalamic Structure in Children with Typical Development and Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Original Paper
Heather L. Green, Marissa Dipiero, Simon Koppers, Jeffrey I. Berman, Luke Bloy, Song Liu, Emma McBride, Matthew Ku, Lisa Blaskey, Emily Kuschner, Megan Airey, Mina Kim, Kimberly Konka, Timothy P. L. Roberts, J. Christopher Edgar
Quality of Life Among Malaysian Parents with Autism Spectrum Disorder Child: The Double ABCX Model Approach
- Original Paper
Mohd Fahmi Ismail, Razitasham Safii, Rosalia Saimon, Md. Mizanur Rahman
A Systematic Review: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for the Parents of Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Original Paper
Julie Juvin, Serine Sadeg, Sabrina Julien-Sweerts, Rafika Zebdi
The Actor–Partner Effects of Parenting Stress on Quality of Life Among Parents of Children with ASD: The Mediating Role of Mental Quality of Life
- Original Paper
Hakimeh Vahedparast, Saeedeh Khalafi, Faeze Jahanpour, Razieh Bagherzadeh
The Additive Effect of CBT Elements on the Video Game ‘Mindlight’ in Decreasing Anxiety Symptoms of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Lieke A. M. W. Wijnhoven, Rutger C. M. E. Engels, Patrick Onghena, Roy Otten, Daan H. M. Creemers
Video Games for the Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review
- Original Paper
Laura Jiménez-Muñoz, Inmaculada Peñuelas-Calvo, Pilar Calvo-Rivera, Isaac Díaz-Oliván, Manon Moreno, Enrique Baca-García, Alejandro Porras-Segovia
Peer Experiences of Military Spouses with Children with Autism in a Distance Peer Mentoring Program: A Pilot Study
- Original Paper
Jennifer M. D. Kremkow, Erinn H. Finke
Are Developmental Monitoring and Screening Better Together for Early Autism Identification Across Race and Ethnic Groups?
- Original Paper
Brian Barger, Catherine Rice, Teal Benevides, Ashley Salmon, Sonia Sanchez-Alvarez, Daniel Crimmins
Changes in Knowledge on the Signs of Autism in Young Children (11–30 Months) among Female Community Health Volunteers in Nepal
- Original Paper
Rena Shrestha, Josephine Barbaro, Cheryl Dissanayake
Review of Cognitive Characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder Using Performance on Six Subtests on Four Versions of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Mizuho Takayanagi, Yoko Kawasaki, Mieko Shinomiya, Hoshino Hiroshi, Satoshi Okada, Tamiko Ino, Kazuko Sakai, Kimiko Murakami, Rie Ishida, Kaoru Mizuno, Shin-Ichi Niwa
Correction to: Review of Cognitive Characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder Using Performance on Six Subtests on Four Versions of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
- Correction
Mizuho Takayanagi, Yoko Kawasaki, Mieko Shinomiya, Hoshino Hiroshi, Satoshi Okada, Tamiko Ino, Kazuko Sakai, Kimiko Murakami, Rie Ishida, Kaoru Mizuno, Shin-Ichi Niwa
Correlates of Feeding Difficulties Among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review
- Original Paper
Shayleigh Dickson Page, Margaret C. Souders, Tanja V. E. Kral, Ariana M. Chao, Jennifer Pinto-Martin
Oxidative Stress in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Case Control Study
- Original Paper
Morten Thorsen, Niels Bilenberg, Lena Thorsen, Tanja Maria Michel
Using Generalization-Enhanced Behavioral Skills Training to Teach Poison Safety Skills to Children with Autism
- Original Paper
Ellie Morosohk, Raymond Miltenberger
Identifying Predictors of Momentary Negative Affect and Depression Severity in Adolescents with Autism: An Exploratory Ecological Momentary Assessment Study
- Original Paper
Aaron R. Dallman, Antoine Bailliard, Clare Harrop
Correction to: Identifying Predictors of Momentary Negative Affect and Depression Severity in Adolescents with Autism: An Exploratory Ecological Momentary Assessment Study
- Correction
Aaron R. Dallman, Antoine Bailliard, Clare Harrop
Fathers Raising Children on the Autism Spectrum: Lower Stress and Higher Self-Efficacy Following SMS (Text2dads) Intervention
- Original Paper
Chris D. May, Jennifer M. St George, Shelly Lane
Metaphor Comprehension in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Core Language Skills Matter
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Tamara Kalandadze, Johan Braeken, Cecilia Brynskov, Kari-Anne Bottegaard Næss
Developing a Toothbrushing Visual Pedagogy (TBVP) for Preschool Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Original Paper
Rennan Yanlin Du, Weipeng Yang, Phoebe Pui Ying Lam, Cynthia Kar Yung Yiu, Colman Patrick McGrath
Longitudinal Social and Communication Outcomes in Children with Autism Raised in Bi/Multilingual Environments
- Original Paper
Samantha Siyambalapitiya, Jessica Paynter, Vishnu K. K. Nair, Christina Reuterskiöld, Madonna Tucker, David Trembath
Autistic Adults are Not Impaired at Maintaining or Switching Between Counterfactual and Factual Worlds: An ERP Study
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Heather J. Ferguson, Lena Wimmer, Jo Black, Mahsa Barzy, David Williams
Do Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Eat Differently and Less Adequately than Those with Subclinical ASD and Typical Development? EPINED Epidemiological Study
- Original Paper
Josefa Canals-Sans, Patricia Esteban-Figuerola, Paula Morales-Hidalgo, Victoria Arija
Assessing Interdisciplinary Trainees’ Objective and Self-Reported Knowledge of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Confidence in Providing Services
- Original Paper
Leciel K. Bono, Cassity R. Haverkamp, Rebecca A. Lindsey, Rachel N. Freedman, Maryellen Brunson McClain, Vicki Simonsmeier
Trajectories of Symptom Severity in Children with Autism: Variability and Turning Points through the Transition to School
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Stelios Georgiades, Peter A. Tait, Paul D. McNicholas, Eric Duku, Lonnie Zwaigenbaum, Isabel M. Smith, Teresa Bennett, Mayada Elsabbagh, Connor M. Kerns, Pat Mirenda, Wendy J. Ungar, Tracy Vaillancourt, Joanne Volden, Charlotte Waddell, Anat Zaidman-Zait, Stephen Gentles, Peter Szatmari
Can a Community-Based Football Program Benefit Motor Ability in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder? A Pilot Evaluation Considering the Role of Social Impairments
- Original Paper
Katherine Howells, Carmel Sivaratnam, Ebony Lindor, Jason He, Christian Hyde, Jane McGillivray, Rujuta B. Wilson, Nicole Rinehart
Brief Report: Role of Parent-Reported Executive Functioning and Anxiety in Insistence on Sameness in Individuals with Germline PTEN Mutations
- Brief Report
Mirko Uljarević, Thomas W. Frazier, Gaëlle Rached, Robyn M. Busch, Patricia Klaas, Siddharth Srivastava, Julian A. Martinez-Agosto, Mustafa Sahin, Charis Eng, Antonio Y. Hardan
Characterizing Available Tools for Synchronous Virtual Assessment of Toddlers with Suspected Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Brief Report
- Brief Report
Natalie I. Berger, Allison L. Wainer, Jocelyn Kuhn, Karen Bearss, Shana Attar, Alice S. Carter, Lisa V. Ibanez, Brooke R. Ingersoll, Hannah Neiderman, Sabine Scott, Wendy L. Stone
Brief Report: Emotional Picture and Language Processing in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Brief Report
Tammy Y. Q. Wong, Melvin J. Yap, Takashi Obana, Christopher L. Asplund, Elizabeth J. Teh
Brief Report: Identifying Concerns of Military Caregivers with Children Diagnosed with ASD Following a Military Directed Relocation
- Brief Report
Britt E. Farley, Annette Griffith, Amanda Mahoney, Dorthy Zhang, Laura Kruse
Language and Aggressive Behaviors in Male and Female Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Brief Report
Emily Neuhaus, Veronica Youn Kang, Anna Kresse, Sarah Corrigan, Elizabeth Aylward, Raphael Bernier, Susan Bookheimer, Mirella Dapretto, Allison Jack, Shafali Jeste, James C. McPartland, John D. Van Horn, Kevin Pelphrey, Sara Jane Webb
Which Factors Influence Teacher Report of Adaptive Functioning in Autistic Children?
- Open Access
- Brief Communication
Heather L. Moore, Leanne Rogan, Lauren J. Taylor, Tony Charman, Ann Le Couteur, Jonathan Green, Victoria Grahame, Catherine Aldred, Matea Balabanovska, Hilary Beach, Claire Bennett, Sophie Carruthers, Imogen Crook, Hannah Danvers, Kate Dartnall, Ceri Ellis, Richard Emsley, Hannah Foote, Jessica Graham, Patricia Howlin, Neil Humphrey, Kirsty James, Sarah Jamieson, Anna Kappa, Anna Knight, Kathy Leadbitter, Jo Lowe, Sophie Langhorne, Ruth Madeley, Deborah Maskell, Olivia Mitchell, Helen McConachie, Francisca Monteiro, Cat Papastavrou Brooks, Jeremy Parr, Amelia Pearson, Andrew Pickles, Jessica Rose, Lisa Slater, Vicky Slonims, Carol Taylor, Susanna Vosper, Helen Wilson
COVID-19 Pandemic and Impact on Patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Commentary
Raman Baweja, Sierra L. Brown, Erin M. Edwards, Michael J. Murray